Friday, August 28, 2009

No Willpower

A couple days ago, I said I was doing fairly well at ignoring the "call" of winter/Christmas fabrics. Several of you mentioned you were drooling a bit over the Figgy Pudding fabrics, so in a weak moment, I decided to take another look at the line. Why do I do that to myself? Yes, I did order a little bit more. I found a shop online that had the fabrics at a good price and a layer cake on sale, and I was undone. Shameful.

When it comes to quilt-related stuff and books, I have hardly any willpower. But what about other things? Food? I'm okay there, depending on my mood and whether the moon is full, although that's not to say I don't give in to temptation more than I should. It's just that I don't feel I need to eat everything I see--so I'm better about food than I am about fabric and books.

Shoes? Nope, not my weakness. Maybe they WOULD be if my feet were easier to fit, but they aren't. So me and shoes is kind of like I imagine I would be with fabric if I was color blind; or books if I was just plain blind, blind. Nah! Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I'd still have a lot of fabric and books.

Some women are tempted by designer handbags. Not me. Clothing? Well, I like clothes and I certainly look better in them than out of them, but I don't care for shopping much, so clothes aren't a big temptation. In fact, I stopped in at Kohl's tonight for a new pair of slippers and considered some new summer jammies, but I resisted, and it really wasn't that hard. I didn't even cry.

Make-up? Hair stuff? Toiletries? Going to the beauty parlor? Nope. Sometimes it's necessary but most of the time, I don't think about that kind of thing. Not until people run away from me screaming, and then I figure it's time to look in a mirror and take steps to correct things.

You know what? Now that I think about it, I'm a pretty good bargain in a wife. I'm not tempted by a whole lot of things that tempt most women, so Hubby's getting off lightly. Not to mention the fact that he's surrounded by some good quilts. So I guess I'm not that bad after all! Hey, what's a little fabric and book buying now and then compared to what I COULD be spending? In fact, considering all the money I've saved right here, I think I'll go take one more look at that Figgy Pudding line.


  1. Oh dear - I'm pretty much tempted by all of the above :(

    That would possibly be why I'm still single :)

    Never mind, you HAVE to buy fabrics for stash, because we all know, we stumble across a pattern using them in two years time, and - what - no fabric!

    Rachelle x

  2. I am with you as far as tempations go quilting goes the only thing in DH favour is that we don't get bargains or even see some of the great fabrics you do over there & if i do see ones i like i am curbed by our TAX if i should want to go mad so i think between DH & Tax man it a conspiracy to stop me buying I am allowed more if it a gift so why can't i have it as a gift to myself instead of taxman saying it a purchase lol
    Hugs Janice

  3. I think I'm a "low cost" wife too. My only vice is quilting! Not into shoes, clothes, makeup any more,that's one of the big perks of not going out to work I reckon. Still, DH's hobby is model engineering, and that's waaaay more costly than quilting, so he understands when I HAVE to buy something like fabric or thread!

  4. Kim you are too funny. Please send us the link to get that fabric on sale.

  5. DH thinks I'm a high cost wife, but that's in comparison to himself. I no longer buy many clothes, shoes, makeup, etc. since retiring, but I'm deep into quilting. I have a good machine and don't want another, but I can't resist fabric! By comparison, he does nothing; as a matter of fact, it worries me that he needs to develop a year round interest.

  6. To late Fiesta, The fabric is all gone after Kim get's her hands on it. LOL

  7. I would have to agree with you on this. It is so much easier to buy material books etc than finding something that looks good on you and as for buying shoes. They hardly ever have the size I want. Happy shopping.

  8. Sounds like we both have logical minds.

  9. Kim, I would say that you are actually SAVING your hubby money. I mean, look, you don't buy designer shoes, purses, clothes etc, etc..... so all that money you are saving has to be put to good use. And I can't think of a better way then to stimulate the economy and help your LQS. You are doing us ALL a favor!

  10. I feel the same way that you do. Fabric, sewing machines, quilt books and notions are really my only extravagances in hubby is getting off cheap!

  11. D'you know I was recently telling the Hub exactly the same thing- that I'm a pretty good bargain! And he doesn't even let me buy fabric as a rule (see latest post for very bad wife-moment) so almost all my quilting is from people's dressmaking scraps. I'm jolly going to make him read your post- I agree that I could be MUCH MUCH worse!

  12. OMG, I have absolutely no willpower whatsoever when it comes to "quilty things!" Even if I pass 'em by the 1st time, 2nd time and even the 3rd time, they haunt me until they become mine!!! It's insane really. As far as all the other stuff in life, I'm not much of a shopper, thank goodness; but when I do see something I'd like to have, I can normally walk away for good as long as it's not one of those "quilty things!"

  13. You ARE a bargain and I'm sure your dear hubby knows that! I think I'm a bargain too but sometimes my DH doesn't agree - but I am cute *LOL* and he loves me as much as I love him! We are very fortunate women.

  14. well I got rid of the husband so I have no one to answer to .... and a house full of fabric and books and magazines .... maybe I could rent a husband to come over and rant and rave about me having too much junk LOL

  15. Oh. I like and am tempted about everything you mentioned above. Thankfully my husband doesn't say much.

    By the way - thank you for the link for the hourglass blocks. I need work on getting my points to line up in the middle but it was much easier to do versus how the pattern was telling me. Thank you again!

  16. I am much like you, I am not really into the clothes, shoes, handbags scene, I do like books though. I like that Figgy Pudding line too, I got a kit with it from Fat Quarter Shop which I still need to make, it is very pretty stuff.

  17. How funny! This was so cute that I read it to my hubby. His response was, "That sounds like something you'd write!" I wonder if a lot of us don't think like this!

  18. I would rather have fabric than clothes, shoes or bags any day!!

    I just posted a finish using Figgy Pudding on my blog this morning...

    2 charm packs and some white....

  19. Tell me about it. I was at the shop when they unpacked a fall fabric and I said "I don't really like it"........ then I got caught up in fabric buying with my friends and well.... the end of the bolt came home with me........ along with 3 yards of the border stripe. Like you, shoes, make-up and such aren't my weakness.

  20. Tell me about it. I was at the shop when they unpacked a fall fabric and I said "I don't really like it"........ then I got caught up in fabric buying with my friends and well.... the end of the bolt came home with me........ along with 3 yards of the border stripe. Like you, shoes, make-up and such aren't my weakness.

  21. I am the same way as you...clothes, shoes, makeup, all that stuff - doesn't interest me! But, books, yarn and fabric! - well - no will power!!!

    I will be posting my finishes on Sunday - mainly because a couple are gifts and the people read my blog - but, the baby shower is tomorrow...

  22. Kim,
    I have no willpower...I am a frabricaholic! Thanks for sharing your story.

  23. I'm like you with your temptations...gadgets and fabrics for me.

  24. Kim, I'm with you. Fabric, yes...all that other stuff, no. So it could be a lot worse. I color my hair myself, I do my own nails, I even cut the kids' hair. Hmmm....time to do some online fabric shopping, methinks! :-) Thanks for the excuse! LOL

  25. I love the Figgy Pudding fabric too. I cut out some hexagons with this fabric now to find time to finish my table runner. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who is not big on clothes buying. I'm content with the few clothes I have as I would rather spend my money on quilting stuff.

  26. You sound like the perfect wife for sure! And what could be better for the home than beautiful hand made fabric items! Need plenty of stock to keep it ticking over...

  27. My friend and I have this discussion with each other every time we just can't help ourselves in the quilt shop. We don't drink (much). We don't smoke. We don't spend days at the spa. We don't buy tons of clothes or shoes. Our only vice is quilt fabric and yarn shopping. All in all I do think our husbands are very, very lucky.

  28. How blessed you are! You are a good wife and help the economy. A DH could not ask for more.
    I like your rationale. :0)


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