Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hat Party Class

Today was the Hat Party class, and I think everyone had a good time! It was a dreary, rainy day in Sacramento, so what could be better than getting together with friends to sew?

Since I always like to make my classes as party-like as possible, today's class included a tea party.

Earl Gray and English Breakfast tea was served, as well as crustless sandwiches--tomato and avocado with cream cheese, cucumber with cream cheese and lemon pepper seasoning, egg salad with bacon crumbles, and pesto chicken salad with parmesan cheese and sliced almonds. Yum! We also had fresh strawberries, lemon cake, raspberry filled mini donuts, and almond cookies. One thing we didn't lack was food! Of course, with all the sewing going on, we needed to keep up our energy, right?!

Have you ever had clotted cream with jam on buns? Hubby and I had it at a B&B in West Vancouver several years ago and it's a wonderful treat! Well, I tried to make some for our tea, but it was a bust. First of all, I tried Alton Brown's clotted cream recipe, and 15 hours later I still had cream with very little clots. Of course, I didn't read the reviews ahead of time, but now that I have, I see that half the people loved it and half the people ended up with cream and few clots. Yep, I'm definitely in that second half! Then there were the buns. I have a little book of tea recipes and I followed the recipe to make the buns, but the dough was WAAAAAY dry. I had to add some additional milk to get it moist enough to where I could kneed it at all. Well, those didn't turn out too bad, but I don't think they were quite right. Needless to say, the clotted cream, jam, and buns failed to make a party appearance. Still, we hardly lacked for food! We even invited Bearpaws & Hollyhocks owner Lindy and her assistant, Carol, in for a little snack.

Our two new bloggers, Gran and Pam, were among my students. Victoria, Imelda, and Susie also made time in their busy weekends to come. One of the things I enjoy doing is having students bring show and tell--whether from a past class or just something they've made and want to share. Imelda brought her Spring! wallhanging from the last class and it turned out sooooo cute! My photography doesn't do it justice--I should have changed the camera setting to back lit but didn't. Imelda added a bow to her bunny and it was just darling.

Oh, and what's a party without party favors?

Here's what was in the bags--

Some paper and a pencil, so everyone could take notes, a seed packet, a ladybug eraser, a hat pincushion, and two shades of green wool (so my gals could get a start on making leaves for their hat quilts).

By the end of class everyone had made at least three hat blocks. Each of the gals used such different fabrics, the blocks were fun to see as they came together. Each time someone would finish a block, she'd hold it up so the rest of us could see and marvel at. And, of course, the great fun with these stack and slice patterns is sewing one block and revealing what the next combination of fabrics will look like.

The only drawback to the Hat Party? I'm really, really pooped tonight! Time to go to bed with a good book and get a restful night's sleep. I hope you're enjoying your weekend too!


  1. I feel like "Bette Bunny" sitting here smiling to myself when I ponder the afternoon, with good friends, and learning to sew the Hats quilt taught by the "Real Kim." All senses are saturated and sweet dreams await me as I remember the tastes of the delicious formal tea party, the laughter shared with kindred souls, the stretching of my brain to follow the steps in creating the hats and the patient, kindness of you Kim.


  2. I can not say it enough, thanks again, Kim. You are the BEST!


  3. Love the party are so talented...

  4. Gee wish I could be in one of her classes. Sounds like so much fun. I know she is a great teacher, Can even do it over the internet.

  5. Darn it all, Kim! Why do you have to be so UNnear to Philadelphia???? I'd love to take your classes!

    Nancy, Near Philadelphia

  6. Awesome all around and I LOVE the hat pincushion!

  7. That's not a class, that's an
    E-vent!!! I know because I have taken a class before. My teacher didn't bring any treats, no baked goods, no lunch for us, no little goodie bags. WOW, you really put on DA CLASS!! Wish I lived closer....

  8. Those aren't classes - those are parties! I'm so going to have to come up and take a class. Just so I can party with you! LOL

  9. I would love to take a class from you!It appears that you really do it up right! Lucky participants!

  10. I so love those tea pots. Especially the green one! The blue one is really nice too. Mumzie

  11. WHAT a class!! Wish I lived close enough to take them. You really put in a lot of work for them. Hugs, Cathy T.

  12. Looks like an awesome party!! The party favors are darling!! Is there a pattern for the pincushion? I too wish I lived close so I could take a class from you!

  13. What a better way to spend time on a dreary day! I love your hat pincushion. Your classes sound like a hit!


  15. Kim, when are you coming to Missouri to teach some classes? LOL Your classes look like so much fun. I know you are tired, but your party (class) was a success. Winona

  16. We have had your same weather -- nothing but dreary days and rain, rain, rain. And this is supposed to be a desert!

    Sounds like you are a real pro at teaching the classes now. It's good to hear your new career is going so well.

  17. Please tell Imelda, since I did not get her email address, I finished sewing all my blocks today - she will be happy! I bet she has hers all done, she left with the most blocks completed during the class. Pretty share cookie!

  18. Sounds like it was SO much fun and yes I am turning green with envy!!! I have a great (and very easy) scone (what we call the buns we put jam & cream on) recipe if you would like it!!

  19. Way to go Kim! I LOVE tea parties and yours looked and sounded over-the-top wonderful. I'll have to look up that shop next time I'm in Sacto.

  20. You are THE Kim! I bow to your teacher/hostess/partygirl skills.


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