Monday, April 20, 2009

Roseville Antique Fair

This morning, four of us piled into my friend Lisa's SUV and headed off to the antique fair. Temperatures were expected to be in the high 80s, and the day was just as hot as promised, but much of the fair was shaded by large trees. I took some photos to share with you--nothing in particular, but just to give you a sense of what was on offer and how everything was set up.

Generally speaking, I thought the prices were pretty reasonable except at a few booths.

At this point of the fair, the trees ran out and the booths were in the hot sun--I felt sorry for these vendors! And at around this point, I could have sworn I took a couple photos of a booth with some old quilts and some neat primitive "stuff," but where are they? The booth was shared by two gals, and one is my friend Lisa's administrative assistant, Tana Taylor. The photo above shows just a bit of their booth, looking on to another booth but I really wanted to show you the antique quilts and some of their other things, darn it!

I love dishes! I didn't buy any though--Hubby would have killed me. Instead, I contented myself with a photo!

I took this photo to show Hubby--I thought he'd enjoy seeing some garden art made by others.

All sorts of interesting stuff was for sale.

Of course, I had to get a photo of this treadle sewing machine and table. I would have loved to buy it but I have nowhere to put it in my house. The price was really reasonable, although can't remember exactly what it was (maybe if you click in you can read the price tag). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to buy a LOT of what I would have liked to buy because I didn't bring very much cash with me. These days, I use my debit card everywhere and it didn't occur to me that many of the vendors wouldn't be equipped for debit cards--I guess their merchandise wasn't the only thing that was vintage! Next time, I'll know better and hit the ATM before I get to the fair.

There's another antique fair next weekend, by the way, and we have some tentative plans to go.

Are you wondering what I DID get? Well, first of all, let me show you this book I picked up at the thrift store a few days ago--terrific book with all kinds of ideas to spark the imagination if you're into thrifting and flea markets.

And because I love vintage linens and textiles, this section has caught my attention. Cool, huh?!

So the first booth we stopped in, I found this (it was also the booth with the treadle sewing machine):

Of course, what you see here is just a quarter of the tablecloth. I thought it would make an excellent window treatment for my daughter's former bedroom. And at only $10 and me with a limited amount of cash, it was the perfect buy!

I hope you've had a great weekend--I did! Now it's time for my beauty sleep--back to work tomorrow. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Didn't look like that treadle machine had a very ornate table. What a pretty tablecloth. Cute idea to use it for a window cutain.

  2. $40 for a treadle machine?and table? YIKES!! Wish I was closer...
    Love the tablecloth. I collect vintage 50's tablecloths and love to use them...

  3. I'm sitting right under my old tablecloth turned curtain in my sewing room! It had a hole and some discoloration but they make GREAT curtains and other stuff which I'm sure you could think up!

    I have several things I could have bought in that first the doll bed and the wire basket right next to it! ARG!! They have no baskets anywhere near me and I saw several in your snaps. Oh well, I have tons of blue jars and I sent some to someone who can't find them near here. I guess it goes by tastes and what's local.

    Good stuff!

  4. I felt like I was right there with you - thanks for the tour! It was a beautiful day and your photography captured the essence of the event!

  5. I also collect vintage linen along with quilts. I never thought to use any for curtains before, but what a great idea! Looks like there was some great stuff at the antique fair. What a fun afternoon!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!