Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Feeling Quite Rosie!

One of my blogging and internet friends, Carol, sent me a little surprise the other day. (By the way, if you haven't already, check out this apron she made that won her third place in the Fat Quarter Shop's contest in April--you KNOW I love aprons! What a talented gal!) Carol very sweetly thought of me during a recent button-poking expedition--here's what she sent:

Figgy Pudding! This is a new Schnibbles pattern using Minick and Simpson's just-out Winter line, but I may make mine with the Thimbleberries Christmas line--I haven't decided yet. Thanks again Carol! I love it!

Inspired by Carol, I went on a little button-poking expedition of my own, and my little special delivery arrived today:

Yep, two more Schnibbles patterns and another larger Miss Rosie pattern. Very cute stuff, I'm thinking! So you have more Schnibbles pattern giveaways to look forward to! Of course, I'll need to get busy making these so I can pass them on. I think I'm addicted!

And speaking of addictions, I have a sad confession to make, but before you read further, you have to promise not to tell my Hubby, okay? (Kath? Don't tell your brother!) My screen saver on my office computer runs a slide show of photos I've downloaded. Most of the photos are of quilts, but I have a few other photos I've downloaded for one reason or another. As I was on the phone today, this photo flashed by:

See those patriotic plates on the middle shelf of my hutch on the right side? The ones with the stars around the rims? I don't know where they are, and I forgot I even had them! ARGH! Hubby's been telling me for years now that I have too much cr*p!, but I keep telling him that it all serves a purpose and I know exactly what I have. I guess I was wrong. (Shhhh!) But I think I'm going to blame it on the Boy Child, because my main repository for seasonal decorating "stuff" is the cupboard of the room he's now occupying, and I didn't think he'd still be here by the 4th of July. Are you buying that? Well, to tell you the truth, I don't really keep many plates in that cupboard, so it's probably a pretty lame excuse. Frankly, I think they're someplace in the kitchen. I can't believe I forgot about them!

Just before the Boy Child moved back home, I had started doing a little reorganizing. The Boy Child should be moving out next week; I guess I have my work cut out for me after that, sorting and organizing. It's going to be a long summer!


  1. Love the patterns! (and the apron, checked your friends blog).
    Husbands don't need to know everything; he probably doesn't know you have these plates and if you find them, he won't notice that they surfaced again. That's the way things go over here *lol*
    Oh, on the news here yesterday (it's that important that we have it on our 8 o'clock news!) In the US 6000 (!) starbuck stores are closing down. Seems that along with rising gass prices, $4 for a Latte is too much for you all. Hope yours stays open!

  2. Well, heck! I didn't know I was no reply! I fixed that. Love the Figgy Pudding pattern.

  3. You'll find the plates when you are looking for the Christmas plates that are lost! LOL! Have a great Fourth!

  4. Enjoyed reading through your last couple of posts. I think your china cabinet is so neat - love the things you have on display. You did not say when your birthday is this month, so I will just wish you a Happy Birthday now.

  5. Kim, I'm glad you like the Figgy Pudding pattern. I'll make mine with the Winter Fabrics and we'll compare quits with each other. Thanks for the nice compliment on my apron. Speaking of aprons, I have a great idea for another apron, maybe I'll make it this weekend. I hope you find those plates. Happy 4th of July.

  6. I love those plates. You need to FIND them!!! And hurry the day is half gone!!!

  7. Hope that you find those plates in your house someplace. I give things to the DAV Thrift Store after a time and have been known to see my old treasures in there and buy them back because I liked them more than I thought at the time I was cleaning and weeding out. Your plates are really nice and that twig chair, why do i never find anything like that here?


  8. Love all those patterns! Where do you get them??? don't think I can count on winning yours!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!