Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' . . . .

Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up

By any chance, do you remember the old TV show Rawhide (with a young Clint Eastwood)? I keep hearing that theme music in my head whenever I think about getting stuff DONE this month. (At least it makes for a nice change from the usual voices in my head!) We have a pretty good number of bloggers sitting over there in the sidebar, participating in this particular quilting rodeo too! And for those of you playing along, what are you working on? I'll have to stop by to visit your blogs and see what's going on in your neighborhood and report back here.

Remember my quilt rack? Well, the oddest thing has been happening since I decided to grab hold of the reins of this runaway UFO Mobile and get stuff done. Here's how it looked when I came home from work today:

And this isn't the first time. In fact, it's the third time in the last couple days. Apparently Spike has decided to help me pick out projects by knocking them all onto the floor! Well, at least she's helped me figure out a few that I'd like to finish this month, and I've started a list in my sidebar.

No, no new finishes today. What did you say? Did I hear you ask what I'm working on? Well, remember the Back Home Again BOM quilt I was making with the Ellery line? THAT's what I'm working on. I should have something to show you in a couple days.

Now, you're probably wondering about the pattern giveaways, right? Here are the winners whose names were drawn at random:

Giveaway 1: Jess at Life in the White House

Giveaway 2: Donna D. of Hemet, California (no blog)

Giveaway 3: Gail (no blog)

Giveaway 4: Carol at Heirlooms for You

Ladies, if you'll click on my profile and then click on email, you can email me directly to give me your mailing address. I'll get these patterns in the mail to you this week! And if I don't hear from any of the winners by Friday, I'll pick a second place winner, so don't delay! I want to get these patterns out of here!

Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Count 'em out, ride 'em in,
Ride 'em in, count 'em out,
Count 'em out, ride 'em in


  1. Thanks Kim. Now I am going to bed dreaming of cattle and
    dusty/smelly ole cowboys! See ya tomorrow!


  2. that tune is stuck in my head...maybe I'll use it in the store today to get everyone moving...

  3. Kim, Thanks so much for picking me for #4. I will be emailing you in just a few minuets. I just want to let you know I posted about you and your giveaway on my blog. Hope you will check it out. Thanks again. Your blog is a hoot. I will be back. Carol

  4. I want to be added to as a Finish It In August participant. I'm trying right now to get some quilting done. I have lots of table runners and small quilts to finish up. Spike sure likes to help you. My little puppy Betty was helping me in my sewing room yesterday too.

  5. Oh......

    fabric out, cut it up,
    get it stitched, piece it up,
    pin it up, get it quilted,


    Yee Haw...go Kim...

  6. Well, dang yer hide! Now I've got THAT stuck in my head. Oh, well, at least it bumped out the obnoxious mini sirloin burger jingle.

  7. Spike had heck of a party then!

  8. Thank you Kim!

    Can't believe I actually won!

  9. Yes I do remember this song Kim- thanks for the ear worm to sing by while I am quilting on the star quilt VBG- I might need to change the words to spinning , spinning or something like that LOL
    On another note,I saw on Micki's blog that your blog was recognized as a great blog in the Irish Quilting magazine- Congratulations - it is a well deserved honor.
    Congratulations to your giveaway winners.
    In the meantime I better get rolling or is that spinning.
    Warmest regards,

  10. Thanks now that tune is stuck in my head too! Good luck with your projects.

  11. I does be h-inspired to h-emulate you and am going hammer and tongs (or should that be 'needle and thread') at my small quilt. Making great progress. A baby quilt and a scrap quilt to finish and three scrap denimn bags requested and waiting to be made would be my aim for please count me in too?

  12. Congratulations to the winners. Now I am off to get that song out of my head!!! Happy days and have fun finishing some sewing.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!