Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Elephant in the Room and Other Stuff

Remember I mentioned I had ordered a roll of batting? Well, it arrived!

When I found out this past week it would be delivered on Friday, I thought maybe I should break it to Hubby ahead of time, so we had THE TALK on Wednesday evening. "Uh, honey? Just so you know, you'll probably come home on Friday from work to find a large box of batting on the front porch." "How large?," he asked. "Uh, you know, the size of a roll of batting. I don't know exactly. 30 yards. UPS says it's 50 pounds." He actually took it surprisingly well, although he was slightly concerned I may want to store the batting in the garage. No way! There's icky stuff out there that would probably be happy to take up residence in a roll of batting!

Actually, he laughed for quite awhile, making jokes about stuff like "parking" the box in the driveway and having the Boy Child spray paint it to look like a car.

Anyway, it's here. It's in the Boy Child's former bedroom. I still don't know where I'll put it, but it's not going in the garage, nor will it be painted to look like a car. And oddly enough, Hubby was a little disappointed it wasn't LARGER. I think he was making up stories in his head to tell the guys at work about his crazy wife and what he has to put up with!

Tomorrow--Sunday--is Hubby's birthday. Poor guy's getting kinda old! I made him a paperweight using, in part, a photo of him and his older brother when they were kids. His older brother is a cop, so I couldn't resist a donut joke. Hubby loves it! I've taken a couple photos to share but none of them turned out that well--the light and/or flash seems to distort the photo more than it does in "real life," but here's one of the photos anyway:

(I've put one of the other photos in the sidebar--that one's darker; the real life one is somewhere in between.) To celebrate Hubby's birthday, we went out to dinner with his sister Kathy and our friends, Terry and Lisa, to a fabulous Chinese restaurant where we dined on the patio. The weather was wonderful except for the less-than-clear skies--the smoke from the fires wasn't as bad today as it has been, but it will be awhile before we see blue skies again.

Lisa brought birthday napkins, candles, and noisemakers (good thing we were sitting outside!) as well as a gift of yummie cookies! Kathy gave Hubby a photo of himself and Ashley, one of our dogs that had to be put to sleep last fall. At the end of our meal, the restaurant brought the birthday boy a large piece of banana cream pie, and I realized that although I had my camera with me, I had forgotten to take any photos! I kept yelling, "WAIT! WAIT!," so I could take a photo, but everyone was trying so hard not to stab each other in the hand with their forks that I don't think they paid any attention to me. But I DID manage to get a photo of a half-eaten piece of banana cream pie.

Of course we went to Starbucks after dinner. No get together would be complete without a trip to Starbucks. And since Starbucks is next to Borders, we eventually wandered into the bookstore, where I bought this:

And this:

And I also picked up these from the grocery store and the thrift store earlier today:

The thrift store one looks a little racey, doesn't it? Nothing like a hip-cocked cowboy standing over a woman on the ground, huh? Actually, the guy looks a little gay, doesn't he? Brokeback Mountain maybe?! Hubby's been reading the Dean Koontz Odd Thomas series, so I bought him the newest book, Odd Hours, for his birthday.

Thanks for all your reading recommendations! I think I'm set for awhile now, but if you think of anything else I need to read, please DO let me know! And thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Love the paperweight - what a terrific gift and a super photo to start off with - all mine and DH's childhood photos are very posed and not at all fun!

  2. Laughed about your roll of batting. I have bought whole rolls for years for the church world relief quilts. Have had up to 3 rolls on hand at one time. They can make a room seem mighty small! It takes a good push to get one into the car. One time a friend was picking up a roll for me but had to wait for the rain to stop so she could put her top down. Her car was just too small.
    Sounds like it was good party!

  3. I think buying batting by the roll is a really sensible idea.....well done...and it isn't that big....compared to.....well...compared to a car!! LOL...aren't blokes funny!! I think the prince would be happy I was buying in bulk if it was cheaper....! Happy birthday to your other half btw...hope he had a great day.....I had a productive the sewing was fantastic!!!

  4. Yummm that pie looks good. Diod he eat it all or did he share?

    What a great party. topped off by the visit to the bookstore.

  5. Great birthday gift and celebration. Looks like you have plenty of batting and books to keep you out of trouble for awhile. :)

  6. Loved the paperweight. You're so creative! I think at this point if I had a roll of batting delivered in that box, hubby would put ME out of the house.

    I LOVED the Odd books - I'm dying to read the new one, but I'm too cheap to buy it! lol Hope he enjoys it.

  7. 14 is out now?!?! guess i'll be heading to the bookstore today too lol!

    love the paperweight! as for the batting, we hang ours from the ceiling on chains and strong doweling

  8. Happy Birthday to your Sweetheart!!!!

  9. Whoo-hooo - party time for everybody, eh? What kind of batting do you get that comes in a box? I buy rolls but it just comes in a monster plastic bag that Hunny promptly nabs for trash. I have to laugh at that Brokeback Honey Horn -- ROFL!

  10. Oh yeah thats the Lynn Kurland book that made me get actual'll LOVE it :)

    The Odd series is very good, I am waiting for the library to get that one in too! Love me some Dean Koontz. xoxo melzie

  11. Those boxes are huge aren't they?? I have a heck of a time each time I try and load one in my car. I wrestle with it in the parking lot.
    Happy Birthday to hubby!!! Hope its a good one.
    Your is next!!! I'm about to pass the torch to you.

  12. That banana cream pie sure looks good! Enjoy your new reading material , let us know what they are like especially the thrift shop one. Is it risque as it looks???

  13. Looks like you have plenty of reading material to keep you busy for awhile. I always have to have a book on hand to read. I just finished 2 and need to pick up something new. After reading your comments 2 posts ago I have a new list to head out with! And boy o boy that pie sure did look wonderful! Happy belated birthday to your hub!

  14. Kim,

    Mad River Road by Joy Fielding
    See Jane Run by Joy Fielding

    She is very, very good.

  15. Have you read the FBI series by Catherine Coulter? The first one is The Cove. Very good. Mystery plus romance. Love the paperweight for hubby. Very creative idea. Thanks for sharing the picture of the pie. It makes me want to go to Marie Calendars for some lemon pie!

  16. Great buy, I have been thinking about a roll as well, drop me a line about where you sourced it from , pretty please.
    Janet's #14, has that been around for a while or is it her latest?
    The book room looked like heaven to me! Tracey

  17. Love the gift for hubby, and that pie makes me want to lick my computer screen - yummy! I like the looks of the Lynn Kurland book - I hope we get a book report when you're finished reading it.

  18. Love the quilt on the bed. The one with the stars and sailboats quilted.........or embroidered on? The quilting stands out so much.....I'm trying to figure out how you did that? It's late and I'm starting to see double so please forgive me if it's a dumb question! :D


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!