Friday, February 6, 2009

Another Sick Day

Thank you all for your comments on yesterday's post about the state of the economy and how it's affecting all of us personally. Some of you had some good tips on ways to economize. I know I can do a lot better at my grocery habits--I often buy more than we need, freeze stuff, and then forget it's there. ARGH! And I think just about everyone said the economy has affected them but they still have the essentials--family, love, and a roof over their heads--and they're grateful and reasonably content--a very positive and uplifting attitude!

About the title of this post: I seem to have come down with a cold virus and I'm feeling kind of icky tonight. I think when I wasn't paying attention someone stuffed cotton balls into my skull through my ears, causing all my brain matter to come out my sinuses. Paints a pretty picture, doesn't it?!

Hubby was kind enough to go digging through the freezer for some homemade chicken soup, but frankly I think I'd rather just have cereal and fruit for dinner. I'm posting this early because I suspect I'll end up laying on the couch and watching TV or going to bed with a book, and I won't have the energy to write later.

Sorry I'm not very inspiring or entertaining tonight, although if you're an 8-year-old boy, you might be amused by the whole cotton ball skull and escaping brain matter thing. Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow. Until then, please carry on without me.


  1. Poor Kim, Want to trade placeswith me?

  2. Oh my gosh. I hope you feel better. You are lucky that you have a husband that adores you so much. I really enjoy reading your blog every day.
    Talk to you soon.
    Love kim

  3. Oh dear, hope you feel better soon!

  4. I hope that you get to feeling better soon!

    As to the 8 year old boy, I have one of those and he thinks the brain leaking out thing is pretty cool! :~)

  5. Feel better! My daughter is coming down with a cold too. But she's not miserable (yet). I'm sure it's soon to come. A three year old with a cold is no fun! AND my husband is leaving us to go snowmobiling tomorrow. Leaves me with a sick kid... NOT happy!

  6. Hope you feel better Kim... the weekend is not time to be sick:) My favorite is War Won Ton soup when I've got a cold/flu-ish kind of thing.

  7. Kim I hope you are feeling better, after all you can't be sick on the weekend.

  8. Sorry your feeling so bad, hope your better soon.

  9. I hope you are feeling better this evening. Take good care of yourself!

  10. Hey, lady - how are the brains tonight? I sure hope you are on the mend.


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