Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Awwwwwwwwww . . .

I thought you might enjoy a kitty fix. By the way, we've named him Stitch. Here he is, napping in one of the wool baskets under my desk in the office.

I wouldn't throw THIS boy out of bed for eating crackers!


  1. ah -- he's adorable! too bad they grow up to be big lunks trying to push you out of the way and steal your pillow!

  2. Since I have pet him, I know how silky his fur is and that he is a little imp. He is going to keep you and your DH in stitches :o)

  3. I still liked Hans or Frans...but Stitch will do...Now...does he sleep with your and DH and Spike?

  4. Of course I love a kitty picture...I'm a real sucker!!
    Love that name Stitch!!!

  5. I want one!!! But I think Mr. Buddy wouldn't be to happy with me if we brought home a "playmate" for him.

    Stitch is just toooo cute!

  6. Oh Kim, he melts my heart! Perfect name. Black and whites are my favourites. We currently have 'Ted', the god's gave him to us for a reason, we have never come across a cat like him before.
    I could write a book about all the trouble he has been in. We have five other rescue cats who you wouldn't even know are here.
    My neighbour's think I live with a poor guy name Ted who I'm always yelling at. It's a good thing he's adorable...


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