Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nearly Ready

I'm very nearly ready for the Buggy Barn Halloween class tomorrow--I just have a few things to pack up. Here's something I've been working quite hard on:

What do you suppose those are? And I wonder what's INSIDE of them? I'll show you and tell you more tomorrow.

I heard from Carol over at Carol's Crafty Creations today that the random number generator picked ME to win her pattern giveaway--the one with the Ms. Rosie patterns. Wooo-hooo! See, ladies? I TOLD you not to try to enter that one! Yep, I felt it calling my name when I first saw it on Carol's blog! Of course, you know I'll pass the patterns along once I've made the quilts--or decided I'm never going to get around to making the quilts!

How's everyone doing on getting things DONE? I haven't had a chance to visit you in the last few days, but once this class is over, I'll be by to take a look and see what you've been up to! And some of you wrote or commented that you didn't have a blog but would play along too--how are you doing? August is half over, and I know I haven't crossed off nearly as much as I'd hoped but I also know I've gotten a couple things done that aren't on the list, so I don't feel too much like a slacker!

Time for me to get to bed and rest up before class--I know I have a couple trouble-makers I'll have to keep an eye on tomorrow, so I'd better be alert. And if I'm not absolutely beat by the time I get home, I promise to tell you all about the fun we have. Happy quilting this weekend, and I'll see you soon!


  1. I am very envious of everybody who lives close enough to you to be able to take one of your classes! Oh well, have fun at class!

  2. The gals in your classes are sure lucky to have such a giving teacher!

  3. Kim I love your halloween bags. PLease don't tell me that you did all those stitcheries yourself? I am dying to see what is inside. I too wish I could take your class.

  4. Adorable - and you students will love them. Hope your class went great.


  5. hope you have a GREAT class today (keep an eye on those problem students ... i think i know who they might be!

  6. Hey Kim, These look like the bags we made to put our jacks & balls in when I was a kid. Do kids even play with jacks anymore? These are great! Mumzie

  7. ooooooooo Halloween treat bags! exciting! Can't wait to see what was in them.
    I'd love to take one of your classes and heckle- um I mean LEARN from you...........

  8. Those halloween treat bags are just so darned cute. How on earth did you have time to prepare for a class and make them too? Do you have more hours in your day than the rest of us -- or do you never sleep? What lucky students you have!

  9. And who would be the two trouble makers??!!


  10. The Halloween treat bags are so nice!

  11. The bags are so cute, is what inside a FQ & a halloween pumpkin pincushion or something similar will be looking forward to seeing what is in side
    Congratulations on your win
    Hugs Janice

  12. Wow Kim! You made all those bags for your class? They are some lucky class participants! Very cute indeed.

  13. I also wish that I could take your class. It looks like such fun!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!