Friday, June 20, 2008

Something for Quilters

You may have seen The Quilters' Horoscope by Pauline Rogers before, but if you haven't, you might enjoy reading what she says about YOUR sign:

"A humorous compilation of character traits of quilters according to their zodiac signs. Compiled by a quilting tutor with over twenty years experience teaching patchwork and quilting and zero years writing horoscopes.

Aries - March 21 to April 20 Aries are adventurous and energetic quilters. They are forever looking for new ideas. The whole world to them is a palette of endless possibilities. Always confident, they use colour schemes that others wouldn't dare consider. Their enthusiasm can cause them to lose track of time when working on a project and they have been known to go days without sleep. Being impulsive by nature, they generally don't bother reading the instructions for designs. Of course, as far as they are concerned the patterns are just to give them more ideas. Aries have a talent for the arts and make excellent designers. They don't follow techniques; they invent them. Their quilt designs are the envy of many.

Taurus - April 21 to May 20 Taurus is the quilter who always finishes a project, as they are persistent and determined. When attending workshops or using a pattern they will follow every instruction to the letter. They can be greedy when it comes to their stash, as they know the value of material. They save every bit of scrap. However, they are warmhearted and loving to such a degree that they have given away nearly every quilt they have ever made. They are gifted artists, excelling at sewing, patchwork and quilting. The stitching in their quilts is of such high quality that their quilts will endure for eons.

Gemini - May 21 to June 21 If Gemini has been fortunate enough to discover a tutor that has guided their enthusiasm, their quilts will be imaginative and versatile. If they are self-taught quilters they will have a treasure trove of books, magazines, quilting supplies and every innovation related to quilting but they probably do not have a single finished quilt. This won't bother them though as they will convince everyone, including themselves, that this was always their plan. Being youthful they love funky projects that use bright fabrics and dazzling threads; being romantic they love traditional quilts made with soft pastels and florals; being whimsical they love the country theme and flannels; being Gemini they love it all! Being very good with words, they will likely go on to author books as experts on patchwork and quilting - having never finished a single project.

Cancer - June 22 to July 22 Cancer makes quilts to please themselves not to showcase. They do appreciate compliments on their work but being timid they aren't likely to enter a quilt in a competition. They want their quilts to be practical and comfortable and aren't likely to hang one on the wall, but actually use them on beds. Being cautious they are most likely to stick to the traditional designs. They are not likely to add decorative touches, such as trims or whatnots. They believe that quilts are naturally beautiful and do not need embellishments. They love to use dark rich colours in their quilts considering these as more practical. When they discover a quilt shop they like, they become lifetime, loyal customers.

Leo - July 23 to August 23 Being one of the most creative signs Leo quilters make wonderful masterpieces. As they are generous and warmhearted their friends and family are usually lucky recipients of their beautiful creations. They love to read all the patchwork and quilting magazines looking for ideas that they can use. They are always up-to-date on the latest crazes. Although they know quite a bit about their chosen craft and can usually discover straight away where a quilter has run into problems in their projects, they tend to be too bossy when attempting to help fellow quilters. They are great as companions to go fabric shopping with, as they know where the best deals are to be found. They are also great help in selecting coordinating material but be prepared to go along with their decisions or suffer the wrath. They don't like to waste their precious time providing opinions that get ignored.

Virgo - August 24 to September 22 Virgo is meticulous and fussy when it comes to patchwork and quilting. They never rush any project but pay scrupulous attention to every detail from cutting, to piecing, to quilting. The downside to their fastidiousness is that they always notice mistakes in other quilter's creations no matter how minor. If you want to know the exact amount of fabric required for any size quilt, ask a Virgo. They have an uncanny knack for making such calculations. Virgos tend to take up quilting at a younger age then other women. They don't have a problem balancing their lives and making time for career, partner, children and quilting.

Libra - September 23 to October 23 Easygoing and sociable Libra's are great fun to have in patchwork and quilting classes and workshops. They enjoy helping others and never turn down a request to lend a hand to pin a quilt top. Friends are very important to Libra, and they don't mind sharing their stash or tools. Unfortunately helpful Libra rarely will ask for help. They think that if they wait long enough for a problem to go away it will. Thus they end up with unfinished quilts when they do run into difficulty. Instead of finding a solution for the glitch they put it aside and move on to another project. They believe that they will be able to return to the project later and the predicament will have fixed itself. Funnily this sometimes works. You will find that a quilt designed by a Libra is always perfectly balanced.

Scorpio - October 24 to November 22 Being passionate Scorpios can be excellent quilters. When they rely on their natural intuition, they excel at choosing colour and pattern combinations. Sometimes their compulsive nature can cause problems, as they leave projects unfinished in their quest to have the latest and greatest. When they stick with a project they produce supreme work. They always must have the most up-to-minute supplies or tools and tend to be jealous of others who may possess anything more recent. They have been known to sulk if they get frustrated in their aim to be unsurpassed. Nevertheless, their desire to have the best is what drives them to produce exceptional quality work. As they possess abundant energy they can do a large amount of quilting without even needing a break for a cuppa.

Sagittarius - November 23 to December 21 Sagittarius love challenges of all kinds and will pick the most difficult quilt design to pursue. Ever optimistic they will not be deterred by complex patterns even as beginners. Their ability to tackle complicated projects with ease sometimes leads them to be tactless when faced with what they view as a simple project. However, people tend to admire Sagittarius and thus forgive their indiscretions. As it is extremely important to a Sagittarius to complete everything they start, the only unfinished project they will have is the one they are currently working on. They prefer to quilt with friends and family as a shared activity rather then as a solitary pastime.

Capricorn - December 22 and January 20 When shopping for fabric it is always wise to take a Capricorn, as they are very good at calculating the required amount needed for patterns. Being prudent and practical they will not over estimate the quantity needed and therefore are cost effective to have along, especially if you are on a budget. They are also extremely organized and disciplined. They take as much care in the storage of their stash as they do in the quality of their work. They see themselves as sensible and perform a regular clear out of supplies and materials. They are not the type to horde anything and do not own more than one type of any tool. Of course their restraint is what causes them to take an inordinate amount of time in the planning stage of a project, which they feel is of vital importance to the outcome of the finished product.

Aquarius - January 21 to February 18 Aquarius is very gifted and produce exceptionally original quilts. They are known to invent new techniques that enhance the art form. They are friendly but their independent nature leads them to prefer to spend time quilting by themselves. Although you can find them in a quilting class, they are the most likely of all signs to choose to learn from books or a video. However if you ever have a patchwork or quilting dilemma they are the kind of person that you can turn to for help and advice. They are nice and will be thoughtful when making a quilt for friends or family. They will create the quilt with careful consideration of what the individual would like.

Pisces - February 19 and March 20 Pisces are dreamers. When they quilt they usually are creating poetry. Although they are kind and make projects to bestow on friends and family they are most likely envisioning themselves snuggled beneath the very quilt they are working on. Although they can lack self-confidence their imagination and intuition makes them artistic quilters. There sensitivity can lead them to shy away from displaying their creations. Generally you will find that a Pisces has more then one project on the go and can easily manage both. Whatever they choose to work on they need a project that requires plenty of variety. Patchwork that includes embroidery or other needlework is well liked by them."

* * * * *

How accurate is yours? I'm a Leo and it's kind of scary how close it is!


  1. I'm an Aquarius and that discription is me to a "T". Scary.
    Lockport, Ny

  2. I'm a Cancer and it's absolutely me. I guess I'm that predictable!

  3. ROFLOL! I'm a Virgo and nope - not much rang true - especially the balancing part!

  4. I too am Cancer and the shyness is there, but I have quilts hanging everywhere and like it says, I would never enter a quilt in a competition. I do like my certain LQS and tend to go to a certain 3 all the time....

  5. I'm a taurus and it is pretty accurate :)

  6. I'm a Cancer but the description did not fit me at all. There is NOTHING shy or timid about me! I love to show my work too. The only part it got right was the part about making quilts to please myself.

  7. Gee four of us Cancer's. I thought Kim;s was perfect but not me. I have enternted in quilt shows. Have loads of quilts hanging on the walls. In the last few years I have been to the darker side, like the TB. So not very much like me.

  8. Gemini here, and mine is half true. I don't have a lot of quilty UFOs, although I do have a pretty good number of knitting UFOs. I either start something and finish it or have a tub of all the stuff to make a project I'm looking forward to, just haven't made the time to do it yet!

    The part that was spot-on is that I am absolutely Gadget Girl. Knitting and quilting. It's bad.

  9. was right on about me the Gemini. Thoughtful, romantic, creative, cow lover..... OH WAIT it didnt say that. .....and on and on. LOL!!!!

  10. Sagittarius - and apart from the bit about having no unfinished projects it's reasonably accurate...!!

  11. Leo...bossy...yep, that's me! ROFLOL.

  12. I'm a Taurus, and the first part - finishing every project I start - had me laughing hysterically! There is certainly a grain of truth in much of it, but that part missed by a mile for sure LOL!

  13. I am an Aquarius... wow it is sooo true! Especially about the independent part.

  14. Capricorn here, the only sentence that is true here about me is the last one?

  15. Like you. I'm a Leo and my sister is a Virgo. It got us both spot on!

  16. I'm also a cancer, and it fit me perfectly. I have never entered a quilt show and right now have no quilts hanging in my house. I do have a miniature one hanging at work. I'm really working on the shyness part though. I hae to really push myself to try not to be shy.

  17. I am a taurus and it is true, just one thing I will give away fabric if someone wants problem...but I do follow directions to a T, and I do finish what I start 99% of the time..thanks for sharing that Kim!

  18. I am a Gemini, and for the most part, it is very true. I do finish quilts from time to time, though, thank goodness! LOL!


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