Monday, October 26, 2009

While I'm Away . . .

I don't have a laptop so I won't have internet access while I'm away on vacation. Since I didn't want you to get bored during my absence--and Boy Boss impressed upon me that I'd be missed if I didn't post--I decided to write some posts ahead of time and set them to publish while I'm gone--enjoy!

My back's still hurting, but I figure I'd rather be in pain at the ocean than here, so I think we're going to go anyway. I'll bring along a couple embroidery projects to work on in case I have some down time.

When I was looking through my embroidery patterns, I realized I had two of these:

Remember how I just passed my 1,000 blog post? Well, let's have a giveaway! Leave me a comment saying you want to be entered, and when I come back Friday night, I'll draw a name and post the winner.

I'll be back soon! Behave yourself--but not too much!


  1. I think its such a hoot that boy boss reads your blog! Have a great vacation and I hope the salt air is good for your back! I'd love to win the pattern - I love crabapple hill patterns!

  2. Hope your back is better and that you have a great time at the ocean! Thank you for your generous giveaway.

  3. Have a lovely holiday at the beach, I hope your back gets better soon and happy over 1000 blog posts!!

  4. Have a great time at the beach. I love Crabapple Hill patterns and this is a good one. Please enter my name in your drawing and congrats on 1000 posts!

  5. Kim,
    I hope your back is better soon and that you have a blast at the beach. Please enter me in your drawing. Have fun. Winona

  6. Sandy from ThimbleberriesOctober 26, 2009 at 8:12 PM

    I would love to win one of your embroidery items. Please enter me. I hope your back feels better especially after your vacation. Take care see you November 7th at your class.

  7. I'd love to win the embroidery pattern. Have a nice vacation. I wish you luck with your back. I have suffered for a long time with back problems and they are no fun!

  8. Oh wow! I love Crabapple Hill patterns. And this one is so cool. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Enjoy your time away. Hope you feel better soon :-)

  9. Ooooh have fun on vacation! I've never tried embroidery but this will be the perfect opportunity to start!

  10. Good for you! Tell that ole back of yours where to go and have a great time on vacation.

  11. Hope the pain eases and you have a good time on your organised that you wrote posts to publish while you are away.....!! Would love to be in the draw for the pattern.....1,000 posts....yikes.....I am not even up to 200 yet....LOLOL.....

  12. Hope you are having a nice vacation despite your back pain. Not very nice being on vacation and you don't feel well. I love crabapple hill patterns!

  13. Have a lovely vacation! Please include me in the drawing for the embroidery pattern -- I love holiday projects!
    Thanks ~ Jeanne

  14. Hi Kim!
    Sorry to hear about your back....back pain is right up there with child birth, if you ask me! Love the give-away!! Please throw my name in the hat. Only you would write posts before you go away....and you loyal followers THANK YOU!!! Have fun at the it still hot there?
    Take care and no more back flips!

  15. Hey you, I can see you hobbling around on the beach, wind blowing in your hair, DH enjoying the sun, and Oh, is that a cloth bag you have made tossed over your shoulder, with an embroidery project inside?! Ah, I wish you wonderful days of rest and relaxing, with a little clam chowder and sour dough bread to go with it.

  16. Have a great vacation. Hope your back allows you to enjoy.
    That pattern looks divine.Please count me in.

  17. I hope your vacation helps :)
    I love Crabapple Hill patterns. This are so cute! Please enter me!

  18. I'd sure like to win! Hope you have a fun and pain free vacation.

  19. I LOVE Crabapple Hill patterns! Thanks for the giveaway and have a great vacation! :0)

  20. I would love to win your givaway and love the stitching patterns. Enjoy your week.

  21. I hope you get some relief from your back pain soon. Have a good vacation! Thank you for the chance to win.

  22. Hope your back gets better soon. Enjoy your vacation. I`d love to win the pattern you`re offering.

  23. Me! Me! Kim, please pick me!

    (I just found out that my ex reads my blog..ew?!)

  24. Oh, I hope you had a wonderful time laying in the warm sand and listening to the waves... hopefully your back is better by now.

    I love this pattern and would love to win...I already have tea towels just waiting to be embellished...

  25. Hope your back is better. Please enter me in the drawing.


  26. Not that I'm a doctor or anything but I think a Cosmo....a good Nora Roberts book....and maybe a foot rub from the hubby would totally make your back feel all better! In fact? I'm feeling a bit achy in the back as well! heeheehee
    Have fun on your vacation and yep, you will be missed!

  27. Oh, I've been admiring this pattern online for several weeks. It would be great to get some of these made up for my brother for his new house.

  28. Have a great vacation and hope your back is feeling better by the time your home!
    Enter me in the drawing!

  29. I wana go, but since I can't please enter me.

  30. Ooo, I like those! Have a great vacation, you lucky ducky!

  31. Have a wonderful vacation. I lovethe tea towel pattern. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    Mary K.

  32. Oh yes please..enter me. Hope your back is feeling better too.

  33. Wow, 1000 posts! Amazing. I hope your vacation is a restful, healing time. And, the Crabapple Hill pattern is wonderful! You are so generous. . . .

  34. Oooooo! I want! LOL.

    Now I will ask nicely, can you please include me in your 1,000 post giveaway? Thank you.

    I hope you are having a wonderful, relaxing time on vacation!

  35. Please enter me in your generous giveaway. Congrats on your 1000th post! Have a great vacation, I personally know that legal secretaries are over-worked and under-paid and DESERVE vacations!

  36. i am not writing to enter - these other lovely ladies might actually get the designs embroidered - while i would have to put it on the to do list that i will have to live to be 117 and a half to finish ... just wanted to say that i hope that you are having a great, pain-free vacation at the sunnnnneee beeeeches in calleeeforneeah

  37. Enjoy your vacation and hopefully the back is better by now. Congrats on your 1000th post and thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Would love to win the Tea Towel embroidery patterns.

  38. love Crabapple Hill patterns, please enter me in the give away.

  39. I hope your vacation leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to do something really creative! I love your giveaway pattern. Please enter me in the drawing.

  40. Hi, Kim, hope your vacation is restful and healing. Those towels would make great Christmas gifts for my DDIL! Hugs, Cathy Trumble

  41. Hope your back is better and congrats on #1000! I read your blog before watching the news in the morning. As long as you are writing, I know everything will be OK.
    Please enter me in the giveaway. Those tea towels look like they would be a great gift for anyone.
    And thanks for thinking of us while you are relaxing and stitching. Couldn't start my day without you!

  42. Hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation (with no back pain!). Please enter me to win; would love that cute pattern. Thanks!

  43. Please enter me to win. Thanks for a great blog. Have fun on vacation.

  44. wow, Kim, I am glad I am not the only one who buys the same pattern twice! It's a great one. I would love to win and I hope you have a great vacation and feel better.

  45. 1000 post of pure entertainment for me! It has been following your blog...daily.

  46. Hi Kim!!!Hope your having a wonderful time at the Ocean,Please
    enter me to WIN the beautiful pattern.Imelda

  47. Kim,

    Hope your back gets better soon!
    I would love to win your giveaway.
    Trish @

  48. Please enter me in your giveaway. Hope you feel better and can enjoy your vacation!

  49. Oooooh, pick me!! Happy 1000th post! And get well soon!

  50. What a cute pattern! Please enter me too. I hope your back feels better soon~ I like the idea of a nice muscle-relaxing Cosmos! ;-)

  51. Umm...yea. Please enter me in your give away! Have a great tine away!

  52. I'd love to be entered.

    I will be working on my embriodery project for our class at Imelda's.
    I am looking forward to the class on Nov 7th. Bring what you did for show and tell!

    I hope you feel better. Bengay is wonderful stuff.....

  53. I love Crabapple Hill patterns. Hope your back feels better after a few days away.
    Thanks for including me in your giveaway.

  54. So sorry about your back problems Kim! Glad you were able to go away in spite of them and I sure hope you and your hubby have a wonderful, relaxing time! My honey suffers from severe multi-level spinal stenosis, so I can certainly understand your discomfort. Sure hope there's something that can get you back to feeling good and tks so much for another great giveaway!

  55. Wow, you must really like this pattern! I'd like to be entered, too.

  56. I would love to be entered in the give away. I hope your back is feeling better. Sheila

  57. I was just trying to catch up on my favorite blogs...
    Congatulations on your 1,000th post! Holy moly! When did you start??? Please put my name into the hat! Your blog is always entertaining and fun to visit! Have a great vacation!

  58. can't wait to hear about your vacation and I bet there will be awesome pictures!! hope your back is all better too!! back pain is a real nuisance!!

  59. Have a great vacation. Hope your back gets better.


  60. Are you going to Santa Cruz? That's where I grew up. Why did I ever move away? Please enter me in your drawing. Pick me! Pick me!
    Chris in Sacramento

  61. Hope your vacation is just the ticket to get your back feeling better. Thanks for the giveaway.

  62. Congratulations on 1,000 posts! I do hope you're feeling better.

  63. Hope you enjoyed your vacation and your back has stopped bothering you. OH and yes do enter me to be the winner. :)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!