Friday, April 25, 2008


This past work week has been a nice one--I wish EVERY week could be Staff Appreciation Week! Today was particularly lovely since our office closed at 1 p.m. and we all went to lunch at one of the nicer restaurants in town. I took a couple photos on the drive to the restaurant.

Can you see that silver guy? In front of the store with "home accessories"? Too bad I didn't have time to stop--he would have made an interesting conversation piece in my living room, don't you think? I wanted to zoom in a bit, but the light turned green so I snapped the picture and stepped on the gas.

A brief glimpse of the state capitol in passing. (No AH-NOLD to be seen though!)

After lunch, I left the restaurant a little after 3:30. By the time I retrieved my car from valet parking and drove across town through Friday work commute traffic, I arrived home at 4:15, which is at least two hours before I normally do--what a nice start to the weekend!

In fact, I managed to finish cleaning house (which I had started in the morning before work), gave our older cat a bath (she kinda had a little, ummm, "accident" and needed a little assistance), got these babies into the ground--

took care of some email correspondence, and took my own bath, all by 7 p.m.! Now my "chores" are done and I'm ready to spend the weekend "playing" in the Sweat Shop. Hey, I even got a jump on my Day of Beauty routine--my legs are shaved smooth as a baby's behind!

I love weekends! I hope you have some fun planned for yours!


  1. Good Morning,
    Enjoyed your blog so much this morning. I had not read the last cocuple of post and the Purina Dog story gave me a good laugh. Thanks for starting my day off with a smile.

  2. Girlfriend, you are SET UP! Have a great wonderful sweaty weekend - I can't wait to see what emerges on Sunday!

  3. I want to know what the blue things are behind the tomato plants. Looks like you have Christmas lights on them.
    Better watch trying to take pictures while you're driving. I think that is almost as bad as talking on your cell phone. LOL

    Nice pictures, Kim sorry about your injuries in this dangerous hobby

  4. Those are impressive injuries Kim!
    How on earth did that happen while quilting? Couldn't be a between size 12 attacking is it?
    Your life is quite interesting lately: meeting god ánd a silver guy all in 2 days..wauw!

  5. You have been a busy girl! I need a little 'staff appreciation' but alas, I work for a hospital through my own home. Hmm.... maybe a massage from the hubby? Nahh..

  6. Sounds like you had a great start to your weekend. Hope you get lots done playing in the sweat shop.

    Hugs - Karen

  7. Love the silver guy - how cool is that? Hooray for you to get sooooo much done - even shaving your legs - so you can spend the weekend doing whatever your crafty heart desires.


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