Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Moment You've Been Waiting For . . .

Okay, let's have a drawing for the Schnibbles X-Rated pattern! (Just the pattern shown--not the fabric.) You know the drill--leave a comment saying you want it and I'll add you to the drawing. I'll draw a winner's name late Friday night and post the name on Saturday's blog post.

I'm feeling tired and very lazy tonight--no sewing or Olympics for me; just a good book, an inviting bed, and my beauty sleep. Our weather has been wonderful the last two days--highs in the high 70s/low 80s and cooler evenings and mornings that are perfect for sleeping. I have no idea what I'm missing on the Olympics tonight and it's probably best that way--otherwise, I'm sure I'd be tempted to watch!


  1. You can never have too many patterns so please count me in! Thanks!!

  2. I would love that pattern. I love your version of the quilt, too. :)

    Please enter me in your draw.

  3. Oh Kim I love this pattern, its a quilt I would love to make.
    Love your version, you were brave to use that black and white polka dot for the background!
    oh and thanks for the laughs about the Wild child...better you than me!!!!! not sure I could handle her adventures !!!!!

  4. Well I guess you missed a gold medal for the Dutch, shame on you! You better look stunning today after that beautysleep...:)
    And besides: since I broke my toe I've been "x-rated" twice; that should count for something!! Put my name in the bowl please..

  5. Yes, yes - I want it - lol ! I love this pattern and love your version of it. Please stick my name in the hat xx

  6. I love patterns... and was looking at this one yesterday. What a sweetie you are. I know it will find a wonderful home here in Pennsyvlania with me.


  7. Ooooh, pick me, please!!! Oh, and you missed Shawn Johnson finally getting her gold - on the beam!!

  8. Uh-huh...yes ma' doubt about it...I want it!

  9. I love this little pattern. Not sure I would be able to get it done as quickly as you...but would love to try...

  10. Now who wouldn't love to have that cute little pattern.

    Linda Z

  11. Your X-rated quilt looks great. I definitely would love to have an entry in your giveaway.

  12. I would love to be included in your giveaway. Love the blog. Makes me smile daily.

  13. Oh boy, I have been seeing this on the blogs lately. I would like to be included in the drawing.

  14. Ooh, throw my name into the hat. I think that this a great little quilt.

  15. KIm,

    I want it! Lizzie from Chico

  16. Kim - I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now, alhtough this is the first comment I've left.

    Love your stories of your adventures, quilting,t hrifting and otherwise :-)

    Please put my name in the hat for the X Rated pattern - loved your black polka dot background choice!

    Lompoc, CA

  17. Beam me up Scottie.....opps, I mean sign me up!!! Yep, the Olympics are about to due me in, but I love watching them. I am so behind on my sleep. Yeah, for cooler weather.

  18. By all means count me in, and your choice of the black polka dot fabric was oh so right!

  19. What's better than cool weather at last? A giveaway! LOL - throw me in, as long as I don't have to send the coolness away......

  20. Oh, like I need another pattern, but go ahead and throw my name in too! I guess you can't have to many Miss Rosie's!

    By the way, you sucked me into finding and purchasing all of the Thimbleberries Hometown Christmas books/patterns. You naughty girl, such an evil influence! ROFLOL

  21. me me me, ohhhh pick meeeeeee!!!! I ave no Miss Rosie patterns.

  22. Kim,
    Count me in on the drawing. I like this pattern a lot. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I enjoy your blog immensely and visit it regularly.


  23. I am feeling lucky! I have been wanting to make this pattern! Please put me in the mix.
    Thanks for a great suggestion for fabric... I think it would make up good in this pattern.

  24. Ooooh---I want it! I want to make it right now.

  25. Count me in! Would love this one. Very cute :o) Get some sleep! lol

  26. Hi Kim,
    oh, I'd love to win, so please count me in...the Schnibbles patterns are just gorgeous...and the job you've done on your own version is just stunning.
    Cheers, Julia

  27. What a pretty pattern and I get a chance to win it. Please count me in.


  28. Count me in, I am a pattern collector!


  29. I would love the pattern too. I am so inspired by the black version you did.
    Last night you missed some track and gymnastics but you were smarter to go to bed.
    (Oh so sleepy)

  30. There's something on my blog for you. Go check it out....

  31. Kim put me in your drawing. Really like the pattern.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. I love that pattern! Count me in - also must say, I love reading your blog! So entertaining, and your quilts are stunning!

  34. It's a beautiful pattern - please add me to your drawing.

  35. Oh, yes, pleasae enter me as well. It's such a great idea to give these away when ou are finished using them. Makes room for new patterns. And that is always needed!

  36. Kim, I would love to have a chance to win this pattern. I really like how you did yours with the black polka dot fabric.

    Carol L.

  37. Love your quilt and your whole blog. Please enter my name in your drawing. The portugal fabric is one I have been wanting........Thank you

  38. I love your Schnibbles pattern. I love it so much and what you did with it that I went out and bought the black and white polka dot fabric today but couldn't find Portugal yet.
    Nancy in WI

  39. Gee, I'd be interested. Count me in the drawing. Thanks. Michael Phelps wanted me to tell you that he'll be missing you...

  40. Love the pattern! I already have the Portugal fabric. I could make a quilt like yours if I won the pattern.

  41. You didn't miss much at the Olympics at all really.....there was a game of softball to see who gets to play the US for gold....which went on for ages but was eventually won by Japan....I went to bed part way thru the basketball where the US gave us Aussies....well lets just say the US won...LOL.....good luck to all the people in the draw....don't put my name in tho...I have way too many things on the go now and wouldn't like to deprive someone of a pattern they may use straight away.....

  42. I've been waiting for this pattern. Can I send you my address?

  43. I love that pattern... Thank you for sharing with us... I can just imagine it on my design board.

  44. Would love to win the pattern and make this quilt. So cute! Thanks!

  45. Would love to make that cute little quilt so please put my name in your hat. :-) Thank you so much!

  46. Kim, I love your blog and would love to be entered in the drawing for the pattern.

  47. Lovely pattern - please count me in for the drawing if I'm not too late - love your blog btw - it always makes me smile - we must have a very similar sense of humour :o)))

  48. would love to have this great pattern
    thanx for the chance
    Pam B

  49. well count me in! I did stay up totally too late watching of all things, motocross. okay the nephews were enthralled and I was enthralled watching them. the best part was the wipe out- the guy wasn't really hurt, in case you think I'm a big meanie. ;-)

  50. I'd love to win that pattern. Please put me in the drawing. I read your blog every day and really enjoy it and love your sense of humor. I'm amazed and inspired by how much you get done!

  51. I will try this again.. LOL at work when I read blogs during lunch I can't leave comments because the verification codes won't show up .. makes me mad.. anyway would love to make that pattern.. I can see it on my design wall partly pieced with fabric choices... thanks for sharing love your blog...
    Kim ;)

  52. I would love to win this pattern. I like your choice of background fabric, very cute.

  53. what a great bunch of goodies! would love to try out the Xrated pattern.

  54. Hi Kim,
    I would love to enter your contest for the pattern- yours turned out so great that I just might want to make it too- Maybe it will be my lucky day ..
    What a nice thing to do, Kim..

  55. Yep I want to do that pattern in Fig and Plum by FigTree quilts and Moda...I have tons of Portugal fabric for another quilt so I am smitten with that too!! You do great quilt lay outs and are very inspiring! Thanks

  56. I'd love to have the pattern - I'm a big fan of Miss Rosie quilt patterns. Yours is awesome.

  57. Please count me in one the drawing for Schnibbles. Thanks - Wendy in Des Moines

  58. i am new to blogging. But I do know you are a country loft fan. I live in san diego & probably out at the loft every week sometimes twice. I do not drive due to epilepsy & I take the trolley out. My favorite is Joann. But I think her sister Kathy is wonderful.
    The country loft quilt show & sew for a cure is this weekend(saturday). your blog said leave a comment so that i am doing.

  59. Yeah - someone else who watches the olymipcs but if i had a quilt pattern called x rated i don't think the olympics would be on the agenda.

  60. Would love to be included in the drawing for the pattern.....more inspiration!

  61. Please count me in for the drawing. What a fun give away!

  62. Have you ever thought of designing patterns? I know you'd turn out some wonderful designs.

    I'd like to be in the drawing for the pattern, but I don't have much of a chance. 1 in 64! (or more)

  63. Hi Kim. Please enter me in the drawing. I love that Xrated pattern. Thanks. Have a great week-end!

  64. Please add me to the drawing. I've been looking at that pattern at the Fat Quarter shop.

  65. ohmigosh, I totally want that x-rated pattern!!! Too cute!!!!!

  66. please add me.
    i just came across your blog today.
    nice blog.

  67. LOL I wasn't sure what to think when I saw Xrated! Okay - my bad! Cute quilt pattern!
    Good luck to all!

  68. yep would love to win that pattern, please count me in. Love the applique your are doing, very very nice. Happy stitching
