Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More Autumn "Stuff"

Come on into my bedroom. If you were reading my blog last year around this time, you've probably seen most of it already and can continue on to the next blog on your blog roll if you want, but if you're a new friend, and especially if you're a quilter, you'll probably want to take the tour.

See that computer monitor over in the corner? That's where I'm sitting right now. And see the side of the bed closest to you? There's a big old lump in it now--it's Hubby trying to go to sleep! Shhhhh!

So, anyway, that's the quilt I put on my bed in the fall. It started out as a BOM by Kansas Troubles, but before long, I found myself adding my own applique designs in the border and extending the original borders to fit a king size bed. This is Hubby's favorite quilt, I think. And it's finally cool enough at night to be able to get this heavier quilt out. Autumn--even if it still seems like summer in the middle of the day here, the cooler night and morning temperatures tell me the seasons are changing.

A couple years ago, I pieced the panels above the bed to match the quilt. Nifty, huh?!

And about a year after that, I pulled out all my leftover scraps and made the valance.

See those wooden shutters on the window sill? Those were from the thrift store. Did I show those to you before? I can't remember. I had a third, slightly taller one that I used on top of the entertainment center in the living room--I think it's in yesterday's photos. [Editor's Note: Nope, not in yesterday's photos--I'll have to get a photo to share.] Hubby worries that someone is going to peek in the bedroom window--which is in our back yard--so I thought if I put those shutters up, he wouldn't worry so much. I think he's afraid someone will see us naked and sue for emotional distress. Or go blind. Or laugh so long and so hard he can't breathe. I think I still want to do something to the shutters though--maybe add garland or decorations of some sort to brighten them up a little. Maybe I'll just tape a photo of a face to the back side looking in and freak Hubby out a little. I guess it will depend on my mood. Which reminds me--did you know the moon's full tonight?

Then there's this quilt that's very special to me. My online group did a Halloween block challenge one year--everyone who wanted to enter made a block, and we voted on our favorite. My good friend Eileen won--she made the block near the center with the barn and the pumpkins. I was soooo envious because all the blocks were wonderful! Well, she pieced the quilt and hand quilted it and gave it to me as a Christmas gift the following year. Isn't she a sweetheart?!

Time for my beauty sleep. Crawling under that quilt and getting into bed sounds mightly inviting! Goodnight Blogland friends! Goodnight big old lump! Goodnight Moon!


  1. Thanks for the bedroom tour. Your shutters look suspiciously like the ones I gave to Goodwill awhile back. The wall hanging is so cute. Your friend Eileen is a friend indeed! Which block did you make?

  2. Nice pictures, Kim, I can see you really were working this weekend.
    That quilt looks good on the wall.
    Ffor Julie, Kim made the block next to mine and I did keep the quilt for a whole year. Bbut she kept moaning about it. You know her. and the way she decorates it was better in her house than mine. She's a super friend also.

  3. Wow, your valances are great! Well actually the whole room is. =) My friend Kristie sent me the link because I'm in the process of making quilt blocks for the valances in my sewing room..but man I never thought about putting them on point. They might have to end up in our bedroom too!!

  4. Your room is lovely. Very peaceful and inviting.

  5. Everything looks so nice, Kim! All 'falled up'. I love your bed quilt :o)

  6. Great quilt on the bed -- you always do such a great job customizing. The colours are wonderful. And the Halloween quilt -- ah, you are lucky indeed to have a group of folks who made the quilt and then the special friend to give it to you. Happy Fall, Y'all!

  7. Great quilt on the bed -- you always do such a great job customizing. The colours are wonderful. And the Halloween quilt -- ah, you are lucky indeed to have a group of folks who made the quilt and then the special friend to give it to you. Happy Fall, Y'all!


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