Sunday, September 6, 2009

Getting Ready

Friday at 5:30 p.m. my vacation started. Whoopie! And on Monday, around noon, I'll leave for quilt camp. Double whoopie squared!

In the meantime, I've started getting ready for the Buggy Barn class I teach next Saturday, the day after I get back from camp. By now, you know how I am--I DO STUFF for my students, so that's what I'm doing--DOING STUFF. Can't tell you what, but I'll show you later. I think I have things well in hand now, though. Tomorrow I'll need to run to the grocery store and get a few things and then I'll be nearly ready for class.

Physically, I'm feeling better--all the stomach stuff seems to have resolved. Mentally and emotionally, I still have my ups and downs. Depression is hard to explain--it's not just a feeling of sadness. It makes no sense, and it seems to sneak up on me when I least expect it--like it did this afternoon. Now it's gone away again, thank goodness, and I hope getting away to quilt camp for some much needed R&R and the company of friends will do me a lot of good.

I haven't been very good this summer about keeping up my reading list in my sidebar. I know that some of you have read and recommended The Help--I'm packing that book to take to camp with me. I just finished reading THIS book--

I started reading it last night, and I picked it back up this afternoon. And despite the fact that I had a lot of other things I should have been doing, I didn't want to put it down again until I reached the end. It was a good book--happy, sad, and made me cry a lot.

This evening, I thought I'd spend a little time with my Blogland friends and visit some folks I hadn't visited for awhile. I was quite surprised to find several bloggers seemed to be about as down I was, many hadn't posted a blog entry in several weeks, and a few had announced they intended to take a break from blogging. It seemed that reading blogs wasn't going to do much to improve my mood! After awhile though, as I continued reading and got to the blogs of many of my newer Blogland friends, I found my mood lightening and I felt much more positive.

Blogging on a regular basis takes a certain amount of "work," but it gives so much back that it seems worth the time and effort--visiting blogs tonight reminded me of that. I won't be able to blog while I'm away at quilt camp, but I hope to come home with photos and stories to tell. Before I leave, though, I have to finish getting everything ready and I have one more blog post to write. See you tomorrow!


  1. wow....holidays AND a trip to quilt camp.....lucky duck!! have a wonderful time...look forward to hearing all about it when you get back....depression is something that does come and go particularly at "this" time of life.....there are some days i really struggle to get out of bed .... and there is never a reason for it...I am happy..have a great relationship...great healthy..all the kids and grandkids are happy and why do I feel "flat" idea.....but it doesn't last long...thank goodness....take care of yourself and have a wonderful time at camp!

  2. Enjoy quilt camp and some time away from the office. I've been posting pretty didn't stop by. :-)

  3. Hope you have a wonderful time at Quilt Camp! That would be a fun way to spend time this week :o) Hope you continue to feel good. Wish I could attend one of your classes! Sounds like your girls have a wonderful time.

  4. Have a great time at your retreat! I wish I was going. I LOVE Tahoe.

  5. Have a great time at the retreat. I envy you! And hope you are feeling better and the blues go away. Thanks for the book recommendation, I will have to check it out next time I go to the bookstore. I have a couple of Border's coupons burning a hole in my purse.

  6. i know THAT kind of depression - it is very sneaky and it really sucks ... when life is being a piece of crap i can understand being down - but when most of the whole wide World is NOT beating us up ... well, it IS difficult to put into words, eh?

  7. Have fun at Quilt Camp! Can't wait to see what wonderful things you get done there. Enjoy your time away and know we will be waiting to hear all about it when you get back!

    Sandy A in St. Louis

  8. Still some morning left - just got up and having my cup of tea with you. Up or down you are someone I am so glad is in my life. Taking time out for yourself with all the transitions you are going through sound like the ticket. I will miss you while you are at camp!

    Sew long.

  9. Kim, have a great btime at quilt camp! I know, depression can't be easily explained, but as you said, you will get through it. Getting away could be just the thing. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  10. Hope you have a great Quilt Camp & a great time
    Hugs Janice


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