Wednesday, October 7, 2009

An Autumn Trip to the Market

Yesterday I told you a friend and I were planning a trip to a local (just out of town) farmer's market/fruit and veggie stand. Unfortunately my friend couldn't make it today, but I decided that getting out in the beautiful 75 degree weather for a little drive was still the perfect lunch hour plan, even if it meant going by myself. And when I arrived? Tons of pumpkins greeted me!

Pretty cool, huh? I didn't take home any of the varieties of squash you see piled into this wagon, but aren't they a delight to look at?

Check out all of these weird gourds! I brought home a few--I just couldn't resist!

I thought about buying a couple dried gourds too (and maybe some of those corn stalks in the back there), but in the end, I didn't--I just brought home a photo.

I took this photo while I was waiting in line to check out. I realized I'd been so busy shopping, I'd forgotten to take many photos, so I took one more.

Of course, I HAD to bring back little pumpkins for my work "kids," Boy Boss and Girl Boss II. Boy Boss drew a face on his already. I gave him a pumpkin last year and I think he still had it in July!

Did you think I came home with just pumpkins? Nope! Corn on the cobb, Roma tomatoes, and green beans came home with me too. Sadly, I think this will probably be the last of this season's corn--and fresh picked tomatoes and green beans too.

NOW I'll show you the pumpkins--and gourds and squash, and who can even tell what's what? Probably the farmer who grew them, but I'm just going to enjoy them, whatever they may be!

That BIG pumpkin up front? That's Hubby "gift"--he'll carve it for Halloween.

And you know what? Remember my friend who couldn't make it today? I'm going to tell her that if she wants to go later this week or next, I'm up for another trip. I know it's hard to believe, but before I went to the market, I had a mental list of pumpkins I wanted to get, and somewhere along the way, I lost the list. I'll let you know if I go back.


  1. I'm thinking thhis was a looonnng llunch hour. But fun. Love the boy bodsess face.

  2. Boy you certainly get a good choice plus from what i saw a great price here a mini squash whihc went in to the microwave it end could sit in a sugar bowl & that cost £1 which is around $1.50 approx to buy not seen the big ones & then they mostly sell by weight if in a small store
    Hugs Janice

  3. Awwwwwwwww, what a glorious place! I definitely vote for a 2nd trip! Your weather sounds quite nice too! It's still miserably hot down South ... supposed to feel like 103 out today; and that coupled w/those "power surges" us ladies get, well, it's just down right miserable. One more month and it oughta be gorgeous ... just like all your pumpkins!

  4. What fun! You need to take a trip back just to look. Love all that you brought home with you.

  5. You sure know how to shop! Good Will, quilt shops and now farmers markets! Next you will be writing a book about all your tips and tricks when shopping.

    I can hardly wait to see what your DH does with his pumpkin gift.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!