Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day 2008

I've been too caught up tonight listening to other people talk to have given any thought at all to what I might have to say to my Blogland friends. Both candidates spoke very eloquently. The news commentators talked a lot, as news commentators usually do, and this time they even had something to say. It will be interesting to see what happens next.

But, in the meantime, and on a more immediate quilting issue, since so many of you asked where to find the Christmas List and Hey Ghoul Friend patterns, I've put links to sources in my sidebar. Both of these are patterns that aren't widely available and are hard to find, so I hope these links help.

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PSSST! Check out THIS pattern--

It's called Santa Pause and is by the same gal who designed Hey Ghoul Friend (and can be found at the same source). I guess I'll have something to add to NEXT year's list of Christmas quilts! ARGH!


  1. That is a very cute quilt. I think I would probably never get it finished, though.

  2. So cute! I want it!!! I will have to hunt down the patterns for them both.

    Jen :)

  3. Hi Kim,
    I have added you to my blog list. Love your blog and will be stopping by often to see you.

    I am also a quilter so you will find some quilts already on my blog (I'm fairly new at this blogging stuff ha) and plan on putting a lot more on. Enjoying seeing your work. It's great

  4. Another adorable quilt - STOP IT!!!! You are a TOTAL quilting temptress.

  5. Yes, you will have to do that Santa to go with the one you just finished. Cute.

  6. That is just about the cutest Christmas quilt I've ever seen!!!


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