Friday, November 7, 2008

Boring Me

I don't have anything at all interesting to share tonight. I stayed home from work sick today, so my day was spent sleeping a lot, reading a lot, watching TV some, and doing some applique this evening. I'm feeling a lot better tonight and will return to work tomorrow. (One more day until the weekend!) I hope your day was spent in a much more interesting way!


  1. I had a blast yesterday. Went shopping with my two daughters. Those two together will keep anybody entertained. By the way, they aren't children.... they are in their 50s. Oh well, some people never grow up.

  2. I hope you're feeling better. You can add a notch to your Megging Belt because I ordered those patterns. :)

  3. I only know you through your blog but "down and out" is not your normal style. Hope you're feeling back to normal soon.

  4. Why, yes it was, thank you! I'm sorry you were sick and hope that you're feeling better.

  5. Feel better! The flu is going around... at least here in CT it is.

    Jen :)

  6. Don't you know that since you're feeling better you should have taken today off to get done all the sewing that you didn't do yesterday? Girl, we need to talk! LOL

  7. Hope you are feeling better and recovered from your flu- there seems to be alot of it around-
    Hope it doesn't spoil your weekend- feel better soon.

  8. hey, I'm still in denial...wasn't it summer just 2 weeks ago??


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