Monday, September 22, 2008

Anything But Lazy Sunday

Sunday's over and I'm plumb tuckered out, but I feel I got everything accomplished I was hoping for.

FINALLY I got all of my summer dishes and decorations put away. Some of you asked where I store everything. I have a couple cupboards in my daughter's former bedroom where I store most of it. We also have an area in the rafters in the garage where we can store some things, but mostly we store Christmas up there. Of course, I can't put anything up there that might melt or be breakable, and Hubby's mighty protective of "his" space, so much of it goes in the cupboards. And you'd be surprised at how much stuff I can cram into them! I'd show you a photo except I'd be terribly embarrassed!

Along with getting everything put away, I cleaned house, so now I can face the work week knowing that everything here at home is as it should be--and I'll enjoy coming home to it at the end of the day.

That wooden tray I bought thrifting? It's now decoupaged. Have a peek:

I have two loaves of zucchini nut bread baking in the oven right now. I'll take at least one loaf to work tomorrow and serve it, with whipped cream cheese, on the new Halloween tray. And that reminds me: I really need to get a photo or two of my "decorations" at my desk--although it's more restrained than my home, my cubicle is decorated for fall too. In fact, a couple of the gals who sit in my part of the building are planning to decorate their areas a little bit in the next month too. I'm looking forward to everyone getting into the act!

Finally, the quilt I've been working on. I know some of you thought I was working on the Thimbleberries panel, and that was my original idea when I went to the quilt shop on Friday and bought it, but as I was checking out, I looked up and spotted a Jack O'Lantern quilt. I loved it and I knew I could do something similar fairly quickly--and I already had all the fabrics I'd need (mostly Thimbleberries except for a couple of the orange pumpkins). So, here it is:

I'm not quite done quilting it, but it's pretty close. I think I really just need to quilt the outside border, trim the quilt, and add the binding unless I decide I need to add any more quilting to the center.

It's nearly time to get the zucchini bread out of the oven--I think there's just enough time to change into my jammies. I hope you've had a productive and happy weekend! I'm glad you could stop by!


  1. Omigosh, that is so CUTE!! I assume you drew up the faces yourself? Surely you didn't hand applique all that just since Fiday night. Please say it's machine appliqued. I know I'm slow, but jeez, that would take me longer than two days. Just adorable!!

  2. you certainly were productive! good for you!!! I on the other hand..did NOT clean my house LOL...but I have a cleaning crew(yes crew there are always atleast 2 or 3) that come today. I am hoping to do my fall decorating this week....whew so much to do so little time.

  3. Cute little jack-o-lantern quilt and my mouth actually watered and I swear I could smell your zuccini bread cooking. Wish I could stop by for a slice. Yummy!

  4. That is so cute! I am not too crazy about witches and such at Halloween, but I do love the jack-o-lanterns and corn candy.

  5. Very cute pumpkins~ you were busy this weekend. Have a great week and I look forward to "Frugal Friday" :)

  6. cute! love the star border fabric. i'm just finishing up one similar

  7. Kim - this pumpkin lover thinks your quilt is adorable! I'll be adding another one like this to my list (which is getting HUGE) of pumpkin-quilts-to-be-made!

  8. Can't say much else than what the others have said. That pumpkin quilt is soooo cute. Their faces are adorable.

    Nice tray, lucky people at work. I know how good that Zucchinni bread is.

  9. How'd you know? Zucchini Bread is my favorite. Don't think I wouldn't make the two-hour trip to have some, 'cause I would!! Hide it now.

  10. oh those pumpkins are just toooooooooooooo cute! and is there any of that bread left???? please????

  11. Great pumpkin quilt. Love the fabrics. Now I have a hankering for some zuccini bread :-)!

  12. This quilt is just so adorable! It makes me want to go searching for all my orange fabric. Absolutely, please post directions!


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