Friday, April 17, 2009

Thank You All!

I really appreciate your input on the pattern cover. I knew I was leaning toward the cotton, but I've made FOUR of these now, so I wasn't sure my own judgment was correct. Of course, the overwhelming majority of you said you liked the cotton best, so that's what I'm going with. I think this weekend I'll re-work the wool version, because I'd really like to offer some wool kits on Etsy--the wool applique goes REALLY fast--so fast, that one of these can be made in just a few hours. Of course, the cotton applique is pretty quick too, but realistically, preparing the cotton pieces takes another couple hours. What I need to do is use some brighter green for the leaves and use background and border fabrics that are a little more lively. I'll have to see what I can find.

During my "photo shoot" for the pattern cover, I couldn't resist taking this photo.

Of course, it's not the one I'll use for the cover, but I'm just so tickled that our snowball bush is in bloom this year! Last year Hubby trimmed it back at the wrong time of the year and we never got any blooms. (Sometimes it amazes me that I haven't killed him yet.) Don't the wallhanging and the snowball blooms just shout out SPRING!?

Oh, and speaking of Spring!--Kelly Ann commented this morning and mentioned she had her version of the Spring! quilt hanging in the front window of her quilt shop. Click HERE to check it out! Those pinks remind me of cotton candy--yum!

I came home from work today to find that Hubby had apparently been busy out in the yard, working on sprucing up some of his yard art pieces. I was a little startled to see this one.

I'm thinking bondage of some sort with that tape across her mouth and one eye. I kind of had to wonder what weird fantasies he was living out here. Am I the only one with a mind that works that way? Then, of course, I had to wonder whether the gal in the tub was meant to be ME!!! (But then I realized I have more leg and arm pit hair. Ewwww!)

Tomorrow Hubby and I will be in full pattern production mode. Well, actually, I'll be at work and HUBBY will be in full pattern production mode. He'll be picking up photos for the covers of the cherry patterns and getting the pattern instructions copied. Tomorrow night we'll get the patterns put together, and Saturday morning I'll deliver patterns and the cotton version of the wallhanging to Bearpaws & Hollyhocks. At some point, I'll list the pattern on Etsy. And, of course, tomorrow night I'll draw a winner for the cherry pattern giveaway, so make sure you come back to see whose name was drawn! Good luck and thanks for coming by!


  1. What a great picture! I love photos taken outside with the natural light.

  2. Jealous. Jealous. My snowball bush hasn't even sprouted LEAVES yet never mind blooms. Jealous.

    Love the cherries pattern. I think I'm going to have to get that one. Waiting patiently for it to get uploaded to Etsy....

  3. Oh, the snowball bush!!! We had one when I was growing up and I haven't seen one for years! Thank you for sharing along with your lovely Cherries!

  4. How lucky to have a creative husband! You are right to be concerned about the "Freudian" implications of the taped mouth.

  5. Hey Kim,
    Look at it this way, you can always throw one of the balls at your hubby!


  6. You and hubby are a very creative couple. I too am not sure about the duct tape over the mouth, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt that the tape was the only medium that would hold his creation together at that angle... I kind of like the lying back in the tub with ones arms behind the head and relaxing. Cute "bubbles" touch with the alyssum. What a guy!

    I loved the picture of the cheery quilt with your snow ball shrub. Take some time to smell the roses this weekend.



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!