Monday, May 18, 2009

That's Entertainment

Survivor. Did you watch the final episode? What did you think? Are you glad JT won, or should it have been someone else? And how much did you hate Coach?

I've watched Survivor since the first season, although as time goes on, I've found myself less and less interested. The "characters" in the first season stand out in my mind, but only a few since then have been very memorable. I liked Ethan Zohn, the former soccer player who won in season 3. And Boston Rob and Amber. What's happened to them, anyway? I don't think we've seen them for a couple years--not after two seasons on Survivor and a stint on the Amazing Race, followed by a couple other media circuses, like their wedding. You'd think they'd at least have a blog, but I just did a couple searches for news on the pair, and nothing much came up.

But enough about that. On to other entertainment. Have you read any good books lately? I recently read these two--the first two of the series.

Pretty good books--I'd recommend them to anyone who likes mysteries and quilts. The only criticisms I had: (1) Explanations of quilting "stuff" was a little boring, but maybe readers who don't quilt need the explanations. (2) It seemed like there were some inconsistencies in minor details, but then maybe it was just me--I didn't hunt back through the books to see. The second book took place at a quilt camp, and coincidentally, some of my friends are going to quilt camp this week--but not me. I'm envious!

I just finished Quilter's Knot today, so I'll have to pick out another book to read tonight. This might be it--seems I'm into "knotty" stuff lately!:

(You can click HERE to read the description.)

I was browsing on Amazon yesterday and came across this one as "recommended" to me. It sounded good, so I ordered it. Have you read it? If so, what did you think?

(For a description, click HERE.)

Have you come across any new books you've enjoyed and can recommend? I'm always looking for a good book. Speaking of which, it's time for me to grab my latest and head to bed. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!


  1. I can not thank you enough for sharing the ins and outs of blogging. It has helped and Bonnie gave me some good MAC information that I will be working on. Between the two of you I am going to be blogging in half the time.

    I enjoyed the first three books you talked about. Believe it or not, there is a woman in our quilt book club and she found the information very helpful. I remember her mentioning one time that she did not know what a fat quarter was. Well, she sure does now and we make sure she does not miss a thing now.

    Thank you again Oh, Master of the Blog. Apreciate you and your followers.

  2. PS (I should read what I wrote before I post...) What I ment to say was there is a woman in our quilt book club that is not a quilter. She finds Terri Thayer and Arlene Sachitano's books very enlightening regarding quilting.

    Over and out :0)

  3. I may check them out to load on my kindle! I received one for Mother's Day and LOVE it. I have only 2 books loaded so I could stand a few more for sure.

  4. I'm behind on books I think, but right now I'm listening to "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini. It's very good although a bit hard to take in a few places.

    I was glad that JT won last night. Hubby and I have watched since the beginning as well and I agree with you. I loved Ethan and of course Boston Rob and Amba where also favorites. I hated Coach and think he's a weirdo and didn't find him entertaining at all, only annoying. Do you watch Big Brother?

  5. 'A Single Thread' was the last book I read, and I loved it; she has another coming out, 'Thread of Truth.' I knit as well, so I liked 'The Friday Night Knitting Club,' and I'm looking forward to 'Knit Two,' which is ready for me to pick up at the library. For now, I have to read 'Angels & Demons' so I can go see the movie!

  6. Aack... I forgot. I'm addicted to all these reality games, and frankly if they weren't on I wouldn't get any handwork done! I was really sad for Luke that they didn't win AmazRace; not happy that Helen won BigLoser; super excited for JT that he won it ALL last night. All that's left is DWTS, and I hope Shawn wins, then on to BB.

    Couldn't stand Coach in the show, but I have to say he looked nice last night; just goes to show appearances are deceiving.

  7. My Mom gave me the single thread--- Great Read... I'd recommend it in a heartbeat...

  8. I love quilt novels and knit novels as well. But if you have not read "The Lost Quilter" as yet it is a must read. I love historical novels and if there is a quilt link I'm hooked. "The Runaway Quilt" was a favorite so when she continued the story I was excited and not disappointed. Sandra Dallas' new one has a quilt link in it so will be starting it shortly. These two I will order today. Lots of reading for the summer I can see but then after a long hot day a good book is a must.

  9. Thanks for posting the book recommendations; I'm always on the lookout for new quilting novels to read. I have read "A Single Thread" and really enjoyed it. I think there's another book in the series (I'm not sure it's out yet, but I'm looking forward to reading it.

    Another quilting book I've enjoyed is "The Persian Pickle Club" found here:

  10. I am glad TJ won. I would have voted for him...I LOVE Survivor and my sister and I will call back and forth during the show (commercial time only)to get each others reactions....
    I wish Jeff would have asked Coach about getting fired from his job after telling the college that he needed a leave of absence for Chemo treatments....then got fired after he showed up on Survivor. HELLO!!!
    I read TONS!! Check out You join and list your books and then trade with other for paperbacks or hardbacks. You only pay shipping on the books you mail and for every book you mail out to someone else you get a point to "spend" on a book you want... I love it. You can search for my bookshelf using sewingnancyl.

  11. I just won "a single thread" with the author inscribing message to me! I haven't read it yet (too much sewing) so am anxious to see what you think. Marie Bostwick has the sequel coming out next week.

  12. I've read all the Jennifer Chiaverini books and liked them all very much. Sandra Dallas has written many historical novels - The Persian Pickle Club, Alice's Tulips, and the new one Prayers for Sale, and others. The 3 I mentioned have quilts in them and are well worth reading. I loved them!! They tell the story of American history thru the eyes of women - they are wonderful!! I will check out all the others you mentioned in your post as well as the comment suggestions. Thanks. Enjoy your day!

  13. Believe it or not...

    I've never read a book by Stephen King but my son's girlfriend recommended his ON WRITING: A MEMOIR OF THE CRAFT and it's been an exceptionally good read. Still won't be hooking up to any of his horror stuff but may try something else. Someday.

  14. I'm right there with you on Survivor. I've watched from the beginning, but really can't remember most of the people on it. I will continue to watch it - but man, it gets annoying to me when they pick these crazy people to be on it. Coach, Randy from last season. But, I guess people love to hate someone.

  15. Well if you like mysteries there are a few series I like to read. My favorite is by Joanne Fluke and starts with the Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder and is all the way through to the latest called The Creme Puff Murder, I think. They center on a cookie shop owner in Minnesota who solves murders and they include some of the BEST cookie recipes! Each one has about 10 - 14 recipes in each and they are fabulous!

    BUT, you have to read ALL these series in order or you will miss a lot of info. You won't die or anything but you'd miss a lot.

    Also I read Jill Churchill's series and Leslie Meier's Lucy Stone series.

    PS: I gave up on Survivor about 5 seasons ago. Just not as good.

  16. i love survivor, I never watched the 1st season until a couple of years ago. My favorite was JT all along. I hate catch from the 1st minute. These days alot of dumb stuff is on TV but I like this. I do not like american idol.
    kim from san diego

  17. I love quilting, mystery stories also. If you haven't read the Earlene Fowler quilting series you are in for a treat. I would tell you though, to read them in order.

  18. haha! I just finished the Arlene Sachitano books too! And I just started...ta da "Lover's Knot," only it's by Emilie Richards, not Clare O'Donahue!
    I'm also reading "Comfort Food" by Kate Jacobs - she did the Friday Night Knit Club or whatever it was called.
    Earlene Fowler's new book, Love Mercy, is also a good one.
    Thanks for sharing your reading list, I'm always looking for something new...

  19. I was glad that JT won. And he looked like a little boy last night. So cute. Coach is from a small town that my sis-in-law lives in and she said he's as annoying in real life as he was on the show. No editing need to make him look like an idiot! By the way..I just read on "People mag" website that Ethan has just been diagnosed with cancer. The ultimate survivor story!

  20. Terri Thayer ( has written two quilting mysteries. I've read both and they're pretty good.

    Monica Ferris has an ongoing mystery series about needlework.

    As for "regular" reading, my chief recommendations this season are The Women, by T. C. Boyle (about Frank Lloyd Wright), and Driftless, by David Rhodes.

  21. Julia From ThimbleberriesMay 18, 2009 at 1:05 PM

    Sorry Kim. Hate Survivor. Couldn't stand it in the beginning and have hated it all along. I do occasionally have to hear about it over family dinners with the in-laws, but that is all I can take.

    On the otherhand, I am completely addicted to Dancing With The Stars.
    Am an avid watcher 2 nights a week!!!

    Friday Night Knitting Club--good. Love the E. Fowler books. You might try The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. It was just the best!!! This is the same author who wrote the book Shopaholic and they turned it into a movie. Shopaholic is good, but the U. Goddess is adorable. I read at least 3 books a week. The library and I are friends......

  22. I'm thrilled JT won Survivor last night! Now we have to wait until fall for a new season to start.
    I've read A Single Thread and enjoyed it. I'm just about to start Prayers for Sale (someone mentioned that one in another comment). I've just added a goodreads bookshelf to my blog if you want to see more books I've read! :0)

  23. I am saving the first 3 recommendations, thanks! I read a Slender Thread a few wks ago it was very very good, but it abruptly changed time as in, next chapter would be a couple mos. later. After I got use to it I enjoyed it more but the storyline was great :)

    I just read a (thin) paperback called Died In the Wool by Rett MacPherson. I finished it in a few hours but it was a fairly good (quilty) storyline. Matter of fact I'd mail it to ya if you want to read it, email me at if you are interested :D

    xoxo melzie

  24. oh AND I WAS THRILLED JT won! He was my pick from day one!! :) xoxo melzie

  25. Kim, I've read both The Lover's Knot and A Single Thread. I liked them both, but really enjoyed A Single Thread much more. Maybe I could relate to the time period in the life of the main character better?? I don't know. It was well-written, I thought.

    Currently reading It's Me or the Dog, LOL. Also, The Power of Positive Dog Training. We are getting an AWESOME PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Hi Kim! I want to read the Single Thread book, tell us how it is! :-) One that's a little bit about quilting (a very little) is "The Fortune Quilt" by Lani Diane Rich. It's a funny read, I really enjoyed it. I think you had mentioned you read the Elm Creek books right? Those were good. Anyway enjoy reading!!

  27. You must like mysteries so I recommend The Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie, by Alan Bradley. Nothing to do with quilting but very entertaining and great characters.

  28. Since quilting takes up most of my life, I like to read about other things. Every one of the books by Nelson DeMille is awesome. He is such a good writer. The Gold Coast is one to read for sure. If you want to read a good one by Stephen King, read The Stand. It's not as scary as most.

  29. HI Kim,
    I love the Earlene Fowler series, Terri Thayer and Sandra Dallas novels. They are all an enjoyable read and have nice connections to quilting. I did read some of the Diana Gibaldon books and enjoyed them too. Of course there is the Nancy Turner series that starts with These is mY Words that you introduced me to- I loved them.
    I do enjoy reading Catherine Coulter, Iris Johansen and Sandra Brown if I want some pure escape. I also enjoyed Sophie Kinsella's novels ( the shopoholic series).Last summer I read a number or Philippa Gregory's historical books about the wives of Henry VIII. If you like Diana Gibaldon you will probably love Barbara Erskine - I loved her set that starts with Lady of Hay.
    I tend to read in fits and spurts.. I will have to try and find the Arlene series that you recommended.

    Here is a blogging question for you Kim -how do you get the photos and icons on your side bar. I have figured out how to make a blog list and some of the other stuff but just never figured out how to add other things like the Alzheimer Initiative by Ami simms ( i know there is and Icon available ) or blogger awards or icons that let others know there is a give away somewhere. I am guessing it should be found in the widgets on layout but somehow haven't managed to do it. Not sure what I am doing wrong..
    I never got hooked into American Idol or Survivor - For some reason I have been watching Dancing with the stars.. We will see who is the winner there..
    Happy Reading and Blogging,

  30. A Single Thread was a very enjoyable book to read. Marie Bostiwick is coming out with the second book in this series and I will certainly get it to read. Hope this helps.


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