Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What Next?

Do you ever get to a place where you've finished up your immediate goals and aren't sure what to do next? Having finished the 4th of July quilt and that little Americana panel to hang in the kitchen, I'm at that place. I have a couple of applique projects "in progress" (including the cherries quilt) and uncounted quilt tops wanting to grow up to become "real" quilts. I have fabrics and patterns galore! I have tiny shrunken wool sweaters and thrifted purse handles waiting to become purses. Goodness knows I have plenty of non-quilting crafty projects, not to mention my new ambition of learning to crochet! So what's next?

To tell you the truth, I'm kind of drawn to the Schnibbles patterns, but then there's a quilt top I want to quilt too. What should I do?

How do YOU decide which project to start next? In my world, the choice is often determined by what I "need" to give away, show to a group, or decorate with. With that criteria in mind, I my next two projects SHOULD be a Schnibbles pattern made in blue and white fabrics and quilting that quilt top I mentioned. I "need" a blue and white quilt because once 4th of July is past, I'll probably want to put away the patriotic stuff and get out my blue and white plates and things.

And that quilt top? My Thimbleberries group will get together for a "camp" in August or September and swap a simple block--I used the same blocks in my quilt top and I'd like to show the other gals what can be done with them when the next Thimbleberries meeting rolls around in July.

I also have the Christmas List BOM--I think I'll continue to take that project with me to work on during my lunch hours. Of course, in order to get anywhere with that plan, I'll probably have to stop going to Goodwill nearly every day--my new addiction! But if I don't get some sewing done soon and stay out of the thrift store, I'll have to change the name of my blog to Kim's Big Thrifting Adventure. Or, quite possibly, Kim's Big Poor House Adventure!

I thought I'd show you this thrifted find, though, since it's sewing-related.

Won't this make a dandy box for all my sewing notions? Since I began quilting, I've kept all kinds of odds and ends in a yellow plastic tool box I bought at Home Depot. I like this much better, don't you?

There are a couple problems with it though. See that piece of wood that sticks up higher than the "drawer"? Someone's quick fix at some point in its life.

Then there's the missing corner piece.

For $3.99, I decided to buy it and bring it home to ask the boy child if he could/would fix it for me. Since he's a fully-qualified cabinet refacer (is that a word?), I think he has the skills and tools he'll need to at least make it better than it is now. He looked it over tonight and said he thought he could do something. My birthday's coming up on July 23rd--that's over a month away. I think I'll tell him that's what I'd like for my birthday!

Tomorrow night, I'll probably hang out in the Sweat Shop, pulling blue and white fabrics from my stash and deciding which Schnibbles pattern to use. You know what that means, right? Once I finish piecing it, I'll have a giveaway of the pattern, so look for that in about a week! In the next couple days, I'll let you know which pattern I decide to make. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Deadlines are the things that motivate me to start/finish something......you know you have promised to make something for a school fundraiser, work raffle, birthday.......I also get really enthused to start something when I have a new pattern etc....but if I get held up in any way with it, waiting for more fabric (or having to go to work)it sometimes (a lot of times) means it sits there and seems to navigate its way to the bottom of the "to do" pile! Your thrifting spoils are excellent! I am sure your birthday present will be wonderful.....did those sewing boxes usually have hinged lids with padding? I must start going to thrift shops again...haven't been browsing for ages and your "finds" are fab!

  2. Oooh! Nice box. I was looking at a brand new one recently, there was a definate itch in my purse, but I left it behind.

    Looking forward to blue and white.

  3. I have a box like that but ot is a little inconvienent because I don't have room to put it where it can be opened up easily. Hope DS can fix it for you for your BD. So one to a blue and white.

  4. I have a box like that but ot is a little inconvienent because I don't have room to put it where it can be opened up easily. Hope DS can fix it for you for your BD. So one to a blue and white.

  5. Gee I think my DGM had one of those. Hers had a padded top that she used as a pin cushion. They are pretty large opened though. Hope DS can Git R Done for you.

    Can't wait to see the Blue & White. One of my favorite combos. And I love the Schnibbles patterns. So cute and as I always say instant gratification.

    Linda Z

  6. My problem is that I have a tendency to start a new project while I'm in the middle of working on something. Pretty soon I have little stacks of fat quarters and strips piled all over my cutting table and no room to cut anything. And I loose track of which fabric was for what project. I have one of those sewing expando thingies. It came with my first machine, a Singer, purchased back when Calif. was part of Spain!

  7. Hi, I am nearly as mad on the thrifting myself...I don't miss an opportunity-all those bargains!
    if you are looking for a pic of what your sewing caddy should look like, scroll back through my posts a bit-I bought one from my local coffee and antiques a while a go when they halved the price-gotta love something that stretches apart like that!
    And as to choosing the next project/ usually a deadline or somethinng just jumps out at me as needing to be made or I will go mad-you have to give into that!
    Hey, is pat at just one quilt a friend of yours, I feel like that's where I got the link-is she still blogging, her last post was december?
    lol Tracey

  8. My mom just picked one of these at a rummage sale. hers has legs. I think they are genius. Now I have my eyes peeled for one.

  9. I love your latest find. Really cool, I'll bet it gets fixed up really cute. I see red gingham on the top, and maybe paint the whole thing to match. hmmmm some cherries may be in order. LOL

  10. Oh that will be a perfect quilt caddy! Great stuff can fit in there. :o)

    With me, it is a deadline issue. When I have to get it done, I do. But I have quilting ADHD... I get distracted easily and move on to something else. I figure someday I will have a bunch done all at once :o)

  11. Wow Kim -- that sewing box is awesome -- rough edges and all. Be sure and post the fix-up. I have a smaller one like it that has little feet, but one of them is missing.

  12. I can't wait to see what your son does with that box. If he's as creative as you it's gonna be neat.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!