Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You Want Some of This?

Tonight I'm somewhat quietly quilting in the Sweat Shop and planning an early evening in bed with a good book, so I thought I'd just post a reminder that if you're interested in acquiring a rather heavy box of leftover fabrics straight from the Kim's Big Quilting Adventure Sweat Shop and if you live here in the US ('cause although a certain amount of fame has come my way, fortune is lagging far, far behind), please scroll down a couple posts to my giveaway (I think it was the Monday post) and leave me a comment saying you want to be entered to win. I'll be brushing off the old random number generator (aka Hubby) tomorrow night to draw the winner, so don't be late!

And here's another sort of fun thing, I think. Scroll down to that counter thing in my sidebar. As you'll notice, I've had more visitors than I can count on my fingers and toes, and it looks like it's not too far from turning over to another big number--if my blog was a car and those were miles, it would be on it's last legs, that's for sure! So here's the game. Tell me the date you think it will turn over to 300,000 visitors. Those of you who guess the right date will go into a drawing. And because I very rarely even look at that counter thing, the person who notices and first comments when it goes over 300,000 also gets into the drawing--maybe even as a second entry if the same person already guessed the date correctly too! I'll only leave the comments for this open until Thursday night, so get your guess in soon. After that, no more guessing and we'll see who wins!

Oh, and I suppose the winner would want a prize too? Okay, if the winner is here in the US, that person will get to chose either a box of leftover/scrap fabrics JUST LIKE THE ONE UP ABOVE or a couple of patterns--I'll figure out which patterns in the next day or two. And if the winner lives somewhere outside the US? The winner will get the patterns--because they're light enough not to cost me a fortune to send! I'm thinking the patterns will probably be a couple I'd like to give away and maybe one of my new Changing Leaves patterns WITH the wool necessary to make it. Or maybe just one of my kits I've made up for that pattern (you can see a photo of the kit in my Etsy store). Or something like that--something pretty okay anyway. So, do you want to play? Leave me a comment ON THIS POST with the date you think the counter will turn over to 300,000. Don't you just love a good guessing game?!


  1. That's a big box of fabric scraps. I'm going to guess Sunday, August 23rd for the day the roll over to 300,000 will happen.

  2. I guess the 25. Wow you have alot of visitors! Probably because we like when you post daily. Thanks Janet

  3. I think it will the 31st of this month.

  4. I am going to guess the 27th because that is my son's 10th birthday....

  5. Oh, Boy I have to think this late at night.... the 26th.

    You go girl!

  6. I think it will be Friday 21st
    Hugs Janice

  7. Well, if I figure I just keep coming back everyday, several times a day and keep that counter going...Hmmm....just kidding of course! I'm thinking 1 Sept just cause it is hubby's birthday and he seems to have all the luck!

  8. Kim, I don't see the counter but at the rate you are going I will say by Saturday.

  9. Wow! That's a big number. How about August 29?

  10. I'll say the 30th.
    Read your blog faithfully.

  11. Let's see....297,700 divided by how many days you have been blogging times the number of people that actually comment divided by the number of people that don't comment and add the the days of the week and then click your heels three times and say " I wanna be the winner, I wanna be the winner, I wanna be the winner"
    Or just guess!! the 26th.... for no apparent reason whatsoever....

  12. Wow, sign me up for a chance to win the fabric scrap box. Roll over will be on Aug. 24th. VickiD

  13. WOW! Sign me up for the chance to win if you would and I am guessing maybe Sept 1 you are gonna turn that big corner!
    Hope you start feeling better real quick!
    Love your blog, keep it going!

  14. I'm gonna guess the 31st. Just because it's the 1st school day here and I've gotta go back to work that day:) Thanks for the game!

  15. I'm going to guess Saturday the 22nd!

  16. I think it'll happen on the 21st, late in the evening.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think your counter will turn to 300 000 on the 28th.

  19. Oh boy, I tried to edit my post and it deleted. Anyway, please enter me in the drawing and I think you will hit 300,000 on August 24th.

  20. I'm going to go a bit further out and guess my birthday, Sept. 19 :) xoxo melzie

  21. I am guessing the August 30th, what would have been my daughter's 29th birthday. She just passed 3 weeks ago.

  22. That is a huge box with scraps. I am guessing Monday the 24th, because that is when the kids are going back to school.

  23. Whow! That is a lot of visitors ... but then again, you have a great Blog, so I can certainly understand how you reached such a wonderfully high number. Now on the date it will roll over ... uhmmmmmmm, let's see! I think I'll say Sept 7th ... cuz it's my Dad's Birthday (he's in Heaven now) and it's also Labor Day! Congratulations on such wonderful success :)

  24. My first guess is September 1, so I'll have to share the date with at least one other person!

  25. I'm going to go with my friend's birthday and say September 5! I forget how I found your blog, but I'm glad I added it to my feed reader! I love seeing what quilty things you're up to!

  26. Wow, what I wouldn't give to win a big box of scraps!!!! Just a guess...Sept. 12th.

  27. Hi Kim,
    I am going to guess Sept. 18th. That is our daughter's birthday. You have a great blog. Winona

  28. I'll guess the 28th of August. What a fun way to play! thanks, Kim.

  29. I'll say the 28th of Aug. Sounds like a good day to me.

    But then I have never been good at guessing.

    This is fun. I just love quilt blogs.


  30. Can only guess what must be in that big box....whatever it is, will make one quilter very happy!
    And my guess for the big drum roll is August 30th.

  31. Hi,

    My guess would be September 13th.


  32. I will guess Aug. 24th, our oldest daughter's birthday!

  33. I will guess the second of September, but I wouldn't be surprised if you reach that number before then.
    And I would pick the scraps. It looks like so much fun.

  34. I'm going to guess you will hit 300K visitors on Sept 3rd. Love your blog!

  35. Congratulations Kim! Wow! You could fill a stadium with that amount of people! All there to see you! I'm guessing the 29th, because that's my dad's birthday.

  36. That sure is a lot of visitor - how do you have room for all of them? Oh and it will turn to that big number on September 2nd.

  37. Hi Kim,
    I am guessing Sept 18...
    You have alot of visitors ... your blog is great!

  38. I'm guessing Sept. 17, my dad's ninety-third birthday!

  39. I'm saying Aug 22th. Your blog is the first one I read each morning.
    Sure would like to win!

    Nancy E

  40. August 28th. I love guessing games! :-) Thanks for the fun!

  41. I think sept. 1. Love your blog. Thanks for the chance.

  42. Let's go with 9/3/09! That'd be pretty darned good. Thanks for a great blog.

  43. You make everything so much fun. I will guess Sept 3

  44. I'll guess August 28th. I hope I'm right.

  45. I think it will happen on Saturday 22 August. Ronelle

  46. I think the 300,000 will tick over very quickly so I am guessing sometime on August 22nd.

  47. September 5 at 11:00 Eastern, LOL!

  48. I will guess the 26th .... my parent's 59th wedding anniversary

  49. I'll guess September 1!!!

    Thanks for the chance to win that delicious looking box!!!


  50. Wow, you get alot of hits. I will guess Sunday, August 23rd. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for the contest.

  51. Well Kim,
    I am going to guess August 31 because it is the day I return back to school.
    I am not sure that it will be soon enough but there is no mathematical way to predict when the counter turns over-
    You do think of the most interesting contests..
    Happy quilting...

  52. my guess is September 29th.

    guess I'll have to wait and see what happens.

    Robin C in Virginia

  53. I will guess September 4th.

    Louise in SLC, UT

  54. I'll take a guess that on August 28th, you'll pass the 300,000 mark. How exciting!

  55. Oh I am CRYING over here! I missed the first giveaway... Rats!

    Okay, I absolutely can't miss this one. My guess is August 23.

  56. I'm going to guess August 31 - for no particular reason! Guessing the counter is certainly different! Let's see, if I come back often to check the counter, will I screw up my chances by increasing the count? Such a dilemma!

  57. I think that it is going to be Friday, August 21 around 9:00 p.m. when it will roll over to 300000! Hope I win!

  58. The counter is going to turn over to 300000 if the very early hours of August 22, 2009!

  59. I'm going to guess the you'll reach 300 thousand on September the 15th.
    chris in sacramento

  60. Hmmm, I'll say on the 23rd of August. How exciting!!

  61. I will guess the 11th of September as your "biggie" - congrats on that great number. I don't spend every night reading all the good blogs, but I do check in every few days!
    Thanks for the chance, Deb in Ohio
