Friday, January 30, 2009

Blogging Sick Day

I'm taking one. Understand, though, that I'm not SICK sick. It's just that I've had this low grade stomach bug thing since last Saturday--Saturday was the WORST, but since then, I've been more or less okay, kinda. But here it is, nearing the end of the work week, and today was a nine hour day with no break of more than a few minutes, really, and I'm just tired and still a little--queasy isn't the word, but maybe "unsettled" describes it.

AND last night, Spike--our goofy cat--decided to run across me and get into stuff on my desk in the middle of the night. Of course it woke me up, and I thought for a minute that maybe she was doing some Lassie thing--alerting me to someone breaking in, the house burning down--something! So I listened for a few minutes and I sniffed for smoke, but there was nothing. Just a playful cat, delighted that a human being had woken up in the middle of the night. The performance was repeated around 6 a.m., and when I tried to pull the covers over my head, she managed to get under them and give my nose a good licking before I pushed her away. So, yeah, not a real restful night.

So tonight I'm going to bed with my book, a chai latte and maybe some Tylenol PM. I'm also considering cat repellant. I'll be back tomorrow night to talk about something more interesting than my health and my cat. Good Lord, I think I might be turning into one of those cat ladies! ARGH!


  1. On occasion, I may or may not partake in a "mental health" day.

  2. hope you are feeling better soon...! that's why I don't have a cat...way too playful in the middle of the night....!I didn't get much sleep last night but that was because it was just plain breeze...just heat!! Blah! but they are predicting a cool change next Friday...that's not long to wait...I will be used to it by then!!

  3. You know exactly the best things to do. Bed, a good book, cupacupa. Take care of you.

  4. I already AM one of those cat ladies, LOL. That's why they stay out of the bedroom at night...too much playing. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. AH. now you know how I feel about being woke up in the middle of the night. Worse I canb't just shove my bigh cat off. Last night it was a nose bleed. Do hope this morning you feel a whole lot better.

  6. I do hope your feeling better! I look forward to seeing what you have to say. :)

  7. Oh I know what you mean about the cats. Mine have figured out there are things in our bedroom that make noise that wake me up at 5:00 in the morning to go feed them. They're too smart for their own good. HOpe you feel better.

  8. You are so funny! I loved the cat licking your nose. LOL Take a break, feel better.

  9. If our boys hear one sound that makes them think you are somewhat awake, look out! Tummy rubs all around. I lay still and play dead.

    Hope you feel better!

  10. Take care Kim and get well soon.

  11. I hope your remedy last night worked for you and that you are feeling much better today. I would have done the same... even without feeling sick:)//there are worse things than being one of "those" cat ladies.

  12. Feel better Kim! Just wanted to tell you that I read your blog every day...I love it! I know that yucky-feeling you describe...we call it feeling "floopy" in my house. My cats like to chase each other in my room at 5:30...then my son comes in at 6. Yawn!

    Take care...drink plenty of fluids! --Jen

  13. I hope your stomach settles down very soon, so you can get back to you very productive, happy self!
    I understand about the cat waking you up. Occasionally, I am awakened from a dead sleep by a dog making the dreaded puking noises! Talk about waking up VERY quickly! Yikes! If I catch her in time, I put her in the bathtub - easy to clean, ya know!


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