Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Most of the Time . . .

I'm a fairly quiet person. I know many of you will find that hard to believe, but it's true. Before I started teaching quilt classes, I thought I'd pass out from not breathing if I had to stand up in front of a class and speak in PUBLIC! Now I'm getting somewhat used to it--although I'm not sure I could do the same thing in front of non-quilters!

I've even been told by some of the gals who hang out at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks that they thought I was really quiet, shy, and reserved. Of course, that was before they read my blog. Now they have a better idea of what I'm really thinking when I'm being a bit quiet.

So, as I get older, I find I've loosened up a little more. Someday, maybe when I'm about 100 years old, I'll be a Rowdy Girl too!

(Woman watching Tokyo street parade during the annual Asakusa Samba carnival.)

For more amusement, check out THIS website. Maybe not something you'd want your kids to look at though. (If you can't get on, try back later--they're kinda busy right now.)


  1. While I was in college I was required to take a couple of speech classes, one of which was public speaking. The professor would have us write speeches about traumatic personal events in our life and we had to share them with everyone. Talk about hard... Love the People of Walmart site. Too funny!

  2. love the new background on your blog! too cute

  3. HEY!!! how did my picture get on that website?!? i KNEW i should have left my Rowdy Girl hat at home that day...

  4. 'Still waters run deep' springs to mind! I'm only rowdy with children and students and I most certainly couldn't talk to a room full of adults. Even playing in Church finishes me for the day, and since I'm a trained musician that's kinda my job!
    By the way, today I posted photos of the finished DRESS, (if you're interested?) so hurray now I can return to quilting without sarky comments from the Hub about not getting on with 'proper' things! (Does that make quilting improper, je me demande?)

  5. that picture is hysterical. It has to be her expression. Lovin' the pumpkin background!

  6. Oh my gosh, that Walmart page, too much, seen a few like that when I've sneaked in there for something! I think a lot of those same people hang out at 7-11 too. Have you ever noticed that?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!