Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spike and the New Office

Spike's loving the new desk.

She can keep an eye on me while I "work."

She can watch for surprise attacks--from the ground and from the air.

It's a very convenient place to wait for any leftovers that may be abandoned.

She can explore "new" baskets--AHHHH! She just loves that thrift store smell!

And when I'm bugging her? She can get all up-close-and-personal. "Hey! You lookin at me?!"


  1. Man, who in their right mind would mess with Spike? Not me! Hum-m-m-m, I wonder if that was leftover B-B-que chicken tacos Spike was munching on? Lucky cat! At least, she had a clean nose!


  2. Great photos! Oh, to be owned by a cat named Spike.
    I threw in the towel on posting photos tonight. They are all mixed up and I can not drag them where I want and, and, and I guess I better find the directions.

    I love you office. What was on the plate - dessert maybe?

  3. Oh, for the life of a cat. Cute photos., I'm with Gran on getting the photos like that. Didn't see his quilt though.

  4. You didn't really think it was "your" office, now did you??????

  5. Spike is adorable and I like "his" new office!

  6. Kim, just adorable pictures of Spike. What would we do if we didn't have to share our space with a kitty? Life would be so boring. LOL Winona

  7. She can explore strange new spaces and boldly go where no cat has gone before, lol!!

  8. She's so pretty! My cat hangs out with me in my sewing room. I don't know why but he loves small spaces, too. What's with that, I wonder.

    Your new office looks great.

  9. That's what I love about cats... they just make themselves comfortable and "everything" is theirs.

  10. It seems that Spike has found a lovely new space that is perfect for him.
    Cats certainly think that they are the boss- Mars is a total princess in our house but our dog Dusty is the true Diva.
    Your new office is beautiful- your husband did a fabulous job - as always you have it artfully decorated. I hope you find it a very inspiring place to work.

  11. Thanks for sharing Spike... It's better when everyone is happy with change...

  12. I think Spike needs to watch those leftover chicken taco because they will spoil her feline waistline. It happens to the best of us... just ask Connor. His doctor put him on a diet last year. Have a great weekend. Mumzie


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