Thursday, October 2, 2008

So, What Else Have I Been Doing Lately?

I'm almost embarrassed to tell you this, but I made another quilt last night. A smallish one--only a little over 20" square. I know, I know--you're wondering again whether I ever sleep, right? Well, in this case, I guess the answer would be, "No, not too much!"

I wasn't feeling well yesterday and came home from work a few hours early. After napping for a couple hours, though, I felt much better, so when I made my way into the Sweat Shop around 5 p.m., I decided to check my Jo's Little Women Club folder to see what we were supposed to have worked on this month--our club meeting was tonight.

A 9-patch challenge quilt. We were to make any sort of 9-patch quilt we wanted and there'd be a prize for the winner. Well, how could I pass that up? So I got busy cutting and stitching. Pinning. Quilting. I wasn't the slightest bit tired--I guess that nap really helped a lot. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, I stitched on the binding. And at that point, I went to bed and managed to get about 4-1/2 hours sleep. I only had to sew down the binding in the back during my lunch hour today.

As you can see, I'm still kind of stuck on the blue and orange. I used more of the leftover scraps from the Happy Jacks quilts in this one. And at the Jo's Club meeting, I was the only one who made a challenge quilt, so I won this Jo Morton book--

Doesn't my new little quilt look nice on my cookbook shelf? And sitting on top is one of the homegrown pumpkins I picked the other day from our garden.

Here's another of our pumpkins.

And another.

And finally this one--recognize the basket? After putting some stuff together for the photo to share with you the other night, I reassembled a collection of "stuff" for the final version.

But the best pumpkin arrangement I've seen this year? And no, sad to say, it's not mine. This is a photo Anna sent. I thought you'd enjoy the harvest moon.

HAPPY OCTOBER, my Blogland friends!


  1. Hi Kim,
    what? Another quilt in a night? Wow, I wish I could do the same...;o)
    It's beautiful...
    Love the pumpkin arrangement (yours, too...but the pumking man...LOL!!!)
    Hugs, Julia

  2. That little quilt is so cute. But the pumpkin man takes the prize.
    So are there some good patterns in the new book?

  3. Well, whether yours was the only entry or not, you deserved the prize - that is a very sweet quilt. I have got to check out the Jo Morton books you all talk about so much. You have had quite a harvest from your garden and that scarecrow is just too funny.

  4. That is an adorable quilt! I keep hearing about the Jo Morton quilts -- guess I'll have to check out one of her books!
    The pumpkin man is too funny!

  5. I wish I had the quilting talent to get a quilt made in a few short hours; even if it is a little one. I'm just not there yet. Your quilt is very sweet. I like the blues and oranges together.

    Jen :)

  6. I love your quilt! What do you use to quilt it with? Your stitches are perfect!


  7. Your little quilt is adorable! Did you free hand the quilted pumpkins? They are great.

  8. Your quilt is very cute and fits right in with the decor. Love your scarecrow too!

  9. Kim - you are tooo much! You're another quilter that I have to put on my list to "channel"!! Fabulous little quilt! Cheers!

  10. Wow, you are one productive woman! The quilt is darling. Maybe you can start publishing! Just some food for thought.

  11. Wow you are so quick - but I would say getting a book would be worth staying up for. It is a great quilt. I'm still spending more time deciding what fabric to use for the stars.

  12. coming home from work and having a nap before firing up in the sweat shop seems like a good idea.....!!! I have just been coming home and managing a bit of stitching before going to bed...this weekend is a big one for stitching...I have a big "to do" list and will only be changing the schedule if the grandbaby arrives early.......! If all goes to plan she will be here on Tuesday! This is a long weekend here (our Labor Day weekend) so woo hoo....three days off!! (followed by two to welcome the baby!!)...

  13. HOLY CATS WOMAN - a quilt totally done in one evening. You are super quilter, LOL. It's adorable and would look great in my house, LOL.

    Glad your feeling better - Karen

  14. I like Karen's idea. That little quilt would look good in my house, too. You are such a phenomina! I do not understand how you can be so productive with so little sleep. Naps make me groggy instead of perking me up. You are a super woman quilter!

  15. What a lovely little quilt - and you made it in one evening!!
    That harvest moon picture is unlike any other I have ever seen! LOL

  16. Kim,
    I don't know how you do it but your quilt is great- I love the little stars in it.

    Glad you like the pumpkin man- I take no credit for the photo - an email friend sent it to me- He made me laugh and glad that ithas had the same effect on others.
    I will be back tomorrow to see this evening's accomplishments in the sweatshop-VBG

    Hope yo are feeling better,

  17. I wish I could whip those out like that... I really like the pattern you made.. good for you being the winner!!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I love your 9-patch and the quilting is darling! Not so sure about the Harvest Moon.

  20. Kim, the above comment was by my alter ego. Feel free to delete it. I tried to delete it and sign in as me, but was not successful. I still love the 9-patch however!

  21. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Will you do a tutorial on this quick little quilt also?! :) I would be your bff forver LOL. xoxo melzie

  22. Happy October to you too! Lovely decorating! Beautiful quilts as always! I'm so envious! Cheers!


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