Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday, Sewing, and Soccer

I've finally gotten around to starting the quilting on my own Valentine heart tabletopper. First thing this morning, I got everything ready and pinned it. Let me tell you, getting up and pinning a quilt is a heck of a lot more fun than getting up and going to work!

I quilted on and off today and have made quite a bit of progress, although I still have a few more hours of quilting left for tomorrow, and then there's the binding still. With any luck, though, I should have it done before the end of the weekend.

Someone asked about the tabletopper under the Valentine tree in yesterday's post. I made that one two years ago using three charm packs and some extra fabric for the border. It was a really quick project since I just used one charm square for the center of each block and two matching charm squares cut on the diagonal to form the outer parts of the squares. It's seriously something you can make in a day, and the quilting didn't take long either--I just quilted hearts in each block and then did some echo lines around them to fill in. I think you can see the quilt and the quilting better in the photo above.

I was feeling kind of sleepy this afternoon and needed a break from quilting, so I thought maybe I'd take a nap. Then I thought about making an iced latte and whipping up a batch of cupcakes instead, and I knew I'd be happier with the cupcakes than the nap in the long run!

And I am! Unfortunately, we've found Spike likes them too, so we'll have to be extra careful to keep them away from her!

Our Soccer Son plays on a semi-professional indoor soccer team--

They had a big game tonight, so Hubby and I went to watch. If you've never seen indoor soccer, imagine something like hockey with a soccer ball. Lots of speed, action, and body slamming against the walls. Really, I've found I just can't stand to watch anymore! At one point, Soccer Son got slammed up against the wall on a curve that was just out of sight and play stopped. He didn't pop up right away and we couldn't see him for awhile--ARGH! Turned out everything was fine, but it's enough to give a mom a heart attack.

The Scorpions lost, but Soccer Son seems happy enough, posing for his photo.

Do you know what big boys are made of? Unlike little boys, big boys aren't made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails. No sir-eee! Big boys are made of adrenaline, sweat and more sweat, judging by the rather soggy and enthusiastic hug I got after the game. And he scored a goal for me--a couple. Well, he didn't actually SAY they were for me, and maybe one was for his girlfriend, but a mom KNOWS, right? And if he'll stop giving me heart attacks, I might even give him some cupcakes.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend! Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. glad Soccer son is ok...hate when they get hit and don't get up straight away......the football season starts here in a couple of months and I will be watching some of the games ....Mark is playing for a different team this year and they are based a bit further away so will go to some and not to others.....great looking cupcakes...I did some prepping on some wool applique blocks today but that is all I managed..too hot to do much at all....but the cool change will be here next Saturday....yay!! have a good week...and I agree...getting up to quilt is way better than getting up to go to work!!

  2. Thanks Kim, for sharing how you did your table topper!! I think I will have to go out and support the economy today at my local quilt shop. You are so inspiring!

  3. I love your table topper. So cute! Why is it that some boys love that rough, physical contact in sports? Although, right now, my daughter is playing water polo. Talk about rough and physical. And she LOVES it! Luckily they do most of their physicality underwater and you can't see it. I just see the bruises. *sigh*

  4. Oh the cupcakes look so yummy, but I'd eat them all as hubby doesn't like sweets...what's up with that?

    Cute quilting, and can't wait to see what you did on your version...more feathers? I like those.

  5. My daughter played basketball, which is full of sweat, energy, and some body slamming every once in a while. At one of the games I had to go to the restroom. When I came back into the gym everything was quiet. I looked across the gym and saw my daughter with a bloody knee. I have a really soft voice, but I said, "Poor baby!". It echoed across the entire gym and everyone heard it. Laura was horrified and embarrassed to say the least.

    Your son is handsome! I'm glad he's okay.

    Your quilts are pretty, as always. The cupcakes look great, too. I'm hosting a super bowl party for my youngest daughter's friends (they have no electricty, so I invited them over). I was going to make chocolate chip cookies, but cupcakes take less time.

  6. you described indoor soccer perfectly! Daughter number 3 played it for a tournament in high school. Good heavens!! who on eath thought that would be a good idea???? I thought they would all be killed! oh, and I love your valentines........... and the cupcakes.

  7. What we do with out our quilting? We sure would not have found such interesting and talented friends here in blogland!! Thank you Kim.

    The quilts look spectacular! Lead on....

    The cupcakes look yummy, going to make them for my guys next week.

    The son, well I KNOW he made those goals for YOU. Well, maybe one as you mentioned. Yes, a Mum knows. I think he looks happy and what more could a mother ask. Hey!

    Shoot me now - I am going to quilt during the Super Bowl. DH & DS will be oblivious to me not watching the game in front of the tube with them. As long as the goodies to eat are made (a cooperative effort) they will not surface for a couple of hours. Might as well quilt and have the TV on while I machine quilt. That way I can catch the highlights and figure out what they will be hooting and hollering about :)


  8. Yummy cupcakes! They're better than a nap any day. I never come to your blog without my stomach, you know. LOL! Both quilts are just too cute - I know you'll have the unfinished one done in no time at all.
    I'm glad your son was okay. I would've had a heart attack, too!

  9. Love the table topper! Thanks for the inspiration!


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