Monday, May 11, 2009

Royal Treatment

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I enjoyed sleeping in, quilting, napping, and reading. I talked to the Wild Child on the phone--she had to work and couldn't come down to Sacramento. Soccer Son arrived bearing the ingredients for a special dinner.

BBQ'd chicken tacos--YUM!

My vacation's over, and it's back to work in the morning, but I can't complain much after being treated to such a wonderful day!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I will be on leave for two weeks from Friday...yay....! I have loads of projects I want to finish while I am home.....hope you have enjoyed your break from work....!

  2. Kim, very handsome son you have there. That meal looked wonderful. I picked up some stuff at the deli so I wouldn't have to cook. LOL Sorry you vacation is over, but you can start looking forward to the next one. LOL Winona

  3. Yum-O! I think you need to design a Mexican quilt so your son can fix tacos for the class!!!


  4. That was sweet of your son to cook you a special dinner. I love Mexican food, too. He's so handsome.

    Too bad you have to go back to work, but it looks like you got a lot done and had some fun, too.

  5. I would keep that boy! Yep! Definitely a keeper...

  6. I would have to agree.. very nice looking young man. That dinner looks awesome.. makes me want to cook some up.


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