Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Little Bit of Sadness

Sadly, we lost our friend Button yesterday. Button was somewhere beyond 19 years old, which is pretty old for a pet, and her passing was not unexpected.

Just about 18 years ago, when our daughter was in first grade and on the day of her elementary school Christmas pagent, she caught a cold and was too sick to perform. It was raining hard that day, and toward evening, a black cat came to our back door, crying to come in. At the time, we didn't have any pets, and Hubby was somewhat adverse to adopting one, but when this particular cat was quite persistent about wanting to come in out of the rain and would not go away, he finally relented. For our daughter, a cute, new pet was consolation for missing the pagent. Hubby named the cat Button.

Within about a month, Button got pregnant and, in due course, bore a litter of kittens. That was the first--and only--time the kids and I saw an animal give birth. What a fun experience! But, it was not one we wanted to repeat, so Button took a trip to the vet for a little surgical procedure.

Button was the haughty queen of our household. Even our two rather large dogs knew who was the boss and kept their distance. And Button? She would often go into their dog houses and sit there--just to prove she could.

I took this photo of her about a year and a half ago. Hubby was doing some baking, and when he wasn't looking, she put her face in the container of flour. She seemed rather put out by our laughter, and--unlike Spike who has to be in every photo--Button never really liked her picture taken.

While we're saddened to lose her--particularly at this time of the year--we are grateful to have had Button as part of our family for so long. We have many good and happy memories. We knew she was ailing this past week or so, and Hubby and I talked Sunday about whether this might be the right time to have her put to sleep before she started to suffer. As it turned out, that was a decision we didn't have to make after all. And for that, too, we're grateful. So, yes, we're sad, but not too much. It was just time.


  1. Yes, you were blessed to have Button be part of your family for so long. I send a hug and soft prayer for peace in yours and hubby's hearts.

  2. How fortunate you were to have had Button for so long, and she to have found her people in a rainstorm! Perhaps she didn't want you to suffer through making "the Decision". We can't imagine how much our beloved pets understand...

  3. sad for you to lose Button....and she certainly found her port in a storm all those years ago! Wonderful memories!

  4. What a wonderful story! Sounds like Button had a great life full of love.


    and Happy Holidays...

  5. Oh Kim I am so sorry to hear about your little "Button". I have had many cats in my life and losing one is so devastating. I am glad she didn't suffer. I hope you can find peace in this and have a Merry Christmas.

  6. Glad you didn't have to make that decision. Button sounds like she was a wonderful pet and friend. So sorry you had to lose her and especially this close to Christmas. Hope DD is taking it as well as you are.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty Button. I lost my Gypsy this year and it was very hard on the entire family.

    Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas.

  8. She was a wonderful addition to your family. Your story brought tears to my eyes. I'm sorry for the loss of Button but she led a long and happy life. She was one happy kitty.

    Jen :)

  9. Oh, I'm sorry you lost your little Button, I know how hard it is. But at least you didn't have to make the decision for her, she knew it was time. I am glad you took her in all those years ago, I'm sure she lived a very happy life.

  10. So sorry for your loss! I can tell that she was a special part of your family and that she was well loved while she "owned you." :)

    Merry Christmas!

  11. Kim and family so sorry for your loss of Button. It is so hard to lose a dear pet. But she had a great life thanks to you all Sharon Mac

  12. Oh, Kim, I'm so sorry for your loss of Button! But you're right, you were blessed that she found you and she was blessed to have found such a loving home. There is nothing harder than trying to decide when "it's time" would always have questioned whether you'd made the right decision (as any animal lover knows). She spared you that decision and she will be waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge.

  13. Lucky Button - lucky you! It's pretty special to have a friend for that long. I hope I can let Cuervo go with that much grace. (((HUGS)))

  14. I'm so sorry that you lost Button. She sounds like she was a great cat.

  15. RIP Button.... My prayers are with your button and she makes her next journey...and a very Merry Christmas Eve to you and hubby.

  16. I'm so sorry. Our family lost a friend like that 2 years ago. Sugar was our oldest daughter's cat and I called her at college to tell her. Now we have an ornament with her picture in it on the tree.

    Button will always be with you in your hearts and in your memories.


  17. I'll bet she is, right now, sitting on the Rainbow Bridge making all those pesky dogs wait til she is good and ready to let them in. :)
    Such nice memories you have. A pet is a wonderful thing.

  18. Sorry for the loss of your cat-- Pets bring such love into our lives. Merry Christmas... Remember it's not what you's what you had that counts....

  19. OH poor Button, but I'm sure she's happy wherever she is and I'm glad that she didn't suffer. I'm sorry that you have to go through the loss and she'll be missed greatly. We lost our first cat just before she turned 20 and you get so used to having them around. I'm sure even the dogs will miss her too.

  20. Oh Kim - I'm so sorry! I'm also thankful she didn't suffer. What a wonderful picture of her! It's so hard to take a good picture of a black cat or dog. i'm so glad you have such great memories.

  21. Kim, I'm so sorry to hear of Button's passing. She was very lucky to have picked such a wonderful home and may she rest is peace. I'm glad you have good memories of her, they will help keep you and your family strong.
    Best Regards to you and your family.

  22. My George who looks very much like your Buttons is here by the fire at my feet. His place. Button will always have a place in your heart, too, I am sure. Sorry for your loss.

  23. Cats have a mysterious way of showing up when needed for whatever reason. 19 years is a long time to have a precious kitty and I'm sure she is missed. The timing is never perfect....may your family find peace and reassurance she was needed elsewhere.

  24. So sorry to hear about your Button. But as others have already said, she was well-loved, and knew it. 19 years is a long time and she accumulated (and gave) alot of love, I'm sure.

  25. All the others have said what I feel, but much better than I could have said it. Merry Christmas Kim and family.
    Chris is Sacramento

  26. Kim, I'm sorry about Button. But you know that she is better off. But it's still never an easy thing.
    I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.

  27. HI KIm,
    I am so sorry for your loss- Pets are a special part of families- It sounds like Button found a perfect port in the storm and had many wonderful years with you.

    We spent the evening visiting some family and we were reminiscing about all the pets that we had had in our families. It was a surprising list. I grew up with lots of pets and my brother in law had never had pets until he was an adult. It met for some interesting stories and laughs- and a discussion of whether one should have pets or not...
    I hope that you will remember Button's unique qualities and that it will bring you a smile or two to lighten your sadness.

    Season's greetings to you and yours.


  28. Kim,
    I'm so sorry for your loss. You are so brave...I know how hard it is to loose a beloved furry family member...
    My thoughts are with you. I hope, in spite of missing Button now, you'll have a merry Christmas...
    Hugs, Julia

  29. Oh, I am so sorry for your loss! {{hugs}} to you and your family!

    Merry Christmas!

  30. I am so sorry about Button. She sounds like a grand dame of a cat. You were very lucky to have each other.

  31. We lost our good and faithful cat, Rimshot, several years ago when she was 18 and a half. Even though it was time it did not make it any less painful to lose her. I still miss her every day and we now have 5 cats to try to replace her ( and they really don't) I'm glad Button blessed you with her presence for so long. You know that she will be waiting on the Rainbow Bridge for you! HUGS!


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