Friday, January 9, 2009

Seven Pounds

Are you wondering whether this post is about the new Will Smith movie?

Nope! It's pretty much about the fact that I overestimated the amount of butter I needed for all those Grandma's Applesauce Cakes I made as holiday gifts. Silly me! For some reason, I doubled what I needed and sent Hubby off to Costco to fill his basket with butter.

Seven pounds. That's how much I still have left. Plus a partial cube.

Now I gotta figure out what to do with it. I know that many of you are on diets, given that it's the start of a new year and that's kinda what people are expected to do in January, right? (Unless you're an attorney I used to know--he'd diet and give up alcohol every February because it was the shortest month of the year!)

You're probably cringing at the thought of what SEVEN POUNDS of BUTTER could do to a diet, right? But I have a new diet secret. Well, really it's an OLD diet secret. Butter? No problemo!

Just goes to show: Grandma knew about more than just aprons!

And that seven pounds of butter? Well, I guess it's nothing that can't be resolved with one or two Paula Deen recipes.


  1. Was Grandma serious????? Give me the butter before the tapeworm!! I think Nigella's recipes are pretty heavy on the butter/fat content....or the Two Fat Ladies recipes.......or you could just hide it in the pocket of your apron!!

  2. Agree with Kelly Ann... freeze it. I stock up on butter through out the year whenever it is on sale for my holiday baking. I throw it in the freezer and I always have butter on hand. I also have a stand-up freezer unit in my garage for my overflow. Hopefully you have the freezer space for all that butter.


  3. OMG Too funny. And yes, my kids love Paula and all of her butter.

  4. Agree with Kelly Ann and PunkiePie... freeze it. I always freeze "the leftovers" butter and one day before I need it again, I put it in the fridge to soften up a little bit and then I can use it again.
    Happy New Year from Jana in Finland

  5. Paula Dean is good for any recipe with butter in it!

  6. ROFLOL!!!!! Too funny, Kim! I remember my younger sister liked to eat butter pats straight from the cube - and hey, she's still skinny - so there must be something good about it!! I agree - freeze it!
    And good luck with your classes tomorrow - I know you'll be a hit!

  7. I swear all her recipes start with get a stick of butter! then add 2 more sticks of butter!! LOL!

    Can butter freeze? Don't know but it might be worth a try. Does it go bad? It's fat right, so I doubt it goes bad. Hum...puzzler.

  8. Ive never thought of freezing butter so guess I've just learnt something too!! I don't start dieting (or any of my other resolutions) until february when the kids return to school and life gets back into routine again and then I give them all up at the end of November!! In my house I'd try to have a baking frenzy to fill the freezer to feed the hoards of teenagers that pass through!

  9. Everything goes better with butter!
    See you Sunday.

  10. Tape worms??? Eeeeewwwwww! :-)

  11. Ohhh, make some butter cake from Paula's recipe! Then, ship some to me! *giggle*

  12. I'd rather freeze it than for it to end up on my hips like all the other bad things I ate during the holidays! To get rid of that, I'm doing Sharon's diet challenge. Wish me luck!

  13. Freeze it!!!

    Or you could donate it to you local Foodbank.

  14. I agree with freezing it. I always freeze what I'm not going to use right away. There's no difference at all when it's thawed.
    I read somewhere a while back that butter is much better for us than margarine. The article said that margarine is one molecule short of plastic, or something to that effect and butter is easier to digest. If I find the article, I'll save it for you and you will feel better about eating all that butter. Butter tastes better too!

  15. Hooray for Paula Deen!! She's made real butter and real mayo staples that no kitchen should be without. LOL We buy our butter at Costco and freeze it - it works very well. Stays good forever.
    Sanitized tapeworms??? Gross! Not my kind of diet, thank you. Grandma should stick to aprons.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!