Monday, April 7, 2008

Put on Your Sunglasses . . .

and grab yourself a margarita. You guys asked for it, so here it is! The working title is Bad Cherry Tequila. Or maybe Cherry Tequila Hangover.

And I have to tell you that for once, the photo looks better than the quilt top in "real life"!

I knew when I was piecing it that it was awfully busy, and I think if I had used one constant fabric in the hourglass blocks--like maybe the black I used for the background of the cherries--with the other fabrics, it would have calmed it down a bit. But the pattern itself called for scrappy fabrics and I was trying to stick to the pattern as much as possible. Still, by the time I got a pile of the hourglass blocks made and up on the wall, I knew it was waaaaaay too chaotic, so I thought maybe simpler corner blocks would help--and they did a little bit but not enough, I think. I've also been thinking that a plain outside border using one of the fabrics might help, but I hate to use more of this cute fabric in this project right now. So I think I'll hold off for awhile until I can get around to making the other quilt top I want to make with this fabric line and then I'll see what I have left--maybe I can rework this project a little bit so I'm happier with it.

And here's a peek at the cherry blocks I'm making for my other--main--cherry quilt project. I only have three made so far and I'll need nine of these and then four more on a blue background.

I'm using a Valdani variegated perle cotton for the stems and I think I may want to stitch a double line to make them a little thicker. I only have one ball of the perle right now, though, and the Valdani perle is hard to get ahold of. I've put an order into an online shop, but the owners are attending a couple of stitching shows this month, and there's no telling when my order will be filled and delivered. So I'll just keep going along with the single stems for now and see how far I get with what I have.

At least it's a much calmer project to work on. Until we visit next time, I'll just be sitting here in full lotus position with my back to that cherry tequila nightmare, chanting "ooooooom" and stitching away.


  1. Oh how CUTE! I love this! Turned out so great...what a nice way to bring in spring/summer too...a nice BRIGHT warm quilt!

  2. I have to admit, I like the newer cherries much better - but any excuse for a Margarita can't be all bad LOL!

  3. Oh, Kim, Why did you make that quilt? Not you at all. I'm sure you will rework it and get it calmed down. What were you making that for? the kitchen. Maybe for summer.?

    Love the little cherries.

  4. Kim, you never follow patterns. You always change them up and make them your own. But I do know one thing you will get it just the way you want it in no time. I love the new cherries on the yellow/cream background.

  5. Holy moly! You really were not kidding, were you? It definately has a "south of the border" feel to it - only with cherries thrown in. Cherry Margarita?

    Love the new cherry design...much more laid back!

  6. Ole!!! Bring on the party, I mean the Fiesta. Love the cherries!

  7. I think it's pretty. Maybe if you quilt it you will like it better. All quilt tops look better once they are quilted.

    I love the new cherry design. I can't wait to see the rest!

  8. Okay, so you were serious. Yeah, it's totally the hourglass blocks that caused the problem. Live and learn...

    So, what's with the cherry theme anyway?

  9. Miss Kim! It's wild and cool!!! You must think outside your box and Ooooommmmm some more and you will love it. Look at Kaffe Fasset (sp?) -- he throws wild fabrics everywhere -- you're a star in the making!

  10. I think the Cherry Tequila looks just fantastic! I Love it!!! Would look great either on the wall or on a table, especially with Cinco de Mayo around the corner. Great colors! You did a great job!

  11. Holy frijoles, Batman! That is one bright quilt! I LOVE it, and no, I haven't had one single shot of tequila! I feel like doing the Mexican hat dance - OLE!! It's fun and happy.
    I am also loving the calm and quiet cherry blocks, too. You are a talented girl, Kim, no matter what you create!

  12. Love it love it love it -- but then, I've always had a special place in my heart for cherry tequila and the colorful hangovers!

  13. It may be busy but I really LOVE it!

  14. I LOVE IT!!! It is not ugly at all. So bright and summery. I can just see it under a shade tree, all spread out, with a picnic or a great book for a lazy summer afternoon.
    Great job!
    I like the new cherries too.

  15. Oh, the Cherry Tequila is SUPER AWESOME! I love it being busy. It's perfect like that. :) The other cherry blocks are coming together very nicely, too. Can't wait to see what you do with those! :)

  16. Hi Kim, I have to say, I really like the bright new those broken dishes blocks, and the applique in the center is very nice.
    I didn't see an email addy in your profile, so I'll leave my questiom here, and hope you find it...*VBS* How are you coming with the Marjorie book? Has anyone requested to read it after you? If not, please email me at and I will send you the addy to return it to Carol E.
    Thanks so much and keep up the great work. Hugs, Finn

  17. Hey, fun and happy! That is a really different take on cherries... try a plain border and I think you will like it more :o) Maybe in the gold?

    Love the new blocks too. Can't wait to see your pattern and what it looks like.

  18. Let me get my sunglasses on. Be right back........... Ok, that's better. WOW!!!! Ok, let me grab a shot of tequila..............Ok, I'm back. ROFLOL!!!! It's really not that bad come on. It's shall we say, very colorful. LOL!!!!

  19. I LOVE the cherry tequila nightmare!! I think it looks fantastic. Can't wait for my cherry/crow fabric to arrive although I didn't order as much as you. My husband didn't understand why I needed it in the first place!!

  20. what if you took the hourglass blocks apart and just used a border of single hourglass alternated with the black fabric to calm it down? I think it has potential. the colors are great. your eye just doesnt know where to go.
    Dawn in MA


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!