Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So, I Was Thinking . . .

I was thinking about the class yesterday and the whole teaching thing--actually, Greenmare said something about patting myself on the back and making myself an apple (for the teacher) quilt, so I figured I'd show you that's already been considered and taken care of quite well.

One of my students--a very thoughtful quilting friend--brought me a little gift of some new red and white towels for Valentine's. She and I seem to think alike quite often and have the same tastes, so of course I love these! That's the apple for the teacher part!

Then the patting myself on the back part? Yeah, I did a little shopping when class was over. You can't see them too well, but there are two fat quarters in the back that are black with gold stars, a fat quarter in a lovely shade of blue, a wool candlemat pattern--hearts for Valentine's Day, and a wool heart ornament kit. I'm usually pretty nice to myself!

And if any of my students are reading this--and I did give them all my blog address, so it's possible!--here's another setting idea:

See, this is another of those thinking moments I had today. This upcoming Sunday is the Open House/Meet the Teachers at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks, and of course I'll be there, talking the ear off of anyone who wants to listen or is too slow to get away from me--telling them all about my classes. So I was thinking that to reward those poor souls for having to be polite to me, it might be fun to make a small tabletopper out of some of my class example blocks and have a drawing for it. The shop owner is out of town until the end of the week, but assuming she has no objection and assuming I get it quilted in time, I think that's what I'll do.

I was also thinking that I'll probably announce the winner here on my blog next Monday.

And then I was also, also thinking that maybe I'll make another little quilt out of more of my class example blocks and have a corresponding giveaway for those of you out in Blogland who are too far away to make it to the Open House on Sunday.

So, yeah, I think that's the plan unless the quilt shop objects to my Open House giveaway or you all object to my Blogland giveaway. Any objections? I should have a second quilt top made up pretty quickly--I'm not sure if it will look the same or if it will be different, but I'll be sure to post a photo and let you know when you can enter the giveaway. After all, you've all been quite supportive and encouraging in my teaching endeavor, so I think you deserve a pat on the back too!


  1. I was thinking you are thinking a lot!! Great ideas....if I was closer I would be signing up for one of your classes...they sound like fun! You go girl!

  2. Sounds wonderful because I was about to whine NO FAIRRR that your loyal bloggies don't get a chance to win that adorable quilt! You are so generous!! Yours is the first blog I read every morning - you're a bright spot in my day.

  3. If I was closer I would be signing up for your classes too!!! What a nice teacher you are. I hope you had fun too.
    Jana in Helsinki

  4. I have no objection to the blogland giveaway, in fact I'm hoping I win :)

    I like the ME border on the mini quilt. Is this your own pattern design? If so, would you consider letting us purchase a copy? I really like these checkerboard hearts.

  5. Now who in Blogland would NOT want to have a giveaway. If I was closer too I would be first in line to sign up for your classes.
    Sandy in Nebraska

  6. Well I am seriously jealous of the treats you got yourself! Mostly that wool heart kit...yum! Might have to make something similar of my own design.
    Loving the little table topper! Just the right size and the border is delish!

  7. i have aquestion about one of your quilts the spring one with the rabbit & flowers that you are going to teach. Is that your pattern or ina abook or something?
    I would like the pattern?
    Let me know.


  8. I sure wish that I live closer. I would certainly attend your classes. If for no other reason than just so you could talk my ear off!!! You are a very talented lady, those who get to take a class from you should count themselves very lucky!! :~)

  9. No objections here either! I would also like a tutorial on how you created your Valentine's Day quilt. It's adorable!


  10. Oh, please do count me in for the table runner. How fun it would be to own something you had made. I think you have a great future as a quilting instructor and when you get ready to go on the road, let me know!

  11. What a wonderful idea! You are so generous, Kim. I hope you get lots of sign-ups for your next class. Love the table topper.

  12. If you keep on thinking that much, you'll give yourself a headache or lay awake at night 'cause you can't stop thinking anymore. If that happens, you'll won't be able to teach properly 'cause too much braincells died in the too much thinking process. So stop. You're thoughts are great so far!

  13. Hello Kim - So great to hear your class teaching debut was a hit! Wow - I've never taken a class where the teacher went the extra mile as you did! All the goodies and displays - my oh my! But then I knew you'd be great. Wish I were closer so I could enroll. Love the smaller Valentine quilt you made. Is the border fabric a Mary Englebright? I saw the new friendship swap at QH - if my sewing room every is given back to me I might join at the last minute. Keep blogging - I enjoy you from afar!

    Hugs, Beth in AL
    bhambeth at gmail dot com

  14. Kim taking a class with you has to be so much fun. Wish I lived close enough to do it. Really love your valentine quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Well you took your first class in your stride - I have no dount you'll continue to do so, hope you get lots of people signed up - love your Valentine quilt

  16. No objections from me!!!
    I love reading your blog and congrats on your classes!
    Carol in E TN

  17. Kim, sounds like a great plan to me. Winona

  18. I'm sure there won't be any blogland objections to a giveaway!!! do you think you could throw in a Johnny Depp card and tattoos????

  19. I have never heard a blogger turning down a giveaway. Especially if it comes from your blog. Which is my first read of the day.

  20. You are one sweet teacher! Just love your blog and you make so many really cute things. Thanks for sharing your adventures.

  21. I wish I knew you in real life. You're so sweet!

    I, too, would like the pattern to the checkerboard hearts. I have 2 containers full of Valentine fabrics. I was looking in them today and I had left a note for myself. It said "The fabrics below the backing is YBR". I had to stand there for a few minutes and figure out what message I was sending to myself. Then it dawned on me; I had gotten fabrics together to make a Yellow Brick Road. I know they'll be cute as a YBR, but even cuter in the checkerboard hearts.

    Please put my name in the drawing!

  22. I'm so glad you did something for yourself, Kim! Lordy, you deserve it! And a giveaway - wowie! Thanks for thinking of us!

  23. I would be in line for your class if we lived closer. You have so many great projects and ideas. How about a cyber class??

  24. oh yeah baby! I was about to mention that your blogger friends should be included and you had ALREADY thought of it! wow, are you psychic or something? ;-)

  25. If you are giving something away - count me in. You have a great "thinking cap !"

  26. As always, Kim you are one thoughtful lady- I think your valentine quilt is very cute and am sure it will be a big hit..
    when you have your giveaway, I would be delighted to enter your contest.
    I love coming to visit your blog - it is a happening place...

  27. Hi, It's kim. from san diego. I put some pictures on my blog.

  28. I vote for the giveaway, but I am selfish that way! Ha,ha,ha.


  29. I agree with the earlier poster who mentioned that you are the first blog she reads every morning. That is so true as I always find your post up beat and inspirational. If you make it to frigid Ohio to teach a class I would be your first student!!! but I guess until then I will continue to learn from your blog. Of course I am in favor of a blog giveaway! That ME fabric is cheerful!

  30. What a wonderful idea! And a giveaway for the bloggy readers, too? You are far too kind and generous, and what I wouldn't give for a Kim Original!
    How lovely you received an "apple" from one of your students. I think you deserve a pat on the back for all of your talent and hard work!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!