Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Economic Stimulus Package

Tracey stopped by my little Blogland "home" to visit and expressed a bit of concern that perhaps I was no longer doing my part to stimulate the economy, thereby causing the world-wide financial crisis. Never fear, Tracey! I've been soldiering on! And since it's apparently the patriotic thing to do (rather than something you smuggle into the house in the dark of night so the Hubby doesn't find out!), I'll share my latest shopping purchases with all of you and consider it a badge of honor to do so!

I'd been trying to rein in my spending habits a bit, but then those darn chickens came along! Well, of course, the chickens were so much fun, I needed--NEEDED!!!--a couple more Buggy Barn books. Completely understandable, right?

And then, also quite understandably, I needed (yes, "needed!") backing fabric for the chickens. This was before I decided to hold off on quilting them until after the holidays. So I popped on over to Thousands of Bolts . . . Only One Nut and browsed his black and white selections. The fabric on the left is chicken backing. The fabric on the right is just because a girl needs polka dots . . .

. . . and the fabric above is because it's cute Halloween fabric, it's inexpensive, and darn it, I'm worth it! Which reminds me--

Have you heard of 401(F) plans? This is something new I just recently learned about from my friend Cynthia. They're a little like 401(K) plans where you put money away for retirement, but with a 401(F), you put FABRIC ("F") away for retirement! So, as my 401(K) is dwindling, at least my 401(F) is healthy!

Anyway, back to helping the economy. Then I got an email from Connecting Threads telling me all their books are 40% off. Can I resist that? At least I should look, right?! Well, I couldn't resist buying either. (Sigh!)

The book My Autumn has a couple patterns in it that I was looking at when I was at Cabin Fever with Hubby while on vacation, and the Dressed to Chill--well, it has some cute snowmen. Cute books, both of them!

And do you know that shipping's free at Connecting Threads if your order is $50 or more? So, in order to save money, I also got this:

What a smart shopper I am! It's almost like they're paying ME! Well, almost. Except different. But I needed thread. Maybe just not quite that much.

And then remember those chickens again and how much fun I had making them? I wanted to check the Pieces From My Heart website because I have a couple patterns that use their technique that's similar to Buggy Barn's. And while I was there, I found these: Peppermints, hats, and pumpkins.

And the patterns I already had? Here are three I'd like to make--soon! And these I didn't buy (recently)--they were already in my 401(P) ("P" for Pattern) fund:

I guess I'd better check my stash to see if I have the fabric I'll need. Because if I don't, I'll need to do a little shopping. But, you know--it's the patriotic thing to do! Besides, it's not my fault. I'm telling you, it's those darn CHICKENS!


  1. Looks like Christmas!!! I just got the Sitr Crazy book-- I'm collecting fabrics for the WInterblooms quilt.

  2. Thank you Kim for continuing to do your part to keep this country afloat! LOL! I've done the pumpkin one and the tree one...they were both so much fun...I've always wanted to do the present one...maybe next year.

  3. I didn't even make those darn chickens but they made me buy stuff just watching you make them. DARN CHICKENS! I have been putting money into both my 401(f) and my 401(p). Who cares what's in the 410(k). I get more return on investment in the first two accounts anyway. Certainly more piece of mind. Pretty soon I will need to invest in my 401(s) for "storage" or (ss) for "sewing studio". Love the new stuff. Most of what I have recently purchased went up on the blog but I may have received a few things the other day that I didn't tell anyone about. Guess I should report it as a badge of honor to how much I stimulate the economy. Enjoy the new stuff. Can't wait to see how those darn chickens turn out.

  4. I love the Buggy Barn patterns! So cute! Thanks for the link to Thousands of Bolts. I will be sharing with friends!

  5. Some nice buys! Makes me feel MUCH better about my purchases.

  6. I'm so happy you are out doing your part. Keep up the good work, ps I love the 401f and 401p can I add 401B for books.

  7. I just love the 401(f) reference! And I was worried about retirement. Not any more - I realize I am set!

  8. I am going to share with my hubby the 401F plan! He'll say I'm well on my way! You are a wonderfully patriotic gal, doing your part to help the economy. I'm proud of you! Those darn chickens - I want to make them, too! We'll keep the economy going, one chicken at a time, right? LOL

  9. You did a great job stimulating the economy!!

    I love the peppermint pattern!

    I love this 401(f) idea! I'm set for retirement, too!


  10. Yup, gotta blame those darn chickens. I'm waiting for my book to arrive so I can make them as well! Up here in Canada we have different numbers, but I'm saving in my f and p stashes as well!
    Lurking Linda

  11. Yup, gotta blame those darn chickens. I'm waiting for my book to arrive so I can make them as well! Up here in Canada we have different numbers, but I'm saving in my f and p stashes as well!
    Lurking Linda

  12. You really have to watch out for chickens....they've never gotten over the Colonel Sanders thing.
    Proud to say my 401f is a lot healthier than my 401k right now!!! I hope I have a loooong retirement! Excuse me now, I have to get shopping 'cos theres a couple of those patterns I have to find....

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. LMAO it was definitely the chickens!! I love all of your 401 enhancements. I must remember that :o) And I saw one of the "My Autumn" quilts put together at the new shop in my area. Very cute! I have a pic on my blog of it.

    Have fun with all of those wonderful goodies!

  15. 401(F) RFLOL Oh dear. That's so clever and so funny.

  16. Lots of nice swag you got there! And I like the way you think! Your kitty is cute, my cat does the same thing, I think she knows when the postman delivers something in a box, she's in it the minute I take the contents out.

  17. Blasted chickens! They'll get you every time! Your stuff is wonderful! It looks like the deficit was reduced a couple of trillion! :)

  18. OMG Kim, you crack me up. What those chickens will lead started talking chickens it started me on a rant. I made 36 appliqued chickens several years ago, ran thru my UFOs & found them, yep there they were & all appliqued & machine stitched. I started putting them together last week-end in a quilt top...thanks to you & your chickens! :) Love the way you are keeping the economy alive, I'm doing my best too.

  19. Wow, I miss a couple days blogging and you turn the nation around!! I enjoyed reading about everything. I really like the pieces of heart patterns. The pumpkins are too cute. I will make some this weekend for sure. I had plans to clean house but guess what I think I will be sewing. I will clean tonight and the rest Fri night.. Saturday please come faster...LOL Have a great end of the week!

  20. I was just watching a video clip on yahoo that said CA was in a recession! Well,m good for you for doing your part! Lovely patterns etc... I especially like the wonky tree one! Enjoy!

  21. I love all the beautiful things you got!! I have the book That Crazy Thing you Do and made one of the quilts from it. It turned out wonderful. I love that book and can't wait to make the Cats quilt. I've been wanting to try Connecting Threads thread...let us know how you like it!

  22. I just love Spike! Her expression is priceless. She's proud to do her part for the economy, too!


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