Friday, August 7, 2009

Three For Me!

Yes, another finish! This is the quilt top I made from Kaye England's Back Home Again BOM pattern using the Ellery line of fabric--it looks like ice cream or sherbet, doesn't it? Yummy! Although I have it laid out on my king size bed, it really fits a queen--our "spare" bed is a double, and I think it will be just fine on it once I get it quilted someday.

Enough about me though. Did you see how many bloggers are listed in the sidebar as participants in the Finish it in August challenge? I'm pretty excited so many of us are getting things done!

Paulette has been busy--go on over and take a look! She's got her own special name for this challenge though--she's calling it the "Sucking My Will to Live" Challenge. She says it's nothing personal, so presumably she isn't accusing ME of sucking her will to live--I think it's just the mounting pile of UFOs that are getting to her.

Sara has joined in the challenge, and she's identified a few things she wants to get busy working on. You might want to cheer her on--we all need the encouragement, don't we?!

Carol is trying to get something quilted every day--WOW! She still has binding to add, but she's gotten a few table runners quilted and they're looking great!

Anna has also been busy. She's been identifying some of her UFOs, trying to use some of her stash, and working on projects that have been hanging around for way toooooo long!

The weekend is nearly here and I have plans for getting some things done, although a good part of that time will be spent getting ready for a class I'm teaching the following weekend--A Frightfully Crazy Halloween Party at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks.

It's time for me to get off the computer and get a couple blueberry cobblers out of the oven. Want to come by for coffee and cobbler? If you're too far away, click on over to Nancy's blog for her Sticka Buttah Cobbler--that's the recipe I used tonight and it's super quick and simple to make.

Now, go forth and make beautiful things and I'll see you back here soon!


  1. What a beautiful quilt, really nice, your not nice making my mouth water with talk of the blueberry cobbler i think i am just a tad too far to come for coffee being in the UK lol well done
    Hugs Janice

  2. Kim the quilt on the bed is stunning. Do you quilt them yourself? That cobbler souns so good. Wish I were closer.

  3. It turned out beautiful, and I do like it much better than in the Back Home Again line. Good job!


  4. That's a real beauty and congratulations on finishing another top :)

  5. Kim....that's a real beauty!!!

  6. Thanks for adding me, Kim. Now I'll have to get working this weekend so I can post a finish! Have a great day!

  7. I love that quilt! The colors are just wonderful together.

  8. The colors on that quilt are lovely...and it is very pretty...

    I'm happy the week-end is here - I plan on sewing for most of it...

  9. Kim your quilt is beautiful!@*#@*! I love it. I wish I would have known that you were going to have a monthly finishes group... darn.

  10. Kim, You make it look so easy!! Your (THIRD!!) quilt is gorgeous!!! I am still working on the #$#@## snowballs but I am getting there....if I have to stay up all night I'm gettin'er done!!!

  11. Oh how I like that quilt! I'd never thought to use a big print like that for patchwork, but it gives a lovely effect. I will now re-assess the stash, so may not actually get any more sewing done this month. (Does Stash assessment count as work? You know like the Banks put on their doors- 'Closed for stock-taking:apologies for any inconvenience caused. I could put a notice on the kitchen door.) (Actually its Shops where I've seen that, do Banks do stock-taking?)

  12. Beautiful, Kim! And you are sewing me into the dust, lol. I haven't accomplished anything yet, but in my defense, I have to wait for the weekend :o)

  13. HI Kim,
    I am making progress- the star quilt is quilted and now needs trimming- and then I will make binding- It was 88X 104 inches so it is a queen sized quilt. It is for my husband to celebrate IYA ( International Year of Astronomy.)
    I still have the small wall hanging to quilt - tomorrow's project.

    I love your quilt on the bed today. It is absolutely gorgeous- so elegant looking. I vaguely remember when you showed these photos before- so pretty.

    I look forward to seeing other people's finishes. It is very satisfying to get things finished.

    Happy Quilting,

  14. Wow Kim, your quilt is really gorgeous! Could we see some more pics of it? Don't be so modest! :-) It's just lovely, nice work!

  15. Not only does she complete THREE project, she whips up a cobbler AND she wins the giveaway at MODA Bake shop!! The girl is super human!!! Congrats!

  16. I designed and made a Prairie Vest for #3 son. I am counting that in my August total, will have to take a picture and post it.

    Your quilt is beautiful. You made such a good choice to make it out of Ellery. Well done!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!