Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Quiet Saturday

The weather out today was kind of gloomy, and late in the day we had a few light showers. Perfect weather for sewing! Which, coincidentally, fits in nicely with my panic about how little time is left before Christmas.

I sat and sewed much of the day, thinking about what quilting things need to get done. I've managed to convince myself that one project doesn't need to be done this year, so that's some progress! Then I've been working on quilting the Peppermint Twist quilt, and that's nearly done so there's another gift that I can soon cross off my list.

Between quilting the last couple days, I've been working on the Christmas List applique and I finished the Watch for Santa block--

and I just have the letters left on the Enjoy the Season block--

Tomorrow, Sunday, looks like it will be filled with more sewing, with the occasional break for cooking and possibly a bit of housecleaning--just a little bit, I think.

A friend sent me some funny stuff today--I'll leave you with this one:


  1. Cute blocks. Isn't that top about finished?

  2. Your applique is just beautiful!!!

  3. Love the 'Watch for Santa' one. Enjoy your day of sewing. That's my plan today as well...

    Jen :)

  4. Hi Kim,
    today I discovered your blog. You have a wonderful blog. I bookmarked it and I shall often visit you. :-))
    I live in Austria. I envy your
    American for your lot of quiltshops.
    I love your christmas list. Sorry that the pattern cannot buy.

    I wish you a lot of fun by sewing on your christmas list.

    Maria, Austria

  5. I just love visiting your blog! Everything you make is so beautiful and creative. Thank you for all your posts and photos!


  6. Kim--that is a precious sign! LOL As far the Christmas quilt--love the blocks--can't wait to see the whole quilt. Christmas is right around the corner. I try not to punish myself by trying to make too many gifts. Too much pressure. Good Luck!!

  7. I'm loving these blocks and it's making me itch to get my pattern out ans start but no way...I've still got lots to do for this year. Next year for sure!

  8. That quilt is great!! And the dog sign..............LOLOLOL!!!!

  9. Hi there! I just love your blog and appreciate that you update it daily.
    The Christmas quilt is wonderful! Did you do fusible, machine applique or needle turn?

    Molly in Sumner, WA


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!