Friday, September 5, 2008

A Couple Things . . .

Remember this little restaurant I talked about back in May? I loved the originality of the "artwork" gracing the building's exterior.

Well, I'm sad to say that about a week or so ago, the windows were boarded up and yesterday, on my way to work, I saw paint crews painting over the building. Here's how the same view of the building looked tonight.

There seems to be notice of an application for beer and wine--or maybe alcohol--sales posted outside, so presumably it will reopen, but I'm afraid it won't have the same wonderful character. I never did stop there and try the food. I think the problem may have been that it was only open for breakfast and then lunch or dinner on weekends only, and most of us commuters passed by on weekdays. I have to think that if it had been open for dinner and takeout on weekdays, it would have been much more successful. Once again, though, it's returned to a plain, boring, old box of a building. I'll keep you posted on what happens if the new owners/operators do anything to make it more interesting.

Laurie, I know you left a comment on my blog the other day and said you had emailed me, but I never did get your email. I'm guessing there's some kind of incompatibility between our computers or something. Here's an idea: Pick any one of my older posts--you have a whole lot to chose from!--and leave a comment with your mailing address. Your comment will make it into my email and I'll go back and delete your comment from my blog once I get the address. That way, you won't have a bunch of blog readers showing up at your house, expecting you to cook them a Susan Branch dinner!

Finally, I thought I'd share with you a few photos a friend sent me. I think some people have too much time on their hands!

The weekend is almost here! Wooo-hoo! If you're looking for a Day of Beauty treatment, how about this one:

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love the vegetables! Very funny!

  2. Okay...the one picture of the cellulite cream had me laughing out loud!! hahahaha

  3. What a shame about the mural being painted over. Surely the new business could have incorporated it into their sign.

    The pictures are hilarious. I like the tomatoes and cauliflower, LOL

  4. Giggle, giggle, tehetehe! Thanks for the laughs!

  5. HI Kim,
    I loved the vegetables- there is a very cute children's book that is called How are you Peeling? and it is full of vegetable illustrations like the ones that you have shown.
    It is too bad about the mural- the mural had real character.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!