Monday, April 13, 2009

Cherries and More

Did you have a wonderful Easter? I hope you did! We had a nice afternoon at Hubby's parents' house, eating and visiting with relatives. Unfortunately, the day ended on an unhappy note--my brother called this evening to let us know my mom had fallen this morning and broke her hip. She's in the hospital and we're waiting to find out whether she'll need surgery. Luckily, my sister-in-law is a nurse assigned to the same unit my mom's in, so she'll be able to keep an eye on things. We should know more in the next few days; a trip down to central California may well be in our future.

Moving on to happier subjects, I wanted to share a few things I've been working on. Remember the cherries wallhanging I showed you a few days ago? Well, I refined the pattern a little and went into Bearpaws and Hollyhocks the other night--the night I thought I was going to class except it WASN'T my class!--and I talked to Lindy to get her advice on changing a couple of the fabrics. Here's the result:

I'm much happier with this version. (Ignore the fuzzy design wall behind it--not the best of settings to show it off, but it was convenient!) Of course, I want to make it using wool, but this one will be a shop sample for Bearpaws since they plan to carry this pattern--once I get it written up! (That was one of the reasons I wanted to use some of the fabrics they carry.)

And, since I'm mad about cherries and have quite a lot of cherry fabrics, I decided to make this for myself:

I have a few more details to add to this tote, but I thought it was at least at a point where I could share a photo with you.

Finally--just because I think it turned out pretty cool!--I wanted to show you the cupcakes I made Saturday night. I was finally able to get a chance to use the plate stand I made at our Easter luncheon--woo-hoo! Looks good enough to eat, yes?! Sure was an ordeal getting it across town in the car without losing cupcakes though. Yes, you already know I'm a self-confessed idiot! Next time I'll package the cupcakes or whatever other food I'm serving and assemble the "tower" once I've gotten everything to its destination.

Sometime in the next couple days, I'm going to post another applique tutorial--this one will be about using no-melt mylar for simple applique shapes. It's the method I used for the cherries wallhanging and tote, and I took a few photos as I went--so watch for the tutorial if you think it's something you might be interested in. As for me, now that I've had to look at those cupcakes again, I think it's time for dessert!


  1. That is so cute. The fabrics are perfect. Totles not bad either. Some background fabric you used for it. People will see you coming with that.
    Then of course the supcakes look good enough to eat. Ymm

  2. Cherries is really cute! I hope you Mom is home from the hospital soon.

  3. Sandy from ThimbleberriesApril 13, 2009 at 5:31 AM

    I like the fabric you used on this cherry design better than the other one. It's more striking.
    Sorry to hear about your mom. Will keep her in prayer.
    Like your new background for your blog.

  4. Sorry to hear about your Mom. Your projects are very cute. :) Isn't it amazing how sometimes the simplest of things don't occur to us until after the fact.

  5. Prayers for your Mom....very cute cherry wall hanging....will you follow with a tutorial?? Love your blog! Laurez/NJ

  6. Love the cherry wallhanging, it is gorgeous. I love the rick rack.

  7. Love the wallhanging. The rickrack really makes that plaid dance!

  8. Very cute Cherries - so cool to use the subtle print to applique onto - makes it look great.
    Quick healing to Mom.

  9. Hi Kim, I'm very sorry about your mum. I hope all will be at the best for her! I find your cherries and especially theirs flowers so nice!

  10. The new wallhanging is lovely but that tote! WOW! The colors and tote fabric are rocking! great job!

  11. Love the cherry wall hanging and the tote. I'll be watching for the pattern.

    I'll be interested to see the tutorial using the no-melt mylar. I've tried it and my fabric slips all over the place when I'm trying to press it. I bet you have a trick though.

    Sorry to hear about your mom. How about giving all of us an address and we can all send get well cards. Wouldn't that be fun for her to get cards from all over!?

    Chris in Sacramento

  12. Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she recovers quickly. I really love this version of the cherry quilt. You just keep getting better and better. (grin) Winona

  13. Kim,
    Sorry to hear about you mom.

    Glad you had a good time yesterday...I'm still dreaming about those virtual mushrooms; but those cupcakes look absolutely marvelous!

    Hope your mom gets better soon. Mumzie

  14. Kim - I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's fall - it's so good that your sister can be with her in the hospital! My best wishes for her speedy recovery.
    Love the cherries - and can I eat those cupcakes "virtually"? Yum!

  15. Kim,
    I hope your mom is soon on the mend-so sorry to hear about her fall and break- I hope she is not too uncomfortable..
    I love your little wall hanging- You do wonderful things with cherries - The tote has turned out very cute.
    The cupcakes are scrumptious looking too.
    I'll be thinking of you and yours.

  16. Well.. you have done it again.. Cherry wall hanging is great! Purse is too cute!! Cupcakes are YUMMY looking. Wishing your mother a smooth recovery. Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  17. I love the cupcakes and the cupcake stand. I know I have some of those candle stick holders from Home Interiors (long time ago) some where in my house!

    That's too funny about you transporting the cupcakes that way. I, too, am a self confessed idiot. I usually point out stupid stuff about me first before anyone else does. I'm everyone's comic relief!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!