Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Seasonally Confused

Sometime back, I heard a man on a radio talk show telling the host about a female relative who decorated the house for every holiday. "Okay," I thought, "so what's wrong with that?" Turns out she leaves everything up all year round. Yeah, okay, I admit that could be a problem.

Oddly enough, though, I now find myself in much the same predicament.

As I look around the house, I see Valentine decorations. And winter decorations. Snowmen, for instance.

And I'm starting to think about Easter and Spring decorations. I even have a few things out in my daughter's former room--stuff I've picked up at the thrift store in the last few weeks.

Also in my daughter's former room there's quite a pile of Halloween decorations and "stuff." Once a month, for my Hey Ghoul Friend class, I pretend it's Halloween and do a little decorating.

(Here's a guy I found at the thrift store and named the Maltese Owl. He'll be coming along to visit with my quilters at the Hey Ghoul Friend class tomorrow night.)

And not to be left out, there's some Christmas stuff in my daughter's former room too.

(I found this papier mache snowman "bucket" at the thrift store last week for $1.99. Kind of creepy looking but I like creepy if it's vintage looking creepy. When I took the wrapping off, I found there was a whole family inside--)

(Kind of cute. So I went back and bought a second one. Then today, at the BIG 50% OFF SALE, I found these vintage looking stars.)

Sheesh! I really need to figure out what season it is and get everything else put away before people start talking about me on the radio.

Last week, one of the attorneys in my office asked me if I decorate for EVERY holiday. Well, no, I told her. For instance, I don't decorate for Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, or several other holidays. And since today was Presidents' Day here in the US, it's a darn good thing I DON'T decorate for it, because I'm already confused enough as it is!


  1. You are funny. I do have to admit - since you started it - that I have some christmas things that looked sort of valentiny still out and I now have to put them away because St. Patrick's and Easter do not blend as well with the reds and a few of the snowmen still around. I guess I better crawl up into the attic and switch out holidays..... Thanks for the reminder.

    On Lincoln's birthday I was merrily icing a chocolate cake with big chunks of cherries in the butter cream icing. I thought I was so in tune to the day and making it special .... My DH only once and in a low calm voice said the cherry story was about Washington. OK, so I too was confused - so I got it mixed up - sure did not stop anyone from delighting in the yummy flavor combination I made up.

    Life is too short - and what the heck lets just celebrate and decorate with fun and enjoyment in our hearts. Who knows perhaps no one would notice and we would just be having fun.

    I have a feeling that the people that you work with quite enjoy your creativity and are amazed at what you do.

  2. the only thing creepier than that snowman head was you finding more of them inside!!! did he eat his family????? And for the record I am totally shocked and disapointed that you do not decorate for presidents day and memorial day, I expect better from the holiday goddess! but you can count your cherry stuff for George Washingtons birthday anyway.

  3. At least you decorate for the holidays. Only I do is put up a tree for Christmas and change my garden flags outside. that's is. By the time I would get going to decorate... the holiday would be long gone.

  4. Man I need to shop at your Goodwill. Ours has nothing and the last time I went in there they had color coordinated everything!! Like all the orange stuff then the green stuff, blue, white, glass. Now I'm all for sticking colors with colors but if you wanted a glass you had to visit every color to see the glasses!

    Good finds! Have fun with your decorations..it doesn't hurt a soul and it makes you happy!

  5. Fun decorations. I don't usually leave things up past a holiday - but I do shop the 70% to 90% off sales after I've packed stuff away - and then have to find a place to store the new bargains - and then have to remember where they are when the next holiday comes around.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!