Saturday, June 21, 2008

Silent Saturday

Almost, anyway! But you know I can't be completely silent! I'm hard at work on the Hat Trick quilt top and have nothing to show you yet. I was up at some abnormally crazy-for-a-Saturday time (7:30ish) and out of the house practically before sun-up (8:45 a.m.) so I could get my grocery shopping done before it got too hot (it was over 80 degrees already when I left the house). After that, my day wasn't very noteworthy, so I won't bore you with the details. I DID, though, pick up this magazine at the grocery store and it's got some good ideas. Sections on flea market (thrift store?!) finds, country cottage decor, patriotic crafts, outdoor/patio projects, etc. The only section that didn't get my creative juices flowing was the seemingly neverending one on card-making/stamping since that's one of the few things I haven't gotten involved in, but for those of you who enjoy it, I bet you'll get tingly all over. Check it out if you see it at the store.

I'll be back tomorrow with a photo of the Hat Trick quilt top. See you then!


  1. LOVE magazines - I think I have a problem, LOL. Enjoy your weekend - mine has been wonderful so far.


  2. Isn't that what a hockey player does is a hat trick? LOL!! Are you into hockey now? You do it all I swear.

  3. Sounds like you got a lot done...and got a wonderful mag. to enjoy...I like mine best in the tub!

  4. I love magazines! I haven't seen that one yet - thanks for sharing.


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