Saturday, April 19, 2008

Vacation, Day 4 - or - Weekend, Day 1?

I can't decide if I'm still on vacation or whether vacation's over and the weekend's here. Really, though, it doesn't matter as long as I'm still having fun, right? I'm not really looking forward to going back to work on Monday, but I'm not dreading it either--I've had a nice little break.

Another cherry blossom block was completed today. These are time consuming to make! I'm planning to make smaller versions for the setting triangles--probably just one blossom and two leaves, but I'll need eight of those--YIKES! I may need to take a break from the hand work again! My patriotic project is waiting in the wings whenever I need a break--maybe tomorrow.

Oh, but I DID take a little break from all the hand work today to finish making that "bag" that I mentioned yesterday.

I've found that trying to push my husband around flea markets and antique fairs in his wheelchair while holding purchases, trying to keep my purse from slipping off my shoulder, and carrying a latte is a real challenge, so I decided to make a bag to hold purchases at least. The wheelchair is something he's only been using since last summer, so we're still adjusting to the practicalities. Now, if I can only figure out how to fashion a latte/drink holder, I think we'll be in good shape! Maybe something I can hang around my neck?! Then there's the purse problem, but I'll work on that another day. At least this bag seems like it will come in handy.

Have a great weekend! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Here's an idea for your flea market shopping days...

    Kim's Cup Holder

  2. That's a great idea! Something like that would be good for strollers, too.

    As for the purse problem... a lot of people carry around their waist, what they used to call, "fanny packs". It's a zippered pouch that could be any size you need that would hold things you would need for shopping.

    Something I do is make sure my purses have handles that will go across my shoulder and across my chest. My hands are free, and my purse doesn't hurt my shoulder and keep falling off.

  3. My sister is in a wheelchair too and I agree, they need to have luxury versions, like cars with all the bells and whistles, right? You could pour your latte into a flask and drink it that way! LOL

  4. that is one big bag, obviously you plan to make a lot of purchases! Perhaps you should get one of those hats with holders for drinks and straws that go from the drinks to your mouth.......... Very stylish I'm sure

  5. I think you could get one of those hats for your head that have a straw that goes down to your mouth. It's for beer but should work fine for a latte. LOL!!! Greaet bag by the way. Love the cherries quilt. It's gonna be so pretty.

  6. The cherry blossom quilt is a real winner! Love it.

  7. Kristie had the same idea I had the Starbuck's - dang!
    What a great bag for the chair - you can carry a lot of flea market finds in that bag.
    Your cherry quilt is turning out so beautifully, Kim! I would say you definitely had a wonderful mini-vacation!

  8. What a really, really, really(!) great bag! Soooo much nicer than the 'nasty' ones youu get from the wheelchair distributers. You'll have to print a pattern, lol! I could do with one for my little Angels mini wheelchair.

  9. what a great idea I am going to make one for my wheelchair! I found a cupholder!! they need to have the luxury will make us wheelchair users want to use them more!

  10. what a great idea. i love the fabric you used! for your purse, what if you sewed some kind of strap with a clip to hold your purse handles. i wish i could draw for you what is in my head. kinda like a hook to hang it from i guess.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!