Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lady of Leisure

Well, sort of. You see, I'm on vacation this week. And technically, today (Monday) was the first vacation day. So what did I do?

Remember the new refrigerator? It was delivered on Friday just as I was leaving for work. Hubby arranged the shelves.

Today I fixed them. It was driving me nuts!

It's so nice having a new refrigerator. Although it's a little smaller than our old one, I'm really liking it so far. Oh! I also wanted to show you that the freezer's stocked with all the essentials.

Speaking of food, since it's my vacation and almost Cinco de Mayo, Hubby and I went to our local Mexican restaurant for dinner--Felipe's. Hubby got a cheese enchillada and some kind of taco--can't remember if it was chicken or beef. Beef would be my guess, but there's so much cheese crammed in there, it's hard to tell.

And my dinner--beef flautas, rice, and beans. I don't usually get flautas, but it kind of sounded good. (Actually, the guacamole and sour cream sounded pretty good!) Hubby pointed out to our waitress that I was being all weird, taking photos of our food. Yep, family support--it's what every blogger needs!

And guess what arrived today from the Fat Quater Shop? A little red fat quarter bundle of joy! And why did I get the red fat quarter bundle?

Ah! Because it contained this! Remember this? This is the panel you all made me buy. I can't recall my justification for blaming you at the time, but I know it wasn't my fault--not at all! So, not only did you make me buy a panel, but I had to buy the fat quarter bundle in order to get it!

I also took a little time today to clean off this sewing case I found at Goodwill last week. It will hold all my embroidery stuff--just so long as Gran's supply list doesn't get any longer! Oh, and, of course, I have that fancy-schmancy binder to hold stuff too!

Here's the inside. The plastic tray was cracked a little, but I applied about 27 layers of scotch tape to it--I figure that will hold it for now. (Until Gran's supply list grows longer.)

And then here's what I spent much of the day working on--the hats and shoes quilt top. I think I'm liking it! Since it was a bit wider than it was long, I added that black floral panel at the bottom. I'm planning to add some applique there. Want to know what I'm going to add?

Here I have the letters cut out--I'm in the middle of prepping them for applique.

So that was pretty much my first day of vacation, except for the grocery shopping--no photos of that, but after I rearranged the refrigerator, I figured we needed a couple things. (Like more ice cream.)

The original plan for this vacation was that Hubby and I would drive down to Salinas to visit my mom while I was off. Remember my mom and her broken hip? Well, she's doing okay and is in a nursing home, where she'll stay for the next week or two and then be released back home. After talking with my brother about our planned trip, I found out that he'll be out of town the days we'd planned to visit and my sister-in-law will be working and getting her son ready for his prom. On top of that, Hubby's been suffering from nearly daily bouts of Meniere's disease, which makes him dizzy and nauseous. The bouts seem to be triggered by the changing weather and allergies. So, all in all, we've decided to postpone the visit for a couple weeks and drive down on a weekend. By then my mom will be back home, and the weather will have stabilized, so hopefully Hubby will be feeling better.

And you know what? That's fine with me--I have so many things to do around here, I wasn't really looking forward to spending so much time on the road, although it would have been nice to spend a little time with my family. Still, I'll have that to look forward to in a couple weeks.

Well, it's time now for me to go lay around and do nothing--after all, I'm on vacation!


  1. You can always share the luggage carrier I have to cart our stuff to Gran's class! Of course, don't forget the back support. :-) The shoes and hats quilt turned out so-o-o adorable. But shouldn't say "Where's my class list?!
    Enjoy your time off and get some rest, you deserve it!
    Happy Cinco de Mayo!


  2. The quilt is adorable. Good find on the sewing basket! Enjoy your vacation - sewing and puttering are better than driving ANY day!

  3. That new quilt is adcorable, Yes, where is my purse?

  4. Great sewing basket. Just a wee little hint....take your fabric out of your hoop when you aren't stitching. The hoop can stretch it out of shape.
    Why can't Men load a refrigerator or dishwasher properly? LOL
    DH helped clear dinner dishes last night and asked me where to put the bread board? Um...where it's been the last 3 years? He had no clue...

  5. How great to have a vacation at home...I would love a homcation..

  6. Your new quilt is just great - I love the sashing!! If your new refrig is like ours - watch the icemaker. Sometimes the ice gets stuck in the inside "bucket" and then doesn't come out the front shute. Solution: take the ice thingy out of the freezer every few days and move the ice around with a wooden spoon or something. I hope your new model has this problem fixed. Enjoy your vacation - can't wait to see your new inspirations that sprout this week.

  7. My husband has Meniere's. Just about the time he was talking to the disability people because he couldn't drive to work anymore, his doctors at the House Ear Clinic told him because he was bilateral (in both ears) it was probably allergies. It took a good year of banishing most foods from his life (not to mention the weekly shots) but aside from frequent tinnitus, as long as he avoids foods that are heavy in whole wheat he is just about sympton free. He put together a simple website with his story at http://www.larrymiller.org/ if you and hubby would like to check it out.

  8. Kim, another lovely post. Food and Quilts. And good food and wonderful quilts. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Love what you are going to add to the quilt! Will be cuter than cute!

  10. Oh much better fridge arrangement!! We had to actually remove one of our drawers there were too many and not enough shelves!

    TJ's mac-n-cheese and those ice cream sandwiches are to die for!

  11. That food looks wonderful! I want some right. now. And that quilt is just going to be adorable.! You are so clever - love the saying.

  12. Oh, you make me laugh.
    I love the refrigerator arrangement. Ah, you can find something AND it looks pretty to. One of your many talents.
    Now about the 27 layers of tape to repair the plastic tray in your gorgeous embroidery basket - I cried, lol, when I read that. Oh, and how is your "homework" coming along? Will you be ready for the next class and all that I have in store for you? You might keep an eye out for a little red wagon to brag everything back and forth to class.....
    Happy vacation - you deserve every moment of it.

  13. I know what you mean about the car ride down to Salinas. My mom lives in Watsonville and I hate the long ride dwon and back. But I hate staying overnight even more so we do it all in one day.
    Chris in Sac

  14. Loving that "Where's my purse?" quilt. Too cute!

  15. yup sometimes it's best to stay home and do what YOU want. and if you ever want to take me to that Mexican restaurant, I am SO there! and I won't care if you take pictures of MY food either!

  16. I absolutely LOVE how you put the hats and shoes together!

  17. Good grief! If that's your first day, you'll need a vacation from your vacation at the end of the week. Slow down, lady! Love the hat/shoe quilt and "quote" for the bottom, very clever, you. Have fun with your panel--I am used to being blamed; since I inducted my sister into the quilt cult, she calls me up every so often to tell me it's all my fault she is standing in a quilt shop buying $150 worth of fabric.

  18. i don't see a turkey in that freezer!

    you know who else can't load a fridge? my daughter! i buy the groceries and bring them inside - she's supposed to put them away ... everything that is already in the fridge gets shoved to the back and tips over and makes a MESS (can you tell i just finished cleaning up who-knows-how-old-buttermilk that was leaking all over the veggie drawer??) sheesh!

  19. The quilt is great Kim... The food looks Yummy! Too funny, I was looking for that turkey also.. what did you do with it? Don't you love the sewing boxes.. I have 2 of them...

  20. Julia From ThimbleberriesMay 6, 2009 at 9:16 AM

    I LOVE FELIPE'S!!!! The famous chimichanga is the absolute best. The tamales are good too. When we go it is always whatever and all beans, no rice until they get my order and I order my entree all rice, no beans. I do not care for beans!!


  21. I could just imagine you thinking about what was behind the door of the fridge... until it got the best of you and you "really" organized it. Too funny! Love your new Sandy G project.
    Names for quilt:
    Sparklers; Stardust; Celebration Stars; Starcatcher


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!