Saturday, November 7, 2009


I think most of you have met Spike, right?

Spike is about five or six years old now. If Spike was a dog, she'd be a Corgie--she has that body type. You know what I mean--shortish legs and solidly built. Kind of runs to fat, but SHHHHHH! Don't tell her I said that!

In the last few weeks, Hubby and I noticed Spike can't jump up on the bed anymore--she has to climb her way up. No, there's nothing wrong with her--she's not in any pain or anything. We just think she's getting too fat. Aerodynamics, gravity--whatever. Sad, really.

So I started thinking. I'm the one who feeds her, and I know she doesn't overeat. She doesn't go outside to eat mice or visit the neighbors for snacks and extra meals either. Although she can go outside whenever she likes, she doesn't enjoy it very much. Finally, after some thought, I figured Spike's problem wasn't FOOD at all--it was EXERCISE. Or, more precisely, the LACK of exercise. What to do?

After considering the options, I decided it was time to stage an in-fur-vention, and we did it tonight. We confronted Spike, told her we were putting her on a strict exercise regimen, and we brought in a personal trainer--

He may LOOK small, but he's a powerhouse of activity, and we fully expect he will get Spike into a daily exercise routine soon. So far, though, she's in denial. Well, I guess it's to be expected--you know how interventions can go. She's done nothing but look at all of us with suspicion tonight, spitting and hissing and telling us we don't understand her or love her. But she'll come around. Soon she'll realize we're only doing this for her own good, and I think she'll stop seeing her personal trainer as a threat and see him as potential boy toy material. After all, he IS pretty cute, isn't he?


  1. Spike is absolutely beautiful, if a little overweight as you say. I have one(Bella) who is exactly the same-could go outside but chooses not to most of the time. Can move and play if she wants too!!
    Then the little boy is so cute. What are you naming him-apart from Personal Trainer!!!

  2. The Personal Trainer is gorgeous. He looks very like the cat on your sidebar too.

  3. What a cute personal trainer, but Spike is the true beauty. Make sure that you give him lots of attention, and soon they will be fast friends!

  4. What a cute kitty! I see he already has his own quilt :)
    Spike will adjust.

  5. What would the personal trainers name be???? Frans or Hans they will pump you up! LOL

  6. If all personal trainers were as cute as him.....we'd all be thin!!!
    You are going to have so much fun watching them together. :)

  7. I want a personal trainer!!!

  8. ROFLOL! Lots of free entertainment coming your way!

  9. OMG! It's Mookie's Mini Me! I wanted to put my cursor over him to see if he purrs!

  10. He is SO cute. I think Spike will be over her aversion in no time. :D

  11. awe! They are both very cute but there's just something special about having a new kitten!

  12. Well now, Spike is the cutest personal trainer I ever saw. I wonder if I approached hubby for a personal trainer like that he'd approve?

  13. Yaaay! You got a new kitten! I looooove kittens, I have two 1-1/2 year olds now, since they were babies...constant entertainment! Spike will come around in no time! Congrats on the new addition! Love that quilt too, btw!

  14. Yaaay! You got a new kitten! I looooove kittens, I have two 1-1/2 year olds now, since they were babies...constant entertainment! Spike will come around in no time! Congrats on the new addition! Love that quilt too, btw!

  15. That is one super cute personal trainer!!! Spike I think you better find a good hiding spot!

  16. Oh Kim! I love your posts! Here I am scrolling along thinking you bought Spike one of those exercise toys and my heart just about spilled over when I saw the kitten/trainer. Sooo cute! I guess I'm a little sensitive to this issue since the girls and I are trying to talk Daddy into filling the void left by our 16 yr Amos we lost about 3 yrs ago. I hope your guys will soon become great friends! :-)

  17. Who could resist a personal trainer like that? Spike's already more active just keeping an eyeball on P.T.! I had a black and white kitten/cat whose name was Cyril. He and my ex's German Shepherd used to have a lot of fun playing, even if Cyril's head would be all wet at the end from where it was in the dog's mouth. That cat was on refrigerator alert at all times :)

  18. He is so cute! I adore kittens.


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