Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Binding, Not Blogging

I thought I'd post a quick note to let you know that I'm concentrating on binding the hollyhock quilt tonight. Last night I stayed up late until I finished the quilting, and if I stay on the same pace I've established with the binding, I should be done by around 1 a.m. Woooo-hoooo!

I took a photo of the quilt--before binding--to show you a bit more of what it looks like. Silly Spike had to get in the photo! If you have a cat in your family, you already know how they love new quilts!

Thanks for stopping by--I hope to have a little more time to chat tomorrow night--unless I'm so tired by then I can't keep my eyes open! And sometime in the next day or two, I'll try to get a better photo of the quilt, all finished and on our bed.


  1. Congrats on the finish Kim...the Thimbleberries group is going to flip.

  2. That is a pretty quilt!!!

  3. That quilt is just the cutest thing. Did you say it was your own design?

  4. Great quilt, Kim! And a great finish. I have been getting ready for company so there is no sewing for me. :(

  5. It looks great! I can hardly wait to see it finished.

  6. It looks fabulous -- no wonder your kitty wanted to have a good look!

  7. Your quilt is georgeous! Cleo understands Spokes need to lay on it and sends a hello.

  8. And ooops sorry, I mispelled Spikes name. Must be the after affects of that bottle of Woop Woop wine I had last night. :)

  9. Your quilt is so cute, I love the picket fence border. I'm sure the binding will take all evening, but won't it be great to have it done for TB club.

  10. Looks fabulous! I really like it :o)

  11. Love this quilt........what pattern or book is it from? Elaine


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