Friday, March 6, 2009

Good Tidings

A couple days before my husband's department was closed and he was out of a job, this was the fortune I got in my fortune cookie that came with our Chinese fast food on one of those long, long work days:

I have a habit of saving good fortunes for at least a few days, and I'm sure you can imagine my thoughts every time I caught sight of my "fortune" in the first few days following the job loss. However--

On Tuesday, I received an email from C & T Publishing, informing me I had won their February Design Challenge--WOO HOO! So, yes, my fortune DID indeed come true--even more so today when FedEx delivered my prize package containing all sorts of yummy goodies from C & T! Check out THIS treasure haul:

Cool, huh?! And if it hadn't been for a couple of you out there in Blogland who emailed me to tell me about the contest, I never would have known about it and never would have won. So a big thanks to you guys! And if you haven't discovered C & T's blog yet, click HERE and take a look.

And there's more exciting news--at least I think so! My Etsy shop is now open for business, so those of you who have told me you can't wait for the Spring! pattern to be published--now's your chance! But really, what I want to say most of all is THANK YOU all for your wonderful words of encouragement and support in this new endeavor--without you, I'm sure my dreams of starting a pattern business "someday" would not have come to fruition THIS day.

Thanks, as always, for stopping in to visit!


  1. How cool to be recognized for your heart pillow! You a great haul of goods! Congrats!!

  2. Congratulations! I can't think of a more deserving person to receive this prize!

  3. Congrats, Kim! You deserve it and I hope it's only the start of many good things coming your way!!

  4. Congratulations Kim...what a wonderful prize... Congrats on your pattern business...what a BIG accomplishment. Cheering you on!

  5. Good Tidings, indeed, today is the start of your new life. Take care and all will go well. What a haul. Congrats.

  6. Kim, congrats on your great winnings. Just ordered your pattern on your Etsy site. Just had to let you know that it's so nice to see that you don't charge the 5.95 shipping like most places. Keep up the great work and will keep watching your etsy site because I know there are great things to come from you.
    Kim H

  7. Congratulations on the win! Awesome prize! I took a peek at your etsy shop. 7 sales already today! You go, girl!

  8. Congrats all around...clap.. clap.. clap!

  9. Congrats on your fantastic win. Will be visiting your Etsy shop regularly - love your creations.

  10. Congrats to you on your win! It came at a wonderful time for you.

  11. Congratulations to you Kim! You deserve it!

  12. Congratulations Kim....your upbeat and positive spin on everything is an inspiration to us all....!! You deserve your win.... and may there be many more! Hubby would have had to give up his job need him to run the accounts/orders/shipping for your new business!

  13. Congrats on your win from C&T publishing. I love the "sweater pillow" you designed. I am a thrifter too so I really appreciate your design while reusing and recycling.

  14. Congrats on your big win. And applause, applause on your pattern venture!! Off to check out your ETSY shop!

  15. Congratulations Kim,
    It couldn't happen to a nicer person- I have looked at that Batiks book a few times - it is a very nice prize you received ..
    Hope the fortune cookie brings you more wonderful things to you and your husband...
    I will have to go and check out your Etsy shop..

  16. How exciting, Kim!Congratulations! What a wonderful bunch of goodies you won, too.
    I am sorry to hear of your husband's department closing, but it looks like good things are definitely coming your way. Who says fortune cookie fortunes don't come true? Wishing you and hubby all the best.


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