Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Good Weekend

Sadly, what turned out to be a nice weekend is now drawing to a close, and it's back to work again tomorrow. On Friday night, I mentioned that I had a couple possible ideas about how I wanted to spend my quilting time over the weekend, so I thought I'd show you what I ended up doing.

For now, I'm holding back on revealing the project so I can surprise you when it's done. Well, that and the fact that I haven't really worked out the details in my mind yet! In any event, this weekend I decided to work on the patriotic quilt. First I made eight of these stars:

Every now and then, I like to sew up the "waste" pieces cut from flying geese blocks and make up half square triangles. That's what I decided to do with the waste from these stars.

Once I got done squaring them all up, I made eight more, smaller stars:

So, that part's done, and I'll probably put this project aside for now and go back to working on the cherries--I think I'm ready for a little hand work again.

Today my husband and I went to a local monthly antique fair--it was great! This was the first time we'd been, although I had heard a little about it. I'll tell you more about it and show a couple photos tomorrow.

While I was busy sewing this weekend, my husband re-worked his pot man. He needed a couple repairs and my husband had come up with a few improvements he wanted to make anyway.

Didn't he turn out cute? The butterflies/dragonflies on his head, hand, and toe are new additions.

And speaking of cute, have you seen the Christmas Thimbleberries line yet? It's supposed to hit the quilt shop shelves in May and I've gotten my pre-order in already. I was able to see the sales rep samples about a month ago, and I really like this one!

I hope you had an equally enjoyable weekend! Thanks for visiting with me!


  1. I'm liking the blocks and your cherry blocks too. Pot man is a riot.
    The new fabric line is nice but I'm hoping to resist. :)

  2. I don't know how you get so many quilts finished!!! You are sooooo speedy!!! I love the patriotic project you are working on....

  3. What a cute garden man! I love him...and your blocks turned out wonderfully.

  4. Oooh I love those star blocks, can't wait to see what these turn into! Hubby did a great job on sprucing up potman...what a hoot!

  5. love your pot man! and that Thimbleberries fabric is beautiful! love your star blocks too

  6. Wowie, great star blocks! Potman is a cutiepie...would love to have one in my garden!

  7. That pot guy is sooooo cute. Talented hubby there. Love your star blocks can't wait to see what your doing with them. I know it'll be good whatever it is.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!