Saturday, June 13, 2009

Out and About

Driving home from work on the freeway tonight, I was rather startled to see both the driver of a van and his passenger carrying on what appeared to be a very animated conversation using sign language. Visualize it.

70 miles an hour in heavy freeway traffic, "talking," with no hands on the steering wheel.

And we worry about drivers talking on cell phones!


  1. Maybe they were Italian? I don't mean to offend anyone, but my sister in law is Sicilian, and her hands fly when she talks! Oh yeah, in Nevada, you can still drive and talk on you cell phone! Hope to see ya today!

  2. That was me, Kim.


  3. My husband does that all the time, drives me nuts!

  4. You raise an excellent point! That must have been something to see. I wonder if the driver was driving with his knees?

  5. LOL - I can just imagine!

    My DH was telling me one of his colleagues got done for talking on a cell even on speaker phone as she was holding the phone in her hand!!

  6. i'd love to comment - but you can't see my hands so you wouldn't be able to see what i'm saying ...... nah - actually i'm the nut in the car all alone, having an animated discussion with myself and steering with my elbows

  7. A shucks I am wide awake after reading your post and your peanut gallery comments. (My best regards to "them" because I am one of the peanut gallery.)

    One whole day to be at home with DH and rest up for the coming week. I wish you time in your sweat shop.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!