Thursday, March 12, 2009



Thank you all for your name suggestions--I loved them! Personally, Ester (or Esther) Bunny tickled me the most, but I finally settled on Bette Bunny because (1) it seemed to go well with Buckey Bunny and (2) it just seemed "right."

A few of you asked whether I was going to offer this wallhanging as a pattern. Yep, you guessed it! And not only am I introducing Bette Bunny with this post, but I'm also introducing a new line of patterns I'm calling "Kim's Little Adventures."

I think many of you know that for the past several months, I've been making small wallhangings for my office/desk at work that reflect the holidays and seasons. Because these are fairly fast and easy projects, I thought some of you might enjoy them too, so as I make these for myself throughout the year, I'll also write patterns that I'll offer for sale on Etsy.

I suspect most of these projects will use wool, although I've included in my directions instructions on how to make the quilts using cotton fabric instead of wool--and I'll try to do a little tutorial on my blog showing those steps just in case it's not clear. BUT--I think I'll also be putting together a limited number of kits for sale on Etsy, so if you really want to use wool and have none in your stash or at your local quilt shop, or if you want to use the same fabrics I did, you'll have an opportunity to purchase a kit which will include everything you need except the binding.

As I've said a couple times before, I don't mean to turn my blog into an advertisement, but I'm kind of excited about this new little project. My office staff has his work cut out for him tomorrow (Thursday) because he'll need to get copies made of the pattern and pick up photos for the covers. I'm aiming to get this pattern listed no later than Friday night, so if this is something you're interested in, check my Etsy store then, although I'll probably also make a small announcement here--because I just can't help myself!

Happy quilting!


  1. Welcome, Bette Bunny, I will be first in line for a kit, This is so adorable.

  2. I'm smiling reading about your DH's new he doing ok with you as his boss? Tee Hee!! Congrats and Bette is adorable....we still need an Ester!

  3. I hope you are treating your staff right!! Not too much overtime and plenty of time to watch fave sports on TV.....Looking forward to more of the wallhangings.....great idea! And why not use your blog to let us know what you are doing...!! You go girl!

  4. I'm with Lorraine - you go for it girl. Your sales will be big. Really big.

    You use your blog to keep us up-to-date with all goings on in your world. That means new patterns, etc.

    We love what you do. We wouldn't be here if we didn't!

  5. Congrats on your new venture! The patterns are really cute.

  6. Excellent! Can't wait for tomorrow then!

  7. I'll be watching for the pattern/ is so cute!

  8. Congratulations on your pattern venture. Luv Bette bunny! I look forward to your blog - wish I lived close by to take your classes. Good Luck!

  9. Could Bette's middle name possibly be Ester... She is so cute and I bet Bucky thinks so too.

  10. Yea!!! Woohoo!!! Can't wait for your new patterns and kits!!!

  11. Hey it's your blog so you talk about whatever you want to talk about!! Looks like the perfect name for these two!

  12. I'm so happy that you're going to make your wall hanging into patterns. I hope you'll offer "all" of them. Every time I see your projects .... I secretly hope that you would offer a pattern.

  13. love it love it love it!!! glad to hear it Kim...I am so excited for you!!!

  14. She's cute! Congratulations on your new line of patterns.

    I'm like everyone else...who cares if you talk about it on your blog. Isn't that what etsy is all about: women creating things hand made?

    I got my Spring pattern yesterday in the mail. Everything looked so professional, like I knew it would. It was easy to follow. Now I need to get busy and make one!

  15. Ah! She is so cute and when a mother looks into her babies eyes and says, "It is right." it is right. Thanks for the fun we had when you asked for suggestions and we each got to throw ideas into the basket - bunny basket.

    Kim I love that you share your adventures with us. Please do not hold back, how would we know about your wonderful talent and humor if you did not share with us.


  16. Why not advertise on your blog?? It *is* your blog, after all!

    Will the Valentine Table topper be showing up in your Etsy shop?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!