Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cherry Delight!

Saturday morning found me feeling a bit better after a good night's sleep, so by early afternoon, I was ready to get out of the house and hit the errand-running road. First stop was the post office to mail off a pattern and pay a few bills. Next stop, the dollar store. I was looking for some flannel backed vinyl tablecloths but I didn't find any. I DID find some Easter goodies for the next class I'll be teaching--Spring! That will be another fun class, I think!

No day out would be complete without a stop at a quilt shop, so I headed on over to Bearpaws & Hollyhocks. I'm working on a really cute quilt and I needed some sashing fabric.

The blue floral fabric up front was in my stash and seemed perfect for the border, but I didn't have anything that was "right" for the sashing, and I needed something for cornerstones too. I came home with these three possibilities and ended up using the white with red stripe for the sashing. I thought the red floral would make good cornerstones, but I was wrong--too RED. The border fabric worked well as cornerstones though, and just as soon as I get the top done, I'll show you what I've been up to lately--I'll probably have a photo for tomorrow's post.

Next stop? Another quilt shop! I was looking for some black and white fat quarters for the Hey Ghoul Friend quilt I'm making for the class. Since I've already bought what was available at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks, I headed over to Running with Scissors.

Eureka! A bunch of black and white fat quarters! And can I ever just buy what I'm shopping for? Nah! What would be the fun in that?!

I really NEEDED this panel--probably about as much as I need a hole in my head, but I really, REALLY like cherries. There's more cherry graphics on the back side. What will I do with it? Heck if I know! But just so it doesn't get all sad and lonely waiting in my stash--

Yep, more cherries to keep it company! Up at the top of the photo, there's another piece of fabric from the same line with all-over cherry graphics, and then, as you can see, I found a few other fun and cherry things, like charm packs. I have no willpower. I think it's probably because my immune system is compromised as a result of this cold. That's my story, anyway, and I'm sticking to it!

At about this time in my Saturday excursion, I had planned to hit the Goodwill store next door to the quilt shop, but all the running around I'd done had knocked the snot out of me! (Not literally--I only wish!) It's funny how you can have a cold and feel more or less okay but then you get tired out really fast. Since I still had to go to the grocery store, I decided to call it quits and save Goodwill for another day.

But, hey, I even found some quilty-related stuff at the grocery store! No, not the cat--the freezer paper behind the cat! I'm finally running low on my ginormous roll of freezer paper I use for applique, so I picked up a new box. Spike just WOULD NOT move out of the photo and insisted on playing with the strap on the camera, so there you go--a cat-and-freezer-paper photo composition.

Hubby's got this horrible cold crud now, except he seems to have it worse than I did. Or maybe it's just because he's a man. In any event, he spent all day in the recliner, watching TV. Well, yes, as a matter of fact, he does that even when he's NOT sick, but today he sounded miserable and was huddled under a quilt the whole time, drinking hot tea and eating soup. Poor baby!

Tomorrow I plan to spend much of the day in the Sweat Shop--no more running around for me this weekend! It was nice to get out of the house today, but it wore me out and I'm really tired tonight. Time for my beauty sleep!


  1. Have a good sleep!! Love the cherry theme fabric.....v cute! You had a big day for someone who is sick - or recovering from a cold....take it easy!! back to work for me tomorrow...the down side of getting to the weekend before you is I get to go back to work first as well!

  2. Love your fabric for the border and sashing. I can see a cherrie quilt coming soon. Spike says it's time to get a picture of me in that blog. Good Morning

  3. Your new fabric for sashing and border is just great. I'm eager to see this project. And the cherries, oh my, I'm sorely tempted . . . . .

    Thank you for all you are doing for the nation's economy. You are putting me to shame. I feel amends coming on, however......

  4. That cherry panel is fabulous! I love the retro look it. I can hardly wait to see your new project (as usual).

  5. Glad you are feeling better Kim, I love the cherries too. Did you see the fabric that Sharon/Red Geranium Cottage got. It's really a nice piece too. Have a great day, it's raining here and I plan to do some sewing today as well.

  6. Wow that big cherry graphic is super cool! I like the sashing choice too, whatever is goes with will look nice...the fabrics look so nice and happy!

    Glad at least that you are feeling a bit better, but sorry you passed it on. Hope you both feel much better soon!

  7. Your new fabric looks great. You can never have enough black and white. Cherries, cherries, cherries oh my. New I gather. My favorite too. Linda

  8. Top 'o the mornin to yha!

    Hope you had a good nights rest and that you are able to sit up and take a little nourishment after yesterday. :0) Yes, indeed you did get yourself into mischief, yet, oh so delightful. What's a girl to do when she has been "down", but to follow her passion. Nothing like quilts and tea for you and DH.

  9. HEY I need a panel too!!! Your right that does match my new cherry fabric!!! I am loving that panel. Very cute!!!
    Your so busy over here but I'm glad to see that Im still a FRIEND over there on the sidebar. lolol
    Hope you guys feel better real soon Kim!!!

  10. I'm glad you got out of the house and are feeling better! I love the cherries panel, it is sooooo cute!

    My husband and son are both down with this nasty cold/fever/flu thing. I'm trying to stay away, yucky!!!

    Hope you're in the sweatshop right now putting together something lovely to show us!

  11. Love all your fabric purchases! It's nice to get out sometimes and just buy stuff, whether you need it or not. The cherry stuff is so cute! Enjoy your beauty sleep!

  12. Oh I so love the cherry fabrics particularly the panel!! Glad you're feeling a little better.

  13. Hi Kim, I was in the Sacto area all week and was in BP & HH on Saturday morning. Wonder if we crossed paths and didn't know it? I was there from about 10:15 - 11:30. Wouldn't it have been a hoot if I'd recognized you from your naked picture? LOL

  14. Hi Kim, I was in the Sacto area all week and was in BP & HH on Saturday morning. Wonder if we crossed paths and didn't know it? I was there from about 10:15 - 11:30. Wouldn't it have been a hoot if I'd recognized you from your naked picture? LOL

  15. I'm glad you're feeling better, and all that marvelous fabric will only help you feel like a new woman! New fabric is the best pick-me-up I've ever found.
    What is that panel? I want one, too! It's soooooo cute!
    Spike is adorable, too. Maybe you can make him a freezer paper hat.

  16. I will just say... Yum Yum Yum!!!!

    First of all Yum to your Easter goodies! Don't you just love the dollar store.

    Second, The three fabrics you found to match the one you had is perfect!

    Third, black and white! Oh wow awesome! We don't have anything like that here. Amazing selection, I love it!

    The cherries panel is delicious! It sure is a MUST HAVE!!! WOO WOO!! And give the kitty and rub for me. So soft and cute!!! Dontcha just love their personalities! :)


  17. I have the Recipe for Friendship fabric pack too...STILL don't know what I am doing with it, however. Any ideas?

  18. I love it when I find quilting stuff at the grocery store or Lowes/Home Depot! I have a ginormous roll of freezer paper too. I don't think I'm ever gonna get to the end of roll. Ha... maybe I should give it to my cats to play with!

    I love your cherry fabric score!!!


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