Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quilting, Quilting, and More Quilting

That's all I've been doing today. Oh, yeah--I stopped and made some baked potato soup. Then I quilted some more. Sadly I have nothing interesting to write about tonight. About the only thing on my mind right now is the pain in my shoulders and neck from all that quilting and the idea that maybe I should take some Tylenol PM and go to bed! LOL!

I've added some photos of the quilt I've been working on today. I just need to quilt the border tomorrow, and the quilting will be done--yippeee!


  1. Beauty! Sharing your quilting is more than enough for tonight. Thank you for spreading the joy.

  2. What a beautiful work you´ve done! If I had not been so far away, I would have signed up for your spring course right away!!!
    Jana in Finland

  3. the quilting looks great! I think that is enough for one day young lady!! Still you have Sunday to get over it....I am back at work tomorrow....!! Counting down to two weeks off over Christmas!

  4. Wonderful quilt and wonderful quilting!! I was at JoAnns today and they already have their Valentines stuff out!

  5. When I grow up I want to quilt like YOU! Ohmygosh - do you ever make anything that isn't stunning???

  6. Beautiful quilting!!! Get some rest.

  7. It is so cute! I love the quilting. You always come up with such great quilting designs.

  8. That looks beautiful.

  9. Fantastic feathers! I love this pattern... Are you sure you don't want to come to South Dakota to teach this class? C'mon... the wind chill's only -10 degrees F!

  10. Love the quilted feathers, Kim! Did you free-hand them? I hear you about the neck and shoulder pain - they always tell us to relax when we do it, but I have no idea how! I was doing the same thing yesterday and the old body is screaming today!

  11. To think you do such beautiful quilting on a domestic machine! Just think what you could do with a long arm!!Hugs, Cathy Trumble

  12. Ah,Ha, I'm fooling you,I'm on the laptop and seeing you in big time, /great quilting on tne Hearts quilt.Can't believe, it even hAS MY IDENTity. OOps hit the wrong button.

  13. Wow such a fantastic job on the feathers! I have to ask your you go up the spine first and then feather down one side and up the other? I try to do spine first..down the side, then stop and start again at the top on the other side and go down! Wonderful job again...seriously! You should be hurting, it's a lot of work, but just beautiful!

  14. Just beautiful. Sorry about the neck and shoulder...take your pills and go back to bed. Tomorrow is another day.

  15. Blow me away with your beautiful quilting! Wow!

  16. Oh Kim, I love this quilt, just beautiful!

  17. How beautiful is that! I love the hearts!!!

  18. This quilt is gorgeous! The quilting is fantastic! I love the feathers.

    My McTavishing book came in last week. I've been doodling on paper, but I haven't had a chance to watch the DVD. Maybe when I grow up one day I can quilt like you!

    By the way, do you sit your Juki on a table or do you have it set up like what a long arm quilter would do? I've seen those for the Juki's, but I can't remember if you have one or not. Do you have the stitch regulator thingy, too?

    It's beautiful. :)

  19. Love this one, Kim, hearts are my favorite!!

  20. Oh my, that quilt is so awesome. So is your quilting. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Love it!

  21. absolutely love it! congrats on almost finishing it


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